Chapter 275 Playing Overbearing Part 1
After leaving the door, Shi Qi calmed down and proudly claimed the credit, "Mom, did I perform well?"

Ye Xingchen couldn't help laughing, "You will bully my sister!"

"How can I?" The little guy refused to admit it.

Ye Xingchen pinched his little face lightly, his movements were gentle and affectionate.

Then I hurried to the kitchen with the little one.

In the room, Sisi had already sat up, and the little devil had already disappeared, only Xiao Qi was left sitting by the bed talking with the little girl.

The two were playing with Barbie dolls, and Sisi wanted to comb Barbie doll's hair, but because of the injection in his hand today, it was still a little painful, so the movements were not as skillful as before.

"Shall I help you?" Xiao Qi volunteered.

"Will you?" Sisi asked him curiously, Shi Qi said that boys don't play with dolls!

"You can teach me!" He has never played before, but it shouldn't be difficult, right?
"Okay." Sisi smiled slightly, and handed her beloved Barbie doll to Xiaoqi, "I will braid her a three-strand braid today, first like this...and then like this..."

"Is that so?"

"Yes, do the same for the following."

"okay I know."

Xiao Qi is indeed very smart, and he can do it as soon as he is taught.

Sisi was so amazed when she saw it, she even forgot her own sadness, and said with bent eyes, "You are amazing! If Seventeen came to do it, it would definitely be a mess!"

Xiao Qi raised her lips and smiled.

At this time, Ye Xingchen returned, holding a new strawberry pudding in his hand, and warmed a glass of milk by the way.

The Shiqi behind her clenched his fists with empty hands, obviously, he heard what Sisi said just now.

Looking at it again, the little girl actually gave Xiaoqi her beloved Barbie doll to play with, and even said bad things about him, making her even angrier!
Smelly girl, I should starve you to death!
In the next few days, Shi Qi began to act domineering again. Not only did he not feel sorry for Sisi's illness, but he even intensified his hatred for her. Sisi was already very well-behaved, and with her illness, she had no strength to contend with him, little girl Listless, very melancholy.

And because of her illness, she couldn't go out to play, and stayed in the room most of the time. The little devil hired a tutor during the summer vacation and went to class every day. Fortunately, there was a Xiao Qi to play with her. She is very smart and knows as many characters as she does, which surprised Sisi very much.

"Xiaoqi, you are so good, you can actually read the first grade textbook!" The little girl said enviously.

Xiaoqi shook her head modestly, "Since Xinxin sister has make-up classes during the holidays, I often listen to them, so I remember some of them."

Sisi loves to worship so much, and can be so good at listening in, so if she studies seriously, she will definitely be even more amazing!

"You are amazing. You are a few months younger than Shiqi, but he can't even recite multiplication formulas now!" Sisi sighed sadly. Shiqi is now in kindergarten, the same one she used to go to. Last year, she was in the big class and Shiqi was in the small class. At that time, she could still take care of him, but this year she went to elementary school, and there was only Shiqi left there. He must be less serious in class, so Go on, but what's the matter, I'm afraid even going to school will become a problem in the future.

At the door, Shi Qi was eavesdropping furtively again, and when he heard Sisi say something wrong about him, his little face darkened, and he was very angry.

This stinky girl always speaks ill of him behind his back!
Hmph, he just doesn't want to learn. If he studies hard, he will definitely be able to pass the No.1 exam!What's the big deal?
This stinky girl clearly looks down on him!
"Hmph!" With a cold snort, he lay down on the crack of the door and continued to peek.

In the room, Sisi and Xiao Qi continued chatting and laughing, the atmosphere was very harmonious, the two laughed out loud from time to time, but Shi Qi became more and more depressed as he listened, and finally couldn't take it anymore, he kicked open the door and shouted angrily, "Lou Sisi, if you don't go out to bask in the sun, you will grow mushrooms!"

Sisi was startled by him, so that the book in her hand slipped down, but fortunately, Xiaoqi had quick eyes and hands, and caught it.

"Seventeen, can't you talk well, it's very rude!" Sisi preached to Seventeen, looking like a young lady.

But Shi Qi dislikes her appearance the most, isn't she just a few years older than her, making her look like a little adult!
"Get out of bed quickly, let's go to the backyard to play!" Shi Qi impatiently lifted her quilt.

"Huh? You..." Sisi couldn't stand his rudeness, but she couldn't grab him. The little girl had no choice but to hug the pillow and ignore him.

In fact, she also wanted to go out for a walk, but her face was not completely swollen, and she was afraid that the children would laugh at her.

"Let's go!" Shi Qi stretched out his hand to grab her.

"I dont go……"

"hurry up!"

"I'm not going..."

The two started a tug of war.

Although Shi Qi is a little younger, she is not weak in strength, and although Si Si is older, she is weak and sick, so she can't pull him no matter what.

On the side, Xiao Qi spoke, "Sister Sisi, Shi Qi is right, it's good to go out to bask in the sun, let's go together!"

"This..." Sisi was still a little hesitant.

"Go, there are many trees in the backyard, let's read a book under the tree, it's very quiet." Xiao Qi suggested.

When Sisi heard this, she was a little moved. This is indeed a good idea. If you go out, you can change the air, and the sun will not be too strong under the tree. What's more, other children will not find her. will laugh at her.

"Okay." The little girl nodded with a smile.

Shi Qi's small face sank again, and he was very angry in his heart, brat, you won't listen to what I say, but you will listen to what Xiao Qi says!

Sisi got out of bed, put on her little shoes, took her books and Barbie dolls, and walked out of the room slowly.

Xiaoqi also followed immediately.

Seeing the backs of the two, Shi Qi felt uneasy again.

It's really strange, why does he have the urge to beat someone every time he sees the tacit understanding of the two of them?

Ahhh, this stinky girl always makes him angry!

The backyard of the military compound is an open space surrounded by green trees and the fragrance of birds and flowers.

The weather is not too hot. Occasionally, there will be a light breeze. The wind passes through the branches, and the leaves make a rustling sound. It feels very peaceful and beautiful.

"Let's just sit here!" Xiao Qi often came here to play and led the two of them under a big tree.

Sisi looked at the environment and found that it was really good, she nodded and said, "Okay."

Shi Qi also looked around for a while, it's okay, but it's a bit boring!

The three sat under the big tree, Sisi opened the book, intending to read to Shi Qi, "Seventeen, I'll teach you the formula of multiplication, how about it?"

Shi Qi pouted, "Not interested!"

Sisi choked suddenly, not interested?Learn even if you are not interested!How could he be so ignorant?Xiao Qi knows first grade math!

After all, Shi Qi and Sisi grew up together since they were young, he could see the little girl's eyes clearly, knowing that he was despised, he felt very unwilling, snorted coldly, snatched the textbook from her hand, He looked up.

Sisi didn't think so much. Seeing that Shi Qi was willing to read the book, she was very happy, and she didn't forget to tell her, "Then read it yourself first, and if you don't know it, just ask me!"

(End of this chapter)

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