Chapter 284 Love Knows No Age
"Hey? Don't tear it up..." Why would she return it to others after tearing it up!
Seeing Sisi's nervous look, Shi Qi thought she was in distress, so he gave her a hard look, deliberately tore the paper a few more times, and then raised his hand, the room was full of small pieces of paper, like snowflakes. like.

"You..." Sisi gasped, oh my god, why is he like this?

In the room, two people stared at each other.

Sisi was stunned, not knowing what to do. She was also very surprised when she found the love letter, and was even a little scared, afraid of being discovered, so she didn't even dare to open the envelope, only thinking about going to school on Monday, and putting The letter was returned intact, but now...

Shi Qi's eyes showed that she did something bad, which made her heart thump, he must never tell his parents!Although it's none of her business, there are also some students in the class who fall in love early, and she thinks this kind of thing is very embarrassing.

Shi Qi stared hard at the little girl who was only a little taller than her now. Her quiet face revealed nervousness, her eyes were round, and her eyes showed worry and panic.

Ha, smelly girl, you also have times when you are afraid of your parents!
Thinking that he finally got her braid, Shi Qi felt very proud, but when he saw the pieces of paper all over the floor, he couldn't help but think of the guy who wrote the love letter again, and his heart became angry again.

The gentle and beautiful classmate Sisi?She is simply cowardly!Do you have glaucoma or cataracts?

Why did your sweet smile make me so confused that I couldn't tell the direction?You can't find North if you drink too much!

Do I feel like I am flying in the blue sky and white clouds?Do you think you are a bird?

Why the only thing I can do is just stare blankly at you, look at you?You will be dumbfounded, dumbfounded, you idiot!

The more Shi Qi thought about it, the angrier he became, and he scolded the person who wrote the love letter in his heart, and when he looked at the weak and silent little girl in front of him, he became even more angry.

You stinky girl, do you think it's okay if you don't talk?He will definitely investigate this matter to the end!
Seventeen put one hand on his hip, pointed at Sisi with the other, and said in the tone of interrogating a prisoner, "You, sit down!"

Sisi has always been well-behaved, and has never made any mistakes since she was a child. Faced with Shi Qi's attitude, she naturally feels uncomfortable, but when she thinks that she has a "handle" in his hands, she has no choice but to submit.

The little girl sat down on the edge of the bed slowly, clutching the hem of the skirt with both hands, her eyes didn't know where to look.

Shi Qi then walked up to her, staring at her coldly with a condescending attitude, "Tell me, what is the relationship between you and that guy?"

That rascal?
Sisi was slightly startled at first, but then realized that he should be talking about the person who wrote the letter.

"I... don't know him..." The voice was cowardly.

"I don't know? I don't know that he would write you that disgusting letter from Bala?" Shi Qi was like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, and suddenly frowned, stretched out his hand, and grabbed her ponytail.

"Ah..." Sisi was startled by him, her body instinctively retreated, and her scalp hurt, "It hurts..."

There was a cry of grievance in her voice.

Only then did Shi Qi realize that he was too rude. Although he was not at odds with this stinky girl since he was a child, he is a boy, and it is too rude to fight with a girl!

He let go unnaturally, and put his hands in his trouser pockets.

Sisi immediately lowered her head and confessed honestly, "I really don't know him, and I don't know how the letter got into my schoolbag... His name was written on the back of the envelope, and he was from the class next door... I didn't even know him. I didn't even read the letter..."

"Didn't have time to watch it, or didn't want to watch it?" This difference is huge!
"Of course I don't want to see..."



Shi Qi stared at Si Si for a while, seeing her doormat-like appearance, and knew that she was not lying, but someone liked her soft and weak appearance, so he could make trouble whatever he wanted.

"Lou Sisi, tell me the truth, is this the first time you have received a love letter?"

"Hmm..." The intentionally prolonged ending was obviously a little hesitant.

"Hmm what eh? Yes or no?"

"No...not the first time..."

The flame in Shi Qi's heart rose again, "Bring it! Hand over all those letters from before!"

Sisi was obviously in a dilemma, she returned it all back, how do I hand it in?
"Hand over it!"

"I... have returned..."

Shi Qi suddenly felt a little bit deflated, this stinky girl can't be beaten or scolded, but she just has the ability to make people angry!

Biting his cheek, he took a pen and paper, stuffed it into the little girl's hand, and ordered arrogantly, "Write down the names of all the people who have written to you!"

"Uh..." What does he want?
"Hurry up and write! Otherwise, I will tell my parents what happened today!" Shi Qi threatened viciously.

Sisi was afraid of this, quickly took the pen and paper, and started to write silently.

One, two, three, four...

Shi Qijun raised his brows with a disgusted expression on his face, shit, so many?
As Sisi wrote more and more names, Shi Qi became more and more annoyed as she looked at it, her handsome eyebrows were tightly frowned, and her eyes were also staring at the little girl fiercely.

It's so strange, what's so good about her, why are so many people like her?
And didn't she say that she didn't even read the letter? Why did she still remember his name so firmly?
"Lou Sisi, do you dare to swear that you really don't have a puppy love?" Seventeen gritted his teeth and asked.

"Of course not!" She wouldn't do that!Learning is important now!
"No, it doesn't mean you haven't thought about it! How else can you remember people's names so clearly?"

"I..." Sisi blushed, but she was angry. Of course she remembered, because she had to walk around them!But I couldn't explain it to him, he thought it was right for her to do something bad!

"Anyway, I don't have a puppy love!" The little girl emphasized again, although her voice was small, her tone was firm.

Shi Qi curled his lips, and for some reason, he suddenly felt better.

He took a deep look at her again, looking at her, she didn't seem to be lying, and as far as he knew, she didn't have the guts either!

Sisi silently wrote a bunch of names again, then passed the note over, and said in a muffled voice, "It's all here..."

Shi Qi took the note, looked at the list of names on it, and unconsciously narrowed his eyes, with a hint of danger in his eyes.

XX in class five in one year, XXX in class one in second year, XXX in class two in three years, XX in class six in three years...

Damn, is this stinky girl the school belle?Why doesn't he know?
No matter, he wants to meet one by one!
Dare to hit his idea on Lou Chengxi's sister, don't you want to live?
" do you want to do?" Sisi asked worriedly, but her tone was a little weak.

"It's none of your business!" Shi Qi glared at her angrily, then folded the note and put it in his coat pocket.

Sisi was intimidated by his ferocious eyes, and rubbed her little hands and dared not speak anymore, but she did it, can he not tell his parents about it?

"Uh...that..." The little girl faltered.

"What about this and that? Speak up if you have something to say!" He hesitated, as if he was bullying her!
Seventeen looked unhappy.

Sisi bit her lips slightly, and said in a low voice, "I have already told you my name, you are not allowed to tell Mom and Dad about this again."

(End of this chapter)

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