Chapter 264 hug her
Lou Xi rushed back, hugged her very tightly and for a long time, and then kissed her again, deeply and seriously.

Ye Xingchen entered the tenth month of pregnancy, and Lou Xi had another chance to go back to BJ, but he didn't, because he wanted to save up his vacation and wanted to spend a few more days with her when she gave birth, so he would rather suffer first. sweet after.

Ye Xingchen also agreed with his idea. After all, for a woman, having a child is like going through the gate of hell. Although she has already made sufficient mental preparations, she still hopes that he will be by her side when the time comes to give her courage and strength.

And she also hopes that when the baby is born, he can be the first person to hold the baby, because he is so looking forward to the baby's arrival.

The due date is getting closer and closer, and Lou Xi spends every day in waiting and suffering.

One day, he received a call from his family saying that Xing Chen had been admitted to the hospital to give birth, so he immediately asked for leave and went straight to the airport.

The paternity leave given to him by the army, plus the vacation he had accumulated, added up to nine days, and the doctor predicted that the baby would be born within seven days. He thought that he could definitely accompany her into the delivery room.

However, things are not as perfect as he imagined.

All is ready except for the opportunity.

"Xingchen, why haven't you given birth yet? It's already the sixth day!" Lou Xi looked worried at Ye Xingchen's round belly.

Ye Xingchen was also very confused, "I don't know, I don't feel like giving birth, but the doctor said everything is normal!"

Lou Xi was so anxious that she broke into sweat, "I have to leave tomorrow night, what if you don't give birth yet?"

"It's okay, you go your own way. There are Mom and Mrs. Lin here. They all have experience. Besides, there are so many doctors and nurses." She quickly comforted him and said, but she didn't know what to do in her heart.

Lou Xi stared at her stomach fiercely, and yelled: "Little guy, come out to me tomorrow, or I will really beat you!"

But the little guy in his stomach seemed to be against him on purpose, and the next night, he was still safe and sound.

Lou Xi was so angry that she gritted her teeth, so she had no choice but to return to Yunchuan with her luggage.

In the next few days, Ye Xingchen's stomach still remained motionless, Lou Xi was so anxious that he couldn't eat and sleep every day, his whole body was like an ant on a hot pot.

Finally, in the middle of the night, the little soldier in the communication room knocked on his door, "Commander, BJ called, saying that my sister-in-law is about to give birth!"

Hearing the sound, Lou Xihuo sat up, put on his pants, put on his clothes while running, and ran downstairs at the speed unique to special forces, and rushed to the airport in one breath.

After arriving at the airport, there was no ticket, so he paid five times the price, bought a ticket from a passenger, changed the procedures, and then rushed to the plane.

After rushing to the hospital in a hurry, he saw Ye Xingchen lying peacefully in the ward with his stomach still so big!

"No, isn't it about to give birth?"

Ye Xingchen told him very sadly, "I was going to give birth, but for some reason, after arriving in the delivery room, my stomach suddenly stopped hurting, and the doctor said that I can't give birth today."

Lou Xi was so angry that she wanted to scold someone, but she didn't know who to scold.

There was no way, he returned to Yunchuan again in disgrace.

The soldiers all thought that he had been promoted to be a father this time, and asked excitedly, "Commander, is sister-in-law giving birth to a boy or a girl?"

"One, or two?"

Lou Xi's handsome face turned black, and he roared, "Assemble! Ten kilometers off-road! Let's go now!"

The soldiers looked at each other in blank dismay, being a father is amazing, you can't even ask, what kind of airs are you putting on?Doesn't this make those gangsters jealous?
Lou Xi was so depressed that he could only double train his soldiers, so they quickly set a new record for the special brigade, completing a week's worth of training in one and a half days!
Twelve days have passed since Ye Xingchen's due date, but she still hasn't given birth.

The third toss was at noon, when Lou Xi was eating listlessly in the cafeteria, when suddenly the little soldier in the communication room came to report again, "Battle Commander, my sister-in-law is about to give birth again, I want you to go back quickly!"


The dinner plate fell to the floor, and the food fell to the floor.

"Hey, this won't work, it's a waste of food, hurry up and send it to the military dogs, don't waste it!" Everyone said deliberately "revenge".

Lou Xi gritted her teeth angrily, but had no time to talk to them, and hurried to the airport.

This time it was even more outrageous. He spent ten times the price to buy a plane ticket from someone else, but at least he got on the plane.

But at BJ, at the hospital, Ye Xingchen wasn't born yet!

She was almost ashamed to see him, "I don't know what's going on, the little guy in my stomach wants to come out for a while, and refuses to come out for a while, I can't help it!"

Lou Xi clenched his fist and punched the air, that was helpless!

In this way, after tossing again and again, Lou Xi almost went crazy.

Finally, one morning, when he was leading the team out for morning exercises, Ye Xingchen's stomach suddenly fluctuated violently. After the doctor made a diagnosis, he announced, "I'm really going to give birth this time. The amniotic fluid is broken. Immediately." Advance to the delivery room!"

"Mom, I'm afraid..." Ye Xingchen subconsciously grabbed her mother-in-law's hand.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, Mom will accompany you in." Han Fengyi decided to go in to accompany the delivery, but the hospital has strict regulations, except for the mother's husband, no one else is allowed to go in to accompany the delivery.

Han Fengyi was sweating in anxiety. In fact, she also knew that the doctor was doing this for the benefit of the mother. If the husband accompanied the delivery, it would encourage the pregnant woman, because the man was more powerful and could hold the hand of the mother. Although she had given birth, she could see The daughter-in-law is so scared, it is estimated that she will be even more scared when the time comes, not only can't help, but will miss the matter.

"Xingchen, don't be afraid, I will call Lou Xifei back immediately!"

"Mom, is there still time?" Ye Xingchen felt that he was about to give birth!
"It's too late, it's too late!" Han Fengyi comforted her, and then quickly dialed the number of the special brigade. These days, she has memorized this number by heart, and she remembered the voice of the little soldier who connected to the phone, "Xiaoxian, hurry up and notify your battalion. long……"

The little soldier has also been made nervous recently. After receiving the call, Sa Yazi ran to the playground.

"one two three four!"

"One two three four! Three three four!"

On the playground, the soldiers were doing morning exercises, roaring loudly.

"Battalion Commander..." The little soldier's voice was completely drowned in the slogan. In a hurry, he ignored the discipline and so on. He grabbed the captain's horn and shouted, "Battalion Commander, my sister-in-law is really going to give birth this time. ! Absolutely true!"

When Lou Xi heard this, he almost kicked his military boots off his feet, and ran wildly.

At this moment, he completely lost his usual calmness and indifference. He rushed to the airport, boarded the plane, and then rushed off the plane... He was already very proficient in such a process.

"Quickly, go to the military hospital!" He jumped into a taxi and eagerly told the driver to drive.

After receiving the instructions, the driver stepped on the accelerator and galloped all the way, but had to stop when he encountered a red light. Lou Xi was so anxious that he was sweating, and the military lining on his back was wet layer after layer.

Finally, when he rushed to the hospital all the way without any danger, a baby's cry happened to be heard in the delivery room.

(End of this chapter)

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