Chapter 340 A Hazy Feeling

"Is it my fault?" Shi Qi pointed to himself, unable to figure it out.

Sisi didn't know why he was going crazy again, she just wanted to quickly get back her cross-stitch, "Give it back to me quickly, hey, this orange is for you to eat!"

A tone of discussing children.

Shi Qi was so angry that he gritted his teeth, snatched the orange without peeling the skin, and took a hard bite, with an expression as if he wanted to eat someone.

The corner of Sisi's mouth twitched, what nerve did he get wrong?
While chewing the orange peel, Shi Qi was troubled, his head seemed to be knotted, his mouth was sour and astringent, but he couldn't tell whether it was the taste of orange peel or something else.

Seeing that he was "sick" seriously, Sisi stopped talking and just patiently waited for his convulsions to end.

Shi Qi's mouth became more and more sour as he chewed, and he swallowed the piece of orange peel after a lot of hardships, but his chest seemed to be choked, which was uncomfortable.

"Do you want me to pour you some water?" Sisi asked with half concern and half teasing.

Shi Qi's expression turned blushing, he reached out and grabbed her ponytail, and asked uncomfortably, "Let me ask you, do you like...Tuoba Yang?"

"Huh?" Sisi couldn't keep up with the jump of his thoughts.

Shi Qi frowned, and was also annoyed at his uselessness. He obviously wanted to ask Xiao Qi, but when the words came to his mouth, he changed people, but what he said was right, Tuoba Yang really wanted to chase her. .

"Cough...he likes you, you can't feel it, can you? What do you think?"

Sisi's little face flushed slightly, she felt that she felt it, but he didn't confess directly, so she naturally didn't want to say much, but she really didn't have that idea for him, it's totally impossible!

"I didn't think much about it... I didn't plan to fall in love so early..." she said falteringly.

Shi Qi's gloomy face softened slightly, but he still seemed uneasy, and continued to ask, "There are so many people chasing you, but you don't like any of them?"

Sisi frowned angrily, why did she discuss this kind of issue with him?

"That's my business!" The girl became angry from embarrassment.

"Your business is my business! Tell me, what type do you like?" Shi Qi determined to ask thoroughly.

Sisi's little face was so red that it was about to explode, did he take the wrong medicine?Why do you keep asking her such embarrassing questions?

"I'm too lazy to talk to you!" She turned and walked towards the desk, wanting to sit on a chair.

Seeing her dodging, Shi Qi strode after her, stretched out his long arms, and hooked the computer chair. There was a pulley under the chair. With one hook, the chair slid to the side.

"Ah..." Sisi was caught off guard, sat for a while, and went to pick her up with seventeen intentions. The sound of "boom" was the sound of him falling to the ground, and his eyes were so painful that there were stars in his eyes.

Sisi also grinned, although she didn't fall directly to the ground, but she fell into his arms again, and the posture of the two was very strange, his hand was evenly covering her chest!
"Lou Chengxi, you wolf! Still haven't taken your paw away?"

Shi Qi gritted his teeth in pain, gasped for air, and stammered, "I...I want to take it away too...but, but it hurts every time I move it...needle...needle..."

Sisi looked down and was stunned. The needles she used for cross-stitching all stuck into his hands!

"Pfft..." She couldn't help it, and laughed unkindly.

Shi Qi gritted his teeth and said, "Lou Sisi, you are heartless, quickly pull it out for me!"

Sisi was also very worried that he might have broken something, but seeing that he still had the strength to yell at her, she felt relieved, ignored him, moved his hand away forcefully, and said angrily, "I'll go Call an ambulance for you!"

Shi Qi was so angry that his face turned green, "Lou Sisi, just wait, I won't stop with you!"

It was rare for Sisi to gain the upper hand, and she got carried away for a moment, "Okay, I'll wait!"

The corners of Shiqi's mouth twitched in pain, but he still didn't forget to tease her, "Lou Sisi, your little Wangzi has grown up!"

He just touched it, and it's much bigger than the last time I saw it!
Sisi looked down at her bra-wearing body, and was annoyed, "Lou Chengxi, I curse you that you will not be able to marry a wife in your next life!"

The two became "enemies" again, but there was no time to quarrel. Xiaoqi was about to leave Yunchuan soon, and Sisi's cross stitch was confiscated by Shiqi in retaliation. She had no choice but to buy a new one the next day. Ready-made, the price is 30 yuan higher, but she only has five yuan herself, and the 25 yuan was borrowed from Su Yaya. When she received the money, Sisi, who was in debt for the first time in her life, was itchy with hatred: Lou Chengxi, I The reputation of a lifetime is ruined in your hands!
Seventeen suddenly sneezed on the court, "Ah..."

Tuoba Yang was startled, and asked suspiciously, "Seventeen, are you alright? Don't catch a cold, the match will start the day after tomorrow, so don't make any mistakes!"

"You don't have a crow's mouth!" Shi Qi sniffed and continued to practice the ball, but his hands were still aching, which made him raise his eyebrows and raise his eyes in anger.

Lou Sisi, just wait, I will make you look good sooner or later!

"Ah..." Sisi in the classroom also sneezed inexplicably.

In the evening of the next day, Xiaoqi packed her luggage and was about to leave. The children in the community all came to see her off.

Although it didn't take long, everyone quickly established friendship, so they were a little reluctant to say goodbye, and several girls even cried.

Tuoba Yang was also quite reluctant, recently he had played with Xiao Qi a lot, and his skills improved greatly.

"Lou Chengze, when will you come to Yunchuan again?"

"It's hard to say, but you are welcome to play in BJ anytime." Xiao Qi said with a smile.

"Okay, we will definitely go if we have the chance!"

The farewell scene was very lively, and Sisi was naturally there too. She took out the cross stitch bought in debt and gave it to Xiaoqi, "Xiaoqi, this is a gift from me. It has a sailboat pattern on it, which means setting sail. Hope you like it."

"Thank you, sister Sisi." Xiaoqi happily took it.

On the side, Shi Qi pouted secretly, sailing boat?start sailing?The implication is pretty good, but it just doesn't fit the reality. Xiaoqi is going to enter the junior class and fly a plane. What's the use of sending a sailboat?

Sisi caught his lip curling movement, narrowed her eyes slightly, and the two began to fight with their eyes.

Tuoba Yang has long been used to the quarrel between the two of them, but he couldn't see Shi Qi always bullying Sisi like this, so he quickly smoothed things over, "Seventeen, let's play another game later, the game is about to start , practice more?"

Of course Shi Qi knew what Tuoba Yang was thinking, he was trying to save Sisi from the siege!

Immediately, I was very upset again, and let out a resentful "hmm".

"Xiao Qi, it's almost time, we should go to the airport!" Ye Xingchen drove out.

"Okay, little aunt!" Xiao Qi hurriedly waved goodbye to everyone.

Shi Qi and Si Si are naturally going to the airport to see them off. As usual, Si Si sits in the co-pilot, and Shi Qi sits in the back seat. But today's situation is different. Xiao Qi will have to sit on the plane for several hours soon. Sisi would let him sit in the front, it would be more comfortable, but in this case, she would have to sit in the back with someone, what a struggle!
Shi Qi saw through Si Si's thoughts at a glance, raised the corner of his mouth, and was so proud that he opened the back seat door and sat in first.

Sisi gritted her teeth, and then sat in.

After Xiao Qi got into the car, he put on his seat belt immediately, but the two people in the back seat were only focused on "fighting", and completely forgot about it.

(End of this chapter)

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