Chapter 281 My Husband Is a Wolf 2
A group of children formed a circle, they were all confused, even Xiao Qi, who was always smart, couldn't explain clearly.

Shi Qi looked at Tangtang Guo's small appearance, and said quite naturally, "So small, of course she is my sister!"

Sisi shook her head and retorted, "But I heard my mother also called Tangtangguo my sister."

Shi Qiyi raised his eyebrows, "You heard me wrong!"


"You have it!" Shi Qi deliberately contradicted her, "You are an idiot!"

Sisi couldn't help but widen her eyes, "I'm not!"

Seventeen stalked his neck, "I said you are, you are!"

"I'm not!" Sisi, who was originally cowardly, was suddenly aroused.

"Then what do you think it should be called?" Shi Qi pointed to the two little guys in the stroller.

"This..." Sisi obviously couldn't make up her mind.

"Can't you tell? You still don't admit that you are an idiot?" Shi Qi smiled proudly, finally venting the emotions that had been suppressed for several days.

Stinky girl, aren't you good at studying? Are you overwhelmed by the question now?
Sisi couldn't answer, her face was red.

Shi Qi arrogantly put his little head in front of her, wow, this is the first time she has been pissed like this, so funny!

It's so cool to see a little girl who has always had excellent grades, but is deflated when asked!

"Haha..." Seventeen laughed arrogantly.

Sisi stomped her feet in anger, her face flushed red.

She really couldn't understand why this short, chubby little guy always had the ability to anger her!
Shi Qi fled far away, thinking that he had finally found a way to make this stinky girl feel embarrassed, so he would just ask her weird questions from now on!
Sisi swears secretly that she must study harder and be proficient in everything!
Happy days always pass quickly, Lou Yicheng's birthday is over soon, it's time for Ye Xingchen to take the children back to Yunchuan.

Although the children's summer vacation is still very long, she needs to go back to work in the hospital, and the annual leave is only a few days in total. Counting the days, it is almost time to go back.

It's just that the two elders of Lou's family missed the children, so they unanimously asked them to stay in BJ for a longer period of time.

Ye Xingchen understood them very well, so naturally he would not object, but let the two children make their own decisions.

Sisi had been attached to Ye Xingchen since she was a child, and she didn't want to be separated from her, so the little girl shyly said that she would go back to Yunchuan with her mother.

Seeing her appearance as a little girl, Shi Qi snorted, "Go back, I'll stay!"

This place is much more fun than the community at home, and after going back, he will go to kindergarten again. Kindergarten does not have summer vacation, so he will not go back!
Ye Xingchen knew that the little guy was playful, so he told him, "Seventeen, then you have to obediently listen to your grandparents and don't cause trouble, you understand?"

"I know!" the little guy assured by patting his chest.

Ye Xingchen couldn't laugh or cry, this child's words are unbelievable!
Rubbing the little guy's head, and lovingly kissing his little forehead, he said softly, "Then you can stay for a while, and mom will pick you up later, okay?"


"Mom will call you every day, be good!"


Ye Xingchen gave instructions for a long time before turning around to pack his luggage, and then took Sisi away.

Before parting, Ye Xingchen hugged Shiqi and kissed again and again. After all, this was the first time the mother and son were separated, so he felt very reluctant.

Sisi is the same, although Shi Qi always makes her angry, but she still can't bear him, and she is very worried that he will go back on his word!
"Seventeen, have you really decided?" the little girl questioned.

"Of course! When a gentleman says it, four horses are hard to chase!" The little guy used idioms indiscriminately, and even pointed out four fingers.

Sisi frowned and corrected, "It's hard to catch a horse."

Shi Qi was immediately embarrassed, her face flushed slightly, and the dead duck yelled at her stiffly, "I'd like to say four horses, how about it?"

The little girl was very speechless.

"Hmph!" Shi Qi gave her a look, very unloving, and ran away without even saying goodbye.

I thought to myself, this is great, he will be free without the stinky girl meddling in this matter!

That night, Ye Xingchen took Sisi back to Yunchuan. After returning home, the mother and daughter took a bath to wash off their dusty bodies. Then Ye Xingchen cooked some noodles and ate a little.

After the meal, Sisi went to brush her teeth, and when she saw another child's toothbrush on the sink, the little girl stopped suddenly.

According to the past, before going to bed every night, she would go to Room [-] and say good night to him. Although he always took care of him, this was what her mother said, and family members should love each other. Say good morning and good night.

But today, shouldn't it be possible?

The little girl sighed unconsciously, and spit out a mouthful of lovely foam.

He hurriedly continued to brush his teeth.

At the same time, Seventeen, who was in BJ, also crawled into bed under the care of Han Fengyi.

The little guy just went crazy and didn't want to come back until dark.

"Seventeen, do you dare to sleep alone? Do you want to sleep with your grandparents?"

"No, I sleep alone at home!" the little guy said proudly.Dad said, a man must be strong and independent from an early age!

Han Fengyi was very comforted in her heart, the little guy is not big, but his ambition is not small, a child can be taught!

"Then go to sleep, good night."

Good night?

Shi Qi suddenly frowned. When he was at home, the stinky girl also told him this every night. I don't know if she remembered it tonight?

Oh, why do you miss her again?It was hard to get rid of it!
Han Fengyi saw the little guy's frowning, thinking that he missed his mother, so she picked up the phone beside the bed and dialed Ye Xingchen's cell phone. Just as Ye Xingchen was about to call her, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law said a few words, Han Fengyi He handed over the phone to the little guy.

"Seventeen, do you miss your mother?"

"Yeah." The little guy just nodded, and he didn't have the nerve to say that he is a boy, so he shouldn't act like a spoiled girl!Uh, when it comes to the stinky girl, he remembered again, she must have fallen asleep, right?

"Mom... that..." Shi Qi hesitated for a long time, but still didn't say anything.What about the stinky girl?Why didn't she come to say good night to him?Didn't you speak very diligently at home before?

Seeing that the little guy was silent for a long time and wanted to answer the phone again, Han Fengyi quickly shouted, "Good night, Mom!"

On the other end of the phone, Ye Xingchen's heart softened, and he said with a smile, "Good night, Seventeen."

The little guy waited for a while, but he still didn't wait for Sisi to speak, he was very depressed, he shouted so loudly, the stinky girl still didn't hear it?
Damn it, don't say pull it down!
"Goodbye, Mom!" The little guy hung up the phone angrily.

Early the next morning, bugles sounded in the compound of the military region.

The little devil has already been well-trained, so he got up from the bed in one go, quickly put on his clothes, brushed his messy hair with his fingers, and rushed out of the room.

In the next room, Xiao Qi also opened his eyes and got up quickly. Although the little guy is not big, he has been influenced by his ears since he was a child. It can be said that he grew up in the sound of bugles in the military compound, so he moved quickly. After getting dressed, he ran outside.

(End of this chapter)

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