Chapter 289 Stubborn little girl
"Seventeen..." Ye Xingchen softened his tone, walked over gently, and put his arms around his son's shoulders.

Shi Qi's body froze, subconsciously trying to dodge, but he still didn't move, letting Ye Xingchen hug him.

Ye Xingchen smiled knowingly. This child has been like this since he was a child. No matter how arrogant and domineering he is, he has always been quite sensible in front of her. This also shows that he is essentially a good boy, but a little willful.

Shi Qi lowered his eyes and did not speak.

Ye Xingchen took his son by the shoulders, pulled him to sit on a chair in the corridor, and asked softly, "Seventeen, are you still angry?"

Shi Qi pursed his lips and said nothing, but that stubborn expression said everything.

Ye Xingchen was angry and funny, and poked his son's head with his hand, "You child, who are you angry with? With me and your father? Or with yourself? Your father just said that he was disappointed in you. Do you take his angry words seriously? He just said that, do you still want him to hit you? You are so old, if he hits you in public, do you think that would be okay? Then you are convinced?"

Shi Qi knew that what her mother said was reasonable, but she still felt very hurt in her heart. She raised her head and said seriously, "I think Dad is too partial!"

Ye Xingchen raised his eyebrows slightly, "What about me? Is mom partial too?"

Now that it has been said, Shi Qi simply made it clear and replied honestly, "You are partial too! Both of you prefer Sisi more!"

Ye Xingchen heard his son say this, but he was not in a hurry. He just asked patiently, "For example, why are we biased? If you have Sisi, don't you also have it?"

Seventeen couldn't answer.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that this is really the case. Sisi showed him the textbooks he had read when he was a child, and gave him the pencils he used. But when he grew up, he also had new textbooks and stationery. There is no key to the house, but later he grew taller, and his father gave him the key, and he had no pocket money at first, but later he went to elementary school, and his mother gave him pocket money every week.

Ye Xingchen said again earnestly, "Seventeen, Mom and Dad treat you and Sisi equally, but because she is older than Sisi, she has some things first, but you are always so ambitious, and you always see that she has you. When you don’t have time, but ignore that you also have time.”

"Of course, I admit that your father and I are stricter with you, but that's because you are a boy and Sisi is a girl. Girls need more love, while boys need to be stronger and more independent. In this way, when you enter the army in the future, you will adapt earlier and faster. Your parents have strictly disciplined you since you were a child. Yes, we want to hone you earlier and let you avoid some detours in the future."

"My mother told you these words before, but you were young and couldn't listen to them, but now that you are not young, you should understand. Besides, your father and I don't know your personality. Over the years, we If it was really treating you as meticulously as Sisi, you would have thought we were annoying and couldn't stand it, so you ran away from home, right?"

Shi Qi still didn't speak, but his expression softened slightly.

Ye Xingchen felt very comforted in his heart, and continued, "Seventeen, what happened today is indeed because you were wrong first. Although you didn't do it on purpose, it is a fact that Sisi was injured because of you. You can go in and apologize to her later. , boys have to take responsibility, if they do something wrong, they must apologize, understand?"

After talking for a long time, Shi Qi didn't make a sound, until a nurse walked through the corridor and went in to change Sisi's bottle, and he said sullenly, "I really didn't mean it, and I didn't want to hurt her... "

Thinking of the appearance of such a delicate little girl since she was a child, covered in blood and trembling with pain, he also felt very uncomfortable.

And she was going to leave a scar again, and he felt as if a big hole had been broken in his body.

Also, when she yelled at him and said she hated him, he really regretted it, regretted it.

Seeing that his son knew his mistake, Ye Xingchen smiled slightly, stood up, and pulled Shi Qi up, "Go in and apologize to Sisi!"

Shi Qi was reluctant, but did not resist, and walked slowly to the door of the ward.

Ye Xingchen warned again, "Although Sisi is your older sister, she is a girl after all. Girls have thin skins. You shouldn't tell her about the love letter in public. It will embarrass her. You go in." When you apologize to her, don't mention it again, you know?"

Shi Qi's hand on the doorknob tightened suddenly, turned his head, and said angrily, "Mom, don't worry, I will take care of those who wrote to her one by one!"

Ye Xingchen was speechless.

Seventeen clenched his fist, pushed the door open and entered.

In the ward, Sisi had already woken up. The nurse came to change the medicine just now, and the little girl was taking the second bottle of intravenous drip.

The door of the ward slowly opened, and she looked subconsciously, thinking it was her mother, but saw Shi Qi appearing at the door.

The two had a tacit understanding, their eyes met in mid-air, and they collided.

Shi Qi stood at the door hesitating. He had never bowed his head to anyone since he was a child, and he didn't know how to speak for a while.

Sisi saw that his footsteps were a little slow, his expression was a little unnatural, and his eye sockets were even a little red. That look was completely unlike the usual high-spirited, and she didn't know how to describe her mood.

She knew that he didn't mean to hurt her, and after she was hurt, she was completely frightened, thanks to him who stopped the bleeding and called an ambulance for her, so she didn't plan to blame him, but unexpectedly, she helped him follow Mom and Dad said good things, but he beat them back, even telling about the love letter!

Although her mother believes in her, she still thinks this kind of thing is very bad, so she will not forgive him!
Sisi secretly gritted her teeth and turned her head to one side.

Seeing Sisi ignoring him, Shi Qi felt a little depressed, walked to the bed slowly, and asked flatteringly, "Do you... want some water?"

Sisi's small face was still tilted, leaving only a side face for him, and she didn't speak.

Shi Qi frowned, carefully picked up the water glass on the bedside table, walked around to the other side of the bed, and wanted to bring the water glass to her, but Ke Sisi turned her face again and turned her head to the other side.

Shi Qi froze in place, his face extremely embarrassed.

She pursed her lips, and returned to the side of the bed without giving up. Unexpectedly, Sisi still ignored him, turned her head, and turned her face back to the original direction.

Shi Qi's face was slightly green.

He was still holding the water glass in his hand, but he felt angry in his heart. This is the first time he has bowed his head so low to someone at such a big age. This stinky girl doesn't appreciate it?
"Cough...cough cough..." He deliberately coughed twice, forcing himself to suppress the backlash in his heart. After all, it was his fault, and an apology is also due.

Sisi naturally heard his cough, but she was still unmoved, her little head was still tilted, and she ignored him.

In the ward, it suddenly became quiet again.

Sisi and Shiqi confront each other.

Sisi was depressed, although she was a little creeped out by Shi Qi, she still put on airs.

He knew how to do this. After she was bitten by a snake that year, he was so courteous, but it turned out later that he didn't make any corrections at all!

(End of this chapter)

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