Chapter 295
"I..." Kong Man obviously lacked confidence, but she still expressed her thoughts directly, "I just want to know Sisi's current situation..."

Lou Xi couldn't believe what she heard, how dare she mention Sisi?In front of him?In this crowd?
"Come here!" Almost furious, he grabbed Kong Man's wrist and led her to the corner of the stairs.

And not far away, Seventeen also came to the mall and happened to see this scene.

His brows were subconsciously frowned, didn't mom and dad go out together, why would dad be with a strange woman?And also... uh, blah blah blah?

Shi Qi was obviously confused, so he quietly followed.

Lou Xi furiously pulled Kong Man to the corner of the stairs. When he reached the hidden corner, he pushed her with a big hand, and her body fell against the wall. He knew she would hurt, but he couldn't control his emotions. This woman The sudden appearance touched the most fragile nerve in his heart, and what this woman said just now made him want to strangle her to death!
When he adopted Sisi back then, he was still single, and everyone knew that Sisi was Chen Zhou's daughter, so he couldn't hide the matter of adopting a child. As he grows up day by day, he hides it more and more hard. It can even be said that he is cautious and walks with difficulty. The last time Sisi was injured and entered the hospital, his heart was almost turned over by fright, but this woman, as soon as she came back, she was merciless in front of him. Ask him about Sisi in a disguised manner!
Kong Man leaned her back against the wall, and after a few seconds of silence, her breath was still unstable. In front of Lou Xi, who was exuding anger all over her body, she looked a little embarrassed, and she was speechless for a long time. In the end, it was Lou Xi who broke the silence first. "What are you doing back here?"

Kong Man regained her senses a little bit and stood up straight, but the fingers holding the handbag trembled faintly, revealing the real panic in her heart.

"I want to see Sisi..."

Lou Xi frowned, and resolutely refused, "She's fine, don't worry about her!"

Kong Man had already expected such an attitude from him, but she still did not give up, "Lou Xi, I am Sisi's biological mother after all!"

"Birth mother? I'm sorry, Sisi doesn't have such a blessing!" Lou Xi said sarcastically.

Kong Man's face turned pale, but she was still irrational, "Sisi has half of my blood flowing through her body. Whether you admit it or not, she is my daughter! I gave birth to her only ten months after I was pregnant. Constant kinship!"

Facing Kong Man's eagerness, Lou Xi smiled immediately, but it was just a sneer, "Kong Man, you left Sisi, who was just full moon, and you have been away for more than ten years. All these years, you have evaporated like the world , Don’t care about her, you come to tell me about blood relationship now? Do you think I will believe you? I believe you suddenly realized that you have a biological daughter with me? "

Lou Xi's cold and mocking tone made Kong Man unable to answer the question, and Shi Qi, who was hiding in the corner and eavesdropping, was also stunned.

He, what are they talking about? could Sisi be that woman's child?
Isn't Sisi his own sister?But... a half-brother?

Shi Qi's head is in a mess. With his age, experience, and happy family life since he was a child, he can't think too much at all. He can only guess based on the few words of Lou Xi and Kong Man just now. , and such a conclusion made him almost collapse.

From childhood to adulthood, although the relationship between him and his father is not as harmonious as Sisi and his father, but they are father and son after all, and his father has always been the person he admires the most in his heart. He admires his father as an indomitable man and a hero in the army , is his idol, could Dad have children with other women?How can he be sorry for his mother?
Thinking of his mother, Shi Qi's unruly heart twisted even tighter, as if there was a flame burning in his chest, and thinking of his mother's love for Sisi over the years, his internal organs seemed to be lingering, so that He couldn't bear it for a minute, so he rushed up in a rage!

"Lou Xi! I despise you! I don't have a father like you!" Seventeen's passionate voice sounded without warning.

Hearing the sound, Lou Xi, whose back was facing him, stiffened, his handsome face was bluish and white, turned his head slowly, and saw his son's angry and unruly expression.

"Seventeen...Why are you here?" He subconsciously reached out to his son.

Shi Qi waved his hand away and stared at him with hatred, "Who is she?"

Lou Xi looked at him, then at Kong Man, and then recalled what he and Kong Man had just said, and suddenly realized that Shi Qi had misunderstood!

