Just because I loved you so much at the time - published

Chapter 262: People on the Embarrassing Way 3

Chapter 262: People on the Embarrassing Way 3
Shu Rao and the little devil were grateful, "Thank you!"

The two traffic policemen waved their hands. People's policemen are for the people. Besides, they are members of the military, so naturally they need to take care of them!

Shu Rao and the little devil finally came back to life, saw a little hope, and hurried into the car.

The little devil sighed in a low voice, "This is the first time in my life to ride in a police car!"

Shu Rao held back, so she didn't laugh.

Not long after, they arrived at the traffic police brigade. The captain of the traffic police brigade then contacted the army station. The soldiers at the station were surprised when they received the call. How could there be family visits at this time?Don't be a criminal impostor, right?
The little devil stomped anxiously, and asked the team leader to hand her the phone, "I'm Lou Xinxin! The year before last, Wang Xiaoming and I went to the army to steal oranges, and he was so clumsy that we were discovered! The year before last, I went to the army to catch squirrels, and picked oranges from the tree. I fell off! Last year I flew a kite, and the kite hung on a cherry tree..."

Shu Rao's head was full of black lines, this is really... too many books to write down!

"Oh, my little ancestor, it's really you!" the soldier on the other end of the phone wailed.

After proving their identities, Shu Rao and the little devil were immediately sent to the army's garrison. The distance was really not close, and the car finally arrived at the army's garrison after making many turns and turns.

Shu Rao helped the little devil out of the car, looking at the lights, he suddenly felt warm in his heart, finally arrived!It's worth the journey and twists and turns!
The soldier who greeted them was the soldier who answered the phone. He was very familiar with the little devil, and he also knew something about Shu Rao. He raised his eyes and said with a naive smile, "Sister-in-law!"

Shu Rao's face flushed slightly, a little embarrassed, but she couldn't wait to ask him, "Where's your chief of staff?"

"I'm changing the medicine!"

When Shu Rao heard it, she panicked, "Where is it, I'll go and see!"

The soldier pointed at a simple tent, and Shu Rao immediately rushed over, "Lou Yi..."

Hearing the sound, the man in the tent was slightly taken aback.

For the first time in Lou Yi's life, he realized that there was such a person in this world who made him feel happy and warm just by hearing her voice.

He turned his head slowly, and saw a slender figure rushing in when the curtain was raised.

His eyes looked at it for a moment, almost greedily.

He had just heard that she was coming, but he couldn't believe it. After all, it was thousands of miles away. He heard her voice just now, and he thought it was because he was thinking too much, which caused auditory hallucinations. But now, he finally , really sure, she is real!
That beautiful face didn't have the scent of gouache, and even looked a little dusty because of the dust, but it was as bright as the sun, suddenly shining into his world, making his heart beat vigorously.

Shu Rao's footsteps stopped suddenly, and her feet suddenly seemed to take root. She saw him, really saw him!

Under the light, his face was a bit hazy, but the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he smiled. His eyes were as black as ink, and the bottom of his eyes were also shining with light. There was longing and tenderness in his eyes, which made her unable to bear it. Laughed silently.

Just the next second, her smile suddenly froze again!
When she saw that his right arm was wrapped with thick gauze, she immediately burst into tears, rushed up and beat his left shoulder lightly, and asked distressedly, "Didn't you say that you were only slightly injured? How could it be so minor?" gone?"

"Rao Rao, don't cry..." Lou Yi saw her tears falling like broken pearls, immediately panicked, hugged her with his uninjured left hand, and coaxed softly, "I'm fine." , it’s almost healed, if you don’t believe me, you can check it later.”

"I'm going to check now!" Shu Rao was too worried and couldn't help but get tough.

Lou Yi frowned subconsciously, he was just comforting her, he changed his dressing every night before going to bed, the reason why he chose this time today was because he heard that she was coming, and he didn't want her to find out, so he did it earlier, but Unexpectedly, he was still a step late. She came just as he was about to treat the wound.

Shu Rao insisted, helped him to sit down, and put the medicine and gauze aside.

Lou Yi had no choice but to let her dictate.

Shu Rao carefully removed the bandage, untied the gauze, saw a long wound on his bronzed arm, and felt more distressed, "Is it very painful?"

"No, it's just that life is a little inconvenient because of her right hand." Lou Yi looked down at her, and saw a thin layer of mist in her bright eyes, which was created for him. Distressed.

"I'll stay and take care of you." Fortunately, she came, otherwise he would still be suffering alone!The conditions here are so harsh, if he doesn't take good care of himself and the wound gets worse, it will be troublesome if there is any root cause left behind.

Seeing her sad look, Lou Yi was very sad, so he deliberately teased her, "Don't worry, I have thick skin and thick flesh, and I will recover soon, and the wedding will not be delayed!"

Shu Rao's face turned red, and she retorted coquettishly, "Who's worried about this!"

Lou Yi chuckled, she wasn't worried, he was nervous for a long time, the day he was injured, he was trying to save a soldier, when the pain hit, the first thought in his mind was, it's over, the wedding might have to be postponed !

But then he told himself that he couldn't postpone it. She had carefully planned the wedding for so long, and every detail was prepared by herself. He must not let her down!
Shu Rao focused on Lou Yi's wound, carefully changed his dressing, then rewrapped the gauze and bandage, "Okay..."

When she looked up, she saw his fiery eyes looking at her.

Qiao blushed, and before he could speak, his slightly cool lips fell down, kissing deeply and seriously.

His light and pleasant breath filled between her lips and teeth, hot and warm, making her dizzy and even lost.

A few meters away from the tent, the little devil was wandering back and forth, feeling very conflicted. She didn't enter the tent on purpose just now, and wanted to leave some time and space for Dad and Niuer to spend alone, but it's been a long time, what do they have to say? It should be finished, why haven't you come out yet?Could it be that they were reunited after a long absence and were so excited that they were kissing each other?Oh, that's how it's played on TV!And soon she will have a brother!

The cat stooped and approached the tent secretly, wanting to see what happened.

"Xinxin, what are you doing? Why don't you go in? Be careful, it's freezing!" The little soldier who received her yelled in confusion.

The little devil stomped his feet angrily.

Hearing the sound, the two people who were kissing sweetly in the tent quickly separated, Shu Rao's face flushed like a ripe tomato, Lou Yi was also a little uncomfortable, his handsome face was slightly hot, really, how could he be so innocent Proper, even forgot the time and place, even the little devil!

"Cough..." He deliberately coughed, paused, and when he spoke, his voice was still a little hoarse, "You and Xinxin must be hungry, I'll ask someone to prepare something to eat."

Shu Rao covered her hot cheeks, and gave a soft "um", and didn't even dare to look at him, it was so embarrassing, they seemed a little too excited just now, his hands touched her clothes, not only did she Didn't stop it, and cooperated well... oh my god!God!

Not long after, Lou Yi came back with a meal, very simple dishes, one meat and one vegetable, served with steamed buns.

The little devil was very disappointed after seeing it, "Dad, there is no roast whole lamb?"

Lou Yi couldn't laugh or cry, "You think this is a resort!"

The little devil curled his lips, "Dad, do you know how much I have suffered for a roast whole lamb?"

(End of this chapter)

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