Chapter 350
When I was young, I thought it was a kind of unwillingness and wanted to wait for an opportunity to take revenge on her, but when I grew up, I realized that it was actually a kind of liking, unknowingly and inextricably liking.

He was once bullied so badly by her, but he didn't resent her at all, because without her, maybe he would continue to degenerate like that, not thinking about making progress, and being an idle playboy.

It was because of her bullying that he was urged to never give up, to catch up, to go to the military academy, join the army, and become a real man.

Fighting all the way, joking all the way, it was she who made him who he is today, and the upcoming tomorrow.

She is not a lady, not gentle, and does not know how to do housework, but in his eyes, she is indescribably cute and petty. She is the most honest and straightforward girl among the people he knows. .

Seeing that he didn't respond for a long time, the little devil couldn't help being suspicious, "Hey, why are you in a daze?"

Wang Chaoyang came back to his senses suddenly, and felt that her smooth little hand had slipped from his palm, and felt a sense of loss in his heart.

However, the future is long!
"I was thinking, I didn't bring anything here today, so why not spend the night in your room?" He joked.

The little devil's face turned red, especially her pair of little ears that were flushed from shyness, they were so cute, with a naughty and playful air.

However, that shyness only lasted for a few seconds, and then she narrowed her eyes, glanced at a certain part of his body, and then blew her fingers and said, "I bought a new pair of scissors, and I don't know if it will work or not." , do you want to try?"

Wang Chaoyang was defeated again.For the time being, it's better not to put yourself in danger, although he can subdue her with a few moves now, but where is this girl, he'd better be careful!

The little devil looked at the time, it was almost time to go to school, there was class in the afternoon!
She glared at someone again, turned around and went back to her room, without closing the door, she began to change clothes, forgive him for not daring to peek!

Otherwise, she will definitely cripple his eyes!

The little devil quickly changed his clothes, scratched his hair a few times, collected a few books and stuffed them into his schoolbag, and rushed out in less than 10 minutes. Before he left, he did not forget to explain, "I will Come back, make dinner!"

Apparently, she's using someone as a free babysitter.

Wang Chaoyang was almost injured internally, he really asked for it, he is a bitch!

But where's the fun in raising pigs?Of course, after raising it to be white and fat, eat it!
Lou Xinxin, just wait and see!
The university that the little devil attends is a well-known university in BJ, and she worked so hard to get into it.

Speaking of this, she would like to thank Xiao Qi, if he wasn't so good, so good that she felt ashamed, she would not be able to pass the exam for such a famous brand in her next life.

There is such a younger brother who is praised by everyone and flowers bloom when she sees flowers. As a big sister, she really has no face to hang around anymore, so she wakes up early and waits for the night, lights the lamp to boil oil, and her head hangs from the beam and the awl pierces her buttocks. Dad thinks she has suffered something Exciting, in the end it was Niu'er who understood her and told everyone the truth, and she worked hard amidst the admiration of the whole family.

Huangtian paid off, her hard work was not in vain, and she was successfully admitted to high school and university, and she was a double-degree major!
She majored in law and international finance. At first she didn't like this type of school, but there was nothing she could do. There were only four children in the family. Xiaoqi and Shiqi must go to the army. Sisi was still young. The company run by grandma can only be inherited by her.

That year when Wang Xiaoming was admitted to the military academy, she originally wanted to go too, female soldiers, how mighty!But she is not tall enough.

Speaking of this matter, she was depressed. She was in good health when she was a child, so much taller than Wang Xiaoming, but why didn't she grow taller after graduating from middle school?
Where did Niuer go to eat all the delicious food that Niuer desperately cooked for her?Why not absorb it?

On the contrary, Wang Xiaoming was like taking height-enhancing drugs, and he jumped up a bit in a year, which made her jealous!
The height of the two of them grew bigger and bigger, and she started to suffer when she started to fight, and then her strength was not as strong as his, and in the end... Hey, don't mention the courage of the hero!

Only then did she deeply understand what her grandfather said: the body is the capital of the revolution!

However, she wasn't discouraged either. If she couldn't become a female soldier, she would go to university. Since her body was failing, she would use knowledge to arm her mind!
Therefore, she challenged the two most difficult majors in the school, and it was a combination of undergraduate and master!

Because of this, she had to work harder and harder, otherwise she would fail in graduation, wouldn't she be laughed at by Wang Xiaoming to death?
When she was a child, she was better than him in everything, but when she grew up, he was admitted to the military academy. She didn't even cross the threshold. He joined the army, and now he has two bars on his shoulders, and he may be promoted in a few years. Well, if she doesn't make some achievements, won't she live and go back, and lose her life?
She doesn't want to be looked down upon by him!

The little devil, who was so focused on competing with Wang Xiaoming, didn't realize at the moment that the two of them actually improved because of each other. Her bullying him inspired him to improve every day, and his strong rise urged her to move forward. Forge ahead.

There is a word called Yuan Jia Lu Narrow, there is a sentence that means that enemies do not get together, and another sentence is... Enemies are easy to tie but not easy to solve.

The two of them are destined to be enemies for life.

The little devil arrived at the classroom in a hurry, and just after entering, she was stopped by several roommates in the same dormitory. Although the little devil moved out of the dormitory, because of her cheerful personality, she still had a good relationship with the roommates in the original dormitory, and she moved out of the dormitory. After going out, she also generously gave them her bed to store sundries. For this, the roommates were very grateful, and they all gave her their hearts and souls. The girls dragged the little devil to the last row, and they were gossiping. "Xinxin, Qiao Didi from the dormitory next door has been chosen as the school belle!"

"Really, congratulations to her!" The little devil didn't care much about this kind of question.

Roommate No. 2 rolled her eyes, "Congratulations! Do you know who No.[-] is? It's you! You're only one vote short of her!"

"Is there such a thing?" The little devil was surprised, when was she PKed?
Roommate No. [-] hates iron and steel, "Xinxin, in fact, you look much better than her! You lose because you are too aggressive! That Joe Dididuo knows how to be a man, laughs at everyone, and talks like hell, although boys Everyone thinks she is fake, but they still follow her way!"

Roommate No. [-] nodded sharply, and added, "And it is said that she is a rich second generation, with famous brands all over her body, and the smell of perfume on her body can be smelled from far away! Look at you again..."

The little devil looked at himself following the line of sight of his roommates, what's the matter, isn't this good, he's fully dressed and not naked!
The roommates were having a headache and were about to give her a profound ideological education when the newly appointed school belle Qiao Didi appeared!
As the name suggests, Qiao Didi is so delicate, she walks like Lin Daiyu!After entering the classroom, she swept her beautiful eyes, stared at the little devil, and then smiled meaningfully, obviously the gesture of a winner.

The little devil blinked, she was shot while lying down!

"Xinxin, look, her dress is from Armani!" roommate No. [-].

"The shoes are from Prada!" roommate number two.

"The bag is from LV!" Roommate No. [-] said.

"So?" the little devil asked.

"She has famous brand LOGO all over her body, it's clearly showing off, in case others don't know that she is the daughter of a nouveau riche!" Roommate No. [-].

(End of this chapter)

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