Chapter 323

Shi Qi had just unscrewed his pajama pants and was hanging them on a hanger. The men's pajama pants were dangling brightly in mid-air!
Sisi's little face turned red, as if she understood something.

She glanced again and saw the sheets in the basin, she was even more sure!
Shi Qi was also frightened stupid, such an embarrassing thing was unexpectedly bumped into by her!

God, he wanted to strangle her!
"Shameless!" Si Sijiao reprimanded, then turned and ran away.

"You're the only one who is sick!" Shi Qi was so annoyed that he wished he could tear the bed sheet to shreds.

The next morning, the atmosphere at the dinner table was eerie.

Sisi and Shiqi still ignored each other, and it was more serious than before. Before, they just didn't talk, but now, they didn't even look at each other. Sisi even moved the chair far away, as if on guard .

Ye Xingchen naturally sensed that something was wrong between the two children, it was weird last night, but why did it get worse today?
"Sisi, Seventeen, what's wrong with you two? Are you arguing again?"

Sisi blushed and said in a muffled voice, "No."

Shi Qi was also awkward, with a cold face, and said nothing.

Ye Xingchen couldn't help feeling strange, but it was not easy to ask questions about the time, so he urged, "It's getting late, eat breakfast quickly, or you'll be late for school."

Sisi picked up the cup and began to drink milk.

Shi Qi didn't like drinking milk in the first place, plus he was in a bad mood, he picked up the cup and put it down immediately, just chewed bread, his face smelled so bad.

Ye Xingchen took a deep look at his son and reminded, "Seventeen, drink the milk, it's nutritious, and it's good for your health."

"Cough..." Shi Qi suddenly choked, he was extremely sensitive to the word "body".

"You child, what are you in a hurry for?" Ye Xingchen hastily patted his son on the back.

Seventeen's face was red, and he didn't know if it was from coughing or embarrassment.

Sisi seemed to be aware of Shi Qi's thoughts, and her small face suddenly puffed up, this rotten person!

"Mom, I have an appointment with Su Yaya, let's go first, goodbye!" She picked up the unfinished bread and trotted away.

Ye Xingchen was inexplicable, why is Sisi acting weird today?

Seeing Sisi's back avoiding the plague, Shi Qi gritted his teeth fiercely, brat, do you think he is a wolf?

Originally, he didn't need to care about what she thought, but what he did this morning made him feel quite embarrassed, even a little guilty, but her attitude was too hurtful!
He took a bite of the bread hard, with a gloomy expression on his face.

Ye Xingchen was already used to the two children arguing, so he didn't think much about it, but when they were still quarreling like before, when Shi Qi had breakfast and was about to go out, he told him, "Xi Qi, after the training camp tonight, You must come back with Sisi, she is a girl who is afraid that she will not be safe."

Shi Qi pouted, even if he was willing, that girl probably wouldn't either!Maybe now, in her mind, he is worse than a bad guy!
"Seventeen, did you hear what Mom said?"

"Yeah!" Shi Qi nodded perfunctorily, and then fled the house.

Ye Xingchen stroked his forehead and felt a little headache. Why is it that the older the child is, the harder it is to understand?
She shook her head, turned and went back to the room to change clothes, but when she passed the bathroom, she suddenly stopped.

She saw pajama pants and bed sheets fluttering in the wind on the drying rack on the balcony.

After living at this age and studying medicine, if she still doesn't understand, then it's really a waste of time!
It seems that my son has grown up too!
But a son is different from a daughter, she thinks she should tell Lou Xi about Seventeen!

Quickly picked up the phone and dialed Lou Xi's number. After being forwarded, he was successfully connected. Lou Xi was obviously very surprised, "Xingchen, why did you call me so early? Did something happen at home?"

"Well, it's a big deal." Ye Xingchen told Lou Xi about Seventeen, and suggested, "Our hospital has a health popularization disc. I'll take Sisi to go shopping on weekends. You can play it for me when the time comes." Seventeen, let's see!"

Sisi has been avoiding Shiqi ever since she found out about the scene in the bathroom. She walked to school in the morning by herself, and stopped eating with him at noon. She also sat far away from him when she took the school bus to the gym for training. During the rest of the training camp, other girls went to the basketball gym to cheer for him, but she didn't go either. When they finally got home, the two of them had to take a taxi together, but one sat in the co-pilot and the other sat in the back seat.
Of course Shi Qi noticed it, and was very angry in his heart. Every time he saw Sisi hiding from him, he had the urge to drag her back and give her a tough lesson, but thinking about it again, seeing Sisi was not annoying, and seeing her was not good!
In this way, the two of them were awkward for several days, and in a blink of an eye, it was the weekend.

Lou Xi came back from the army and called Shiqi to the study, while Ye Xingchen took Sisi to the street to buy bras for girls.

When the whole family had dinner together in the evening, Shi Qi's complexion obviously improved a lot, because after watching the health education video, he knew that he was quite normal, and he hadn't experienced it again in the past few days, so His mood also improved, but when facing Sisi, he was still unhappy, he even lost his appetite, and ate listlessly.

But Sisi was polite and filial, no matter how dissatisfied she was with Shi Qi in her heart, she would never show it in front of her parents, so she sat obediently at the dinner table, didn't talk much, just ate with her head down.

"Seventeen, the exam is coming soon, you have to work harder, you know?" Lou Xi said suddenly.

Shi Qi was slightly taken aback. Although Dad cared about his grades very much, he seldom brought it up directly like this.

"Dad, is there a problem?"

Lou Xi looked at his "disappointed" son with a helpless expression.

Not long ago, China's first aircraft carrier was officially launched. Although it belongs to the navy, the aircraft carrier is a complex platform, and the carrier-based aircraft on it is the top priority.

Carrier-based aircraft is one of the main combat methods of naval aviation, and it is an important force to seize and maintain air and sea supremacy on the ocean battlefield. It is mainly used to attack air, surface, underwater and ground targets, and carry out early warning, reconnaissance, patrol, Escort, laying mines, minesweeping and vertical landing tasks, so the requirements for carrier-based aircraft pilots are extremely high.

At present, there is an urgent shortage of outstanding talents in this field in the country. For long-term development, the country has already started to cultivate reserve forces in this field, and wants to open a youth class.

If young people are wise, the country will be wise, if young people are rich, the country will be rich, and if young people are strong, the country will be strong. The army intends to train carrier-based aircraft pilots from an early age, and then select the best ones so that they can better serve the country in the future.

Seventeen's ambition is to be a pilot. Of course, being a carrier-based aircraft pilot is the most ideal, but his grades, hey!
Lou Xi thought of his son's grades that were counting down every time. He couldn't even eat anymore. He put down his chopsticks and said earnestly, "Seventeen, Dad and Mom are not pedantic parents. We know that grades don't mean everything, and before I think you are still young and playful, but now I have something very important to tell you, if you still want to become a pilot and realize your dream, you must start working hard from now on, the juvenile class of carrier-based aircraft pilots Enrollment will start soon, and the age requirement is 12 to 16 years old. I don't expect you to pass the exam this year, but you can figure it out. You don't have much time. If you don't pass the exam before you graduate from junior high school, then There will be no chance in the future! As soon as you reach the age, I will send you into the army, and then don't blame me!"

(End of this chapter)

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