"She..." God, how should he explain it?
Shi Qi's sudden appearance was enough to catch him off guard, and his question was so tricky that he didn't even know where to start!

Lou Xi has lived for decades, and has never encountered such a problem. For a while, his mind was in a mess, and he couldn't speak a word.

So Shi Qi misunderstood even deeper. There was a fire extinguisher in the corner, and he kicked it in anger!

With a "bang", Lou Xi suddenly realized, "Seventeen..."

He wanted to chase, but Shi Qi quickly ran into the crowd and disappeared in the blink of an eye.


Lou Xi thumped the wall hard, this is troublesome!

Seventeen was furious, and ran into the crowd quickly. He was not familiar with the environment of the shopping mall, and coupled with the furious anger in his heart, he ran like a rampage in the shopping mall.


"Hey! You don't have eyes when you walk!"

"What's wrong with the kids these days, they have no manners at all!"

"I don't know how his father educated him!"

Everyone complained, and it was unknown who said such a sentence suddenly, Shi Qi stopped in his footsteps, turned his head to look for that person, with a sullen expression on his face and fierce eyes.

He doesn't bother to be educated by such a father!

He wants to sever the father-son relationship with him!

17 is not very old, but he has a strong aura. The anger and coldness exuding from his body are really shocking. The crowd couldn't help but collapse, but they were frightened away by a young man, and they felt unwilling. Whispering, the scene was very chaotic for a while.

Ye Xingchen finished shopping for stockings and came out of a shop with a paper bag. Just as she walked to the lobby, she saw the chaotic crowd in front of her.

"Seventeen?" She hurriedly squeezed into the crowd and reached her son, "Seventeen, why are you here? What's wrong with you? Have you caused trouble again?"

Shi Qi stood in place without moving, but his eyes suddenly turned red, driven by his strong self-esteem, he refused to cry, took Ye Xingchen's hand and walked out, "Mom, let's go, let's go!" You have me!"

Ye Xingchen was confused, what and what?
"Seventeen, what's wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with me? Mom, what's wrong with you! You're still so good to Sisi, your brain..." Shi Qi really wanted to say if your brain was flooded, but felt that it was too unfilial to say so. Furious about to explode.

Ye Xingchen became more and more at a loss, why did it involve Sisi again?

Looking down at the paper bag in her hand, she took it for granted that Shiqi was angry because of this again, so she quickly said, "Shiqi, your father said, we will take you to buy airplane models later..."

"No need, I don't care about spending his money!" Shi Qi said proudly.

Ye Xingchen frowned subconsciously, what happened to this child?
Shi Qi didn't want to explain, but only felt wronged for Ye Xingchen. When she saw that she was still holding the stockings bought for Sisi in her hand, she became even more angry. She grabbed the paper bag, shook it hard, and threw it far away. , Ye Xingchen couldn't stop it even if he wanted to, "Seventeen, what are you doing?"

Shi Qi pulled Ye Xingchen hard, not letting her pick it up, "Mom, why are you so stupid, she wasn't born by you, why are you being so nice to her?"

Ye Xingchen was startled suddenly, and asked in horror, "What did you say?"

"I said, I already know that Sisi wasn't born by you..."

"Seventeen!" Ye Xingchen's face turned pale, and he quickly reached out to cover his son's mouth, but Shi Qi was not willing to do anything, and flashed nimbly, and continued, "Mom, I know you are kind, but you can't be too kind. Dad is bullying you like this, why does he ask you to take care of his child with another woman?"

Ye Xingchen is really confused now, what is this child talking about, when did Sisi become the child of Lou Xi and other women again?
"Seventeen, don't talk nonsense..."

"I'm not talking nonsense! I saw it just now, he was flirting with that woman! I also heard that woman said that Sisi is her daughter..."

that woman?

Could it be... Kong Man is back?
Ye Xingchen gasped, grabbed Shiqi's arm, and asked eagerly, "Where did you see it? Where are they?"

