Just because I loved you so much at the time - published

Chapter 293 A Man's Strength Doesn't Need To Be Publicized

Chapter 293 A Man's Strength Doesn't Need To Be Publicized

Tuoba Yang shook his head, "No, I'm here to find you!"

"Looking for me?" Sisi was even more surprised, "Is there anything you can do with me?"

"This is for you!" Tuoba Yang took out a box of ointment from his pocket and handed it to her, "Sister Sisi, this is an ointment for removing scars, try it."

Scar removal cream?

"Cough...cough cough..." Seventeen suddenly uttered a sound, with his hands in his pockets, and came shaking.

"Seventeen..." Tuoba Yang blushed, and quickly stuffed the ointment into Sisi's hand.

"Thank you." Sisi said politely.

Shi Qi was disdainful, grabbed the ointment, squinted his eyes, looked at the instructions, and said questioningly, "Is this thing good? It's not prescribed by a doctor. If you are allergic after using it, the scar will Not only can it not be removed, but it may also cause the wound to worsen!"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Sisi lowered her voice, warning in her eyes, what nonsense are you talking about?People are kind!
"How am I talking nonsense? What I said is the truth!" Shi Qi disapproved.

Tuoba Yang was very embarrassed, he hesitated and said, "Uh... What Seventeen said makes sense... yes... I didn't think carefully..."

"No no..." Sisi shook her head.

"It's good that you know!" Shi Qi interrupted her again.

Tuoba Yang looked embarrassed and stopped talking.

Sisi couldn't help but slander, I really don't understand, how could he have so many buddies for such an impolite person?If it were her, she would have broken up with him long ago!Oh, no, she has "broken off" with him now, but they are siblings, so there's no way to "break off" too thoroughly.

After all, Sisi was older, and also knowledgeable, and quickly smoothed things over and said, "Tuoba Yang, no matter what, I still want to thank you for your kindness, thank you!"

"No, you're welcome."

Sisi smiled slightly, "Come in and sit down!"

Seeing her gentle smile, Tuoba Yang was immediately fascinated again.

Shi Qi looked at his "stupid look", and he didn't know what to do, but he burst into anger, his handsome face sank, and he said indifferently, "Tuoba Yang, it's already noon, your mother should call you home later time to eat!"

Sisi frowned again, did he take the wrong medicine today?

Tuoba Yang also looked at his brother suspiciously, what are you doing, treat him like an enemy!
"My mother went to grandma's house today, and I'm the only one at home."

Seventeen Yingting raised her eyebrows, so what?

Sisi naturally invited and said, "Tuoba Yang, then you can stay and eat with us!"

"Okay!" Tuoba Yang couldn't wait for it.

Shi Qi felt extremely upset.

Damn girl, just asked her to cook him lunch, she was slow, now she is very active in entertaining others!

Sisi turned around and went into the kitchen, because Ye Xingchen had already prepared the meals in the morning, just put them in the microwave and heat them up, but because there was one more person, the little girl had to cut a few more tomatoes and sprinkle them with sugar, Serve as a side dish.

Seeing her busy in the kitchen, Shi Qi felt even more indescribably depressed.If I had known it earlier, he would have opened the door, and then I would have just dismissed the mop bleating away!But now, it's too late to regret!

Shi Qi's displeased expression was very obvious.

Tuoba Yang was silent for a while, hooked Shiqi's neck, and asked in a low voice, "Shiqi, tell me the truth, do you have a sister-in-law complex?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Shi Qi immediately stared.

"Okay, okay, pretend I didn't say it." Tuoba Yang hurriedly begged for mercy, but continued, "Actually, if you really have something, it's nothing. It's not a sickness, it's just a kind of emotional dependence. That so-so, no That’s right, I also had a sister-in-law complex at the beginning, but after I got a girlfriend, everything will be fine! You can also socialize with other girls more to divert your attention! There are so many girls who like you in school, you only have one Don't like it? How about I introduce one to you, the class flower of our class..."

Shi Qi was impatient, and just gave his buddy a cold look, "You study all this mess all day, no wonder your grades are not good! If you have this spare time, work harder!"

"Huh?" Tuoba Yang's eyes widened, he looked up at the sky, the sun came out from the west, Shi Qi would say such a thing?
Shi Qi didn't bother to explain. Anyway, in everyone's mind, he was ignorant, but in fact, he knew those homework a long time ago, but he didn't want to show it. The reason why he was at the bottom of every exam was because of those He always answered wrong questions on purpose!

Because Xiaoqi has excellent grades since he was a child, he has been a class cadre since he was in kindergarten. He is so busy all day long that he doesn't want to do that. Yes, do this and that, annoying!How could he have so much free time, it would be great for him to study more model airplanes when he has that time!

Besides, that stinky girl took the No. 1 exam every time, and was rated as a "three good student" every year. She was doing so well that he didn't bother to stand shoulder to shoulder with her!The strength of a man does not need to be publicized!
Shi Qi snorted again and glanced at the kitchen with disdain.

Tuoba Yang also followed his line of sight and saw Sisi was skillfully cutting tomatoes, and once again showed appreciation, he patted Shiqi on the shoulder and said, "Shiqi, you are really blessed to have such a virtuous sister, And so pretty!"

Seventeen couldn't help but frowned, and said in a bad tone, "How beautiful is it? A man depends on a golden horse and a saddle! Didn't he just wear a new dress?"

"Seventeen, I think you really have sister Lian..."

"Shut up!" Seventeen grabbed his buddy by the collar and said seriously, "Tuoba Yang, if you say one more word, I'll really break up with you!"

Tuoba Yang immediately shut up. Although they often fight and joke among their buddies, Shi Qi is a serious person, and he has always said the same thing. They live in the same community, are classmates, like-minded, Shi Qi He is also very loyal, he doesn't really want to lose this brother.

"Okay, okay, don't be angry, I just don't say anything..."

Seeing that Tuoba Yang gave in, Shiqi let go of his hand, then turned his arm, and brought his good brother into his room, "Come, let me show you my model airplane!"

Tuoba Yang is also a fan of military affairs, and his attention was successfully diverted, but Shi Qi glanced at the direction of the kitchen from the corner of his eye, looking at the slim figure of Si Si, a young man who has always been proud and arrogant, and for the first time in his heart, he had a feeling for himself. Suspect.

Damn, there really seems to be something wrong with him!He doesn't really have a sister-in-law complex, does he?

Damn, this stinky girl is really up to no good!

What if he really has a sister-in-law complex?

Taking advantage of Sisi's inattention, Shiqi sneaked into her room, turned on the computer, and entered four words in the Baidu search bar... Sister Love Complex.

Shi Qi was terrified, afraid that there was something wrong with him, but fortunately, the conclusion on the Internet was good, as Tuoba Yang said, it was not a pervert, it was just a kind of emotional dependence.

Even the popular "sister-brother love" is not abnormal. In front of love, there is no maturity and childishness, regardless of age. Some people have said that only love and coughing in the world cannot be concealed.

Sister-brother love is also sacred, because it is against the rules and common sense, but it is also beautiful because it is undisguised and natural.

Sister-brother love can be understood and accepted by others, and they are real siblings, so there is no possibility of problems, so, it's okay!

(End of this chapter)

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