Just because I loved you so much at the time - published

Chapter 260: People on the Embarrassing Way 1

Chapter 260: People on the Embarrassing Way 1
"What?" Shu Rao's face turned pale.

At this time, Xiao Jiang, the guard who sent the little devil, said, "Sister-in-law, don't listen to her, Brother Lou Yi just suffered a slight injury, it's fine!"

Shu Rao clutched the apron tightly, not knowing who to trust, took a deep breath, lowered her voice, and asked as calmly as possible, "What's going on?"

Before the guard could speak, the little devil said first, "I heard from Wang Xiaoming that his grandfather is Commissar Wang. Commissar Wang must be right. Dad was injured in Inner Mongolia. He won't let them tell the family. Especially not telling us two!"

When Shu Rao heard this, his heart turned cold, he must be seriously injured!

"Sister-in-law, don't worry, brother Lou Yi is really fine, I've inquired about it just now, his arm is injured, it's not serious!"

Shu Rao nodded stiffly, but she couldn't let go of her heart.

The little devil sent the guard away, saying that he would stay in the cake shop to sleep with her tonight, and the guard comforted them several times before leaving.

As soon as the guard left, the little devil immediately put down her backpack, rushed into the counter, took some cakes and puddings, packed them up and stuffed them in, "Girl, hurry up and get ready, let's go right away!"

"Go, go?" Shu Rao was still a little overwhelmed.

"Yes! Let's go see Dad!"

The idea of ​​the little devil caught Shu Rao's heart, and she followed suit without even thinking about it. She dug out her backpack, quickly packed a little luggage, prepared food and drink, and went upstairs to tell her grandparents, of course She wouldn't talk about Lou Yi's injury, but only said that she would go to the military compound to stay with Xing Chen for two days.

In less than 10 minutes, the two of them packed their bags and rushed to the train station, panting against the cold wind.

When the train started, Shu Rao's rationality slowly returned. Was she too impulsive?She didn't figure out what was going on, so she got on the train?She didn't even know where he practiced!But if she doesn't go, she must have trouble sleeping and eating!
Just as she was thinking, her cell phone rang suddenly. She picked it up and saw that it was the landline of the military compound.

"It must be my grandma!" The little devil said firmly.

Shu Rao's nerves immediately tensed up again, fearing that he had heard some bad news, he picked it up nervously, and it turned out to be Han Fengyi.

"Mom..." She changed her words after meeting her in-laws.

"Rao Rao, I just asked someone to inquire again, Lou Yi is really fine, don't worry!"

Hearing this, Shu Rao finally breathed a sigh of relief, she knew that her mother-in-law must be as worried about Lou Yi as she was, so her words must not be wrong.

"I... I know..." She couldn't help but feel a little ashamed, if she let her mother-in-law know that she is already on the train, she would be really embarrassing to death!

"Okay, there's nothing else to do, you and Xinxin go to bed early, don't be too tired!"

"Understood, Mom, you should go to bed earlier."

After hanging up the phone, Shu Rao was in a panic, what should I do now, should I continue walking, or get off at the next stop and turn around?

The little devil blinked and was a little dumbfounded.

The two looked at each other, losing their minds, but they could see the desire in each other's eyes, and they still wanted to go!
It's just that the little devil's reason became very ridiculous, and he said thugly, "Girl, I heard that the roasted whole lamb on the prairie is delicious! Have you tried it?"

Shu Rao couldn't help laughing, shook her head, "No."

"Then let's go eat!" the little devil said excitedly, with a greedy look on his face.

Shu Rao rubbed her little hairy head, feeling pity in her heart, but she is an adult after all, so she naturally thinks more, "Xinxin, if we just pass by like this, there won't be any problems, right?"

"No, I know where Dad's practice is, and then we'll find out where it is!" The little devil took out a small note in his pocket, which was said to be "military secrets" secretly copied by Wang Xiaoming in his grandfather's study. "

Shu Rao looked at the "map" and felt a little apprehensive. The drawing is messy. Are you sure?Don't get lost!

"Don't worry, girl, I've brought a compass!" The little devil took out her magic weapon from her pocket again.

Shu Rao took the compass and tried it. It was not bad. The train is now heading north, and the opposite direction is south. The pointer is pointing to the south!
She took the little devil's backpack and checked it carefully. There were knives, lighters, flashlights, etc. in it. It can be seen that this child is a master who may run away from home at any time!

The little devil grinned, and said flatteringly, "I used to have that kind of thought, but how can I be willing to leave you now?"

Shu Rao pinched her cute little face, "Okay, let's act according to the original plan!"

Cheers the little devil, long live!

Seeing the happy look of the little devil, Shu Rao couldn't help laughing, and began to fantasize in his mind, what would his reaction be when he saw them?

The train went all the way north.

The night was getting darker, but there was still some noise in the carriage.

Shu Rao frowned subconsciously as she looked at the crowded crowd in the carriage, and the brightly lit and bustling night.

Because the departure was too urgent, the tickets were bought in line at the window, so they didn't buy a sleeper berth, but only two hard seats.

She didn't care, but the little devil was a child after all, so she couldn't help but feel a little worried. She had just asked the conductor, and now there were no vacant berths, and they couldn't fill them up if they wanted to. They could only sit until dawn.

"Xinxin, are you tired?"

"Not tired!" The little devil said very energetically, his eyes were shining.

Shu Rao hugged the little devil's head and let her lean into his arms, "Don't be brave, we won't be there until tomorrow morning, go to sleep first!"

The little devil didn't do it, he was still in good spirits, and said proudly, "Girl, you underestimate me too much, I have been exercising since I was a child, with my physical strength, I can sit for thirty hours without any problem! "

The little devil was full of self-confidence, so this night, she had a lot of fun, playing game consoles for a while, eating something for a while, and playing boxing games with the children opposite her... She had a great time.

But with the passage of time, the spirit of the little devil's joy gradually weakened. By the next morning, his whole body was already wilted like a frost-beaten eggplant, and he fell asleep in Shu Rao's arms. .

Shu Rao was also drowsy, the little devil bluffed all night, she naturally had to look at her, and almost didn't close her eyes all night, she was already exhausted by now, but fortunately there were still a few hours before her arrival at the station, so she could make up for it for a while sleep.

The train continued to drive forward for a few stops, and the mother and daughter fell asleep dizzily.

I don't know how much time passed, the train flickered forward, and after arriving at a certain station, it began to slow down, the body of the car shook, and then stopped.

Shu Rao woke up suddenly, turned her head to look out of the car window, and saw the name of a certain place written on the platform, her eyes widened suddenly.

"Please, may I ask... Where is this?" She couldn't help but stammered and asked the passenger on the opposite side.

"XX City!" The passenger replied.

"Then...has City H passed?"

"It's too late, it's been two stops!"

Shu Rao was dumbfounded for a moment, they stopped by!
"Xinxin, wake up!" She hurriedly woke up the little devil.

The little devil rubbed his eyes, but he still didn't wake up, and muttered, "Let me sleep for a while!"

(End of this chapter)

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