Shiqi pointed to the direction of the corner of the stairs, Ye Xingchen ran away in a hurry, Shiqi also hurriedly followed, "Mom, are you going to go to them to settle accounts? I will accompany you! If you want to divorce Dad, I will also Support you……"

"Divorce what kind of marriage? Can you stop talking nonsense..." Ye Xingchen's words stopped abruptly, and his footsteps also stopped. He regained some sense in the panic. Hearing what Seventeen said, that woman must be Kong Man was right, but he misunderstood Lou Xi. She should have explained it clearly to her son, but how should I explain this matter?If he explained, Shi Qi would know Sisi's real life experience, if he didn't explain, there would be a father-son gap between him and Lou Xi, my God, this is really messed up, what should I do?
Ye Xingchen was flustered, anxious like an ant on a hot pot, but he couldn't make up his mind for a while, but Shi Qi had a rebellious face, as if he was determined to break up with Lou Xi.

Ye Xingchen took a deep breath, put his hands on his son's shoulders, and said earnestly, "Seventeen, do you listen to your mother?"

"Yeah!" Seventeen nodded with certainty.

Ye Xingchen lifted his lower lip in relief, and discussed gently, "Then you listen to your mother, you just stand here and wait for me, and you are not allowed to go anywhere, okay?"

Shi Qi reacted immediately, "You want to deal with Dad and that woman by yourself?"

After Ye Xingchen heard his son's words, he had mixed feelings in his heart. She was very comforted by his son's filial piety and caring, but it was hard to explain it in words.

"Seventeen, this matter is not that simple. You have to trust your father and don't jump to conclusions. You wait here for a while, and Mom and Dad will come back later, okay?"

Of course Shi Qi didn't want to, but seeing Ye Xingchen's seriousness in his words, he could only nod his head, but still said uneasy, "If they bully you, you have to come back and tell me immediately, and I will avenge you!"

Ye Xingchen couldn't laugh or cry, he gently hugged his son, and said, "You are young, don't think wildly, just wait here obediently."

"I'll only wait for five minutes!" Shi Qi was still worried.

Ye Xingchen didn't know what to do, he didn't waste any time, and hurried to the corner of the stairs.

Kong Man also froze in place, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses. With a pale face, he asked falteringly, " your son?"

Lou Xi clenched his fists, the matter had reached this point, he really didn't want to say anything more to her, firstly he didn't have the time, secondly he didn't have the energy, and he didn't know what to do after Seventeen returned.

"Kong Man, I don't know why you think of Sisi all of a sudden, but I want to tell you that Sisi is not a toy, it's not something you can throw away whenever you want, and you want it if you want! In her memory, there has never been you If you come back rashly now, it will only hurt her! Over the years, Sisi has lived a happy life. She has a father, a mother, and a younger brother. The life of our family of four is very stable, and you don't want to destroy it! "

"I don't! I just want to take a look at Sisi, just take a look..." Kong Man hurriedly explained.

"Do you think I'm a fool? You have ignored Sisi for more than ten years, and you suddenly think of her? Do you just want to take a look at her, or do you want to recognize her after reading it?"

"I..." Kong Man couldn't answer, not because of her bad eloquence, but because of her guilty conscience.

Indeed, she wanted to recognize Sisi, because Sisi was the only child in her life!
Because of Chen Zhou's sudden death back then, she was physically and mentally exhausted during the ten months of her pregnancy. After giving birth to Sisi, she was eager to go abroad and has been busy with her career since then. She remarried five years ago and wanted to have another child with her husband, but After marriage, she was infertile for a long time. At first, she thought it was because of her older age, but after an examination, she found out that it was because she was in a hurry to go abroad after giving birth to Sisi, and worked hard after she arrived abroad. , fell to the root of the disease, artificial insemination failed several times, and the doctor declared that she would never give birth again.The husband she found later was an American, not pedantic, and discussed adopting a child with her, but she thought that instead of adopting someone else's child, she might as well recognize Sisi, after all, Sisi was born by her!

Seeing that Kong Man was speechless, Lou Xi knew that she had guessed right, and immediately became more angry, "Kong Man, let me tell you, there is nothing so cheap in this world. Sisi is not what you want, whether you want it or not. No! She will always be my daughter!"

"But you still have a son..."

Lou Xi felt that he could not talk to this woman anymore. He couldn't understand how could there be such a selfish mother in this world?
"We both want sons and daughters!" Ye Xingchen's voice suddenly broke in.

(End of this chapter)

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