Chapter 315 Sensitive and Distressed

Tuoba Yang secretly gritted his teeth, this person is really difficult to deal with!

"Seventeen, what do you mean? We have been friends for so many years, you still can't trust me? I really like Sisi! Besides, as the saying goes, brothers are like siblings, women are like clothes..."

"Shut up!" Seventeen gritted his teeth, "The saying is true, but is Sisi an ordinary woman? Besides my mother, she is the most important woman in my life! How dare you compare her to clothes, Are you tired of working?"

Tuobayang couldn't help being taken aback by what he said. He thought it was quite reasonable, but he still felt a little strange, but he couldn't say exactly how strange it was. In a short time, he could only think according to common sense. I thought Seventeen was the eagerness of sister nurse, but he was too exaggerated. He wanted to chase his sister, not snatch his girlfriend, did he?

Well, then he has no choice but to use his trump card!
"Well, since you have a clear conscience, it's up to you! Anyway, sister Sisi doesn't join the cheerleading team, so I won't join the basketball team either! Don't worry, I will help you take good care of her when you go to the training camp Yes, go to and from school with her!"

Come on, villain!

Shi Qi couldn't help but want to scold people, is that okay?In that case, wouldn't it create opportunities for them alone?
no!Absolutely not!
Clenching his fists, he gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, to prove my innocence, I'll let that girl join the cheerleading squad. Even if she doesn't want to participate, I'll tie her up too!"

Tuoba Yang's eyes lit up, and he smiled, "This is more or less the same!"

Shi Qi also raised the corners of his mouth, but he sneered, secretly slandering: In this way, I can keep an eye on you!Brat, what tricks can you find out under my nose?
Regarding the cheerleading team, Sisi originally wanted to join, but after thinking about it, she changed her mind, because the cheerleading team had to train with the basketball team, practice after school every day, and go to the gymnasium in the suburbs to familiarize themselves with the venue. The gymnasium is too far away. Although the school will have a shuttle bus to pick them up, the school bus only takes them to the urban area, and there is still some distance between the urban area and their home. She calculated the time, and it was already very late at that time. They are all gone, and I can only take a taxi when I go home, and it takes a lot of money to take a taxi.

The question about the fare is actually not a problem, because she knows that her mother will definitely sponsor it. Every week, her mother will give her a fixed pocket money. In addition, if there are any activities in the school, her mother will also support them, but when she thinks about it, she still thinks Stop being so wasteful.

In the past, she might not think too much about money, but the situation is different now. She knows that she is not the biological daughter of her parents, but she has grown up in this family, and she feels very guilty.

Although after the incident, her parents treated her as well as before, even better than before, but she felt sorry for her. She loves her parents, so she can't be proud of her parents. For so many years, she was so moved, so she thought that she must save a little in the future, and repay them well when she grows up!
Sisi secretly made up her mind not to join the cheerleading team!

But just after making a decision, class monitor Su Yaya floated over again, holding a registration form in her hand, "Sisi, hurry up, fill this out!"

Sisi shook her head, "No need, Yaya, I won't participate."

"Ah?" Su Yaya was taken aback, and said in disbelief, "Sisi, are you right? This is a great thing that everyone is fighting for! The cheerleading costumes are so beautiful! The girls in our class are all fighting Yes, but the number of places is limited, I specially reserved this for you!"

Sisi still shook her head. I heard that the school will buy new clothes this year, but the money for the clothes has to be paid by the students themselves, so there will be an extra expense.

"Thank you Yaya, but I really don't want to participate."

"Sisi, are you afraid that others will say that I am using power for personal gain against you? Just ignore them. Based on your conditions, you are definitely the main force of the cheerleading team. No one can miss you!" Su Yaya said very righteously.Since the incident in the cafeteria last time, there have been many people talking behind her back, saying that she deliberately made friends with Si Sipan or something, but she is not afraid, she is not afraid of the shadow slanting, Sisi's conditions are already good, and it is only natural that she was selected for the cheerleading team Things, whoever wants to talk about it!
Sisi smiled slightly, "Yaya, don't think too much, it's my own problem that I don't want to participate, it has nothing to do with other people."

"What's your problem?" Su Yaya asked with concern.

Sisi shook her head, this is hard to say!
Seeing that she didn't want to say anything, Su Yaya didn't want to press her further, but she still put the registration form on her desk, "You take the form back first, the deadline is tomorrow, you can think about it later!"

That night, after returning home from school, Sisi did her homework in the room as usual, and opened the textbook, and the registration form was revealed again. She couldn't help but sighed, and her heart tightened.

"Sisi..." Ye Xingchen knocked on the door, still holding a fruit plate in his hand.

Sisi quickly closed the textbook, turned around, "Mom..."

Ye Xingchen Yingying walked into the room, and said softly, "Sisi, have you finished your homework, let's rest for a while and eat some fruit."

"Yeah." Sisi nodded with a smile. The fruit plate contained her favorite strawberries, peaches and crystal grapes.

Ye Xingchen glanced at the textbook, thoughtfully.

"Mom?" Shi Qi searched for her voice.

Ye Xingchen quickly responded, "Here..."

Shiqi also walked into Sisi's room soon, leaned over to Ye Xingchen, and showed great hospitality, "Mom, you sit down, sit down and talk."

Ye Xingchen couldn't help laughing, "You want to buy model airplanes again?"

"No!" Seventeen quickly denied it, but he was still embarrassed, but since he was seen through, he said straight to the point, "Mom, give me an extra 200 yuan next week..."

He talked about the basketball league from beginning to end. Of course, the most important thing is the fare issue!
Since it was a good thing, Ye Xingchen naturally supported it, but she glanced at Sisi's textbook again, and suddenly understood something, and couldn't help but feel sore, this silly girl, it really makes people feel distressed!

"Sisi, what about you, do you want to join the cheerleading squad?"

Sisi shook her head, of course she was in denial, but before she could say anything, Shi Qi said, "Of course she will participate! By the way, mom, their cheerleading team needs to buy costumes and props, so give Sisi more money!"

Sisi was startled, and quickly waved her hands, "No, no, I don't intend to participate!"

Shi Qi was very surprised, "Why? Don't you like dancing very much? Besides, you are the class leader, so you should take the lead!"

"No reason, I just don't want to participate..."

Shi Qi didn't believe it. He glanced at it and saw a corner of the registration form stuck in the textbook. He laughed immediately, and grabbed it with his hand. "I have brought back the registration form, and dare to deny it? I will fill it out for you!" "

Sisi's face flushed suddenly, "Give it back to me quickly!"

"I'll return it to you after filling it out!"

"I'm not going to..."

"I can't help you!"

"Don't fill it in, return it to me!"


The two chased each other and chased each other in the room.

Ye Xingchen looked at them with a smile, but that smile was a little lost, he turned and went to the living room, and decided to call Lou Xi to talk about Sisi.

After Sisi fought with Shi Qi, she failed.

(End of this chapter)

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