Chapter 353 Looking Back
The little devil also changed his playful smile. Although he was not feeling well, he was still strict with himself, with his head held high, his hands drooping, and he stood up seriously in a military posture.

She had never seen this side of Wang Chaoyang, and it was the first time she saw him so serious.

Once upon a time, that little boy who was always defeated by her has grown into a mighty and domineering soldier.

Wearing a military uniform, he was tall and straight, not a literati, not an elegant person, just a soldier, but at this moment, his image in her eyes was unprecedentedly tall.

Standing under the scorching sun, he raised his head, raised his chest, looked straight at his eyes, lowered his jaw slightly, retracted his abdomen, his legs straightened, his feet spread out at 60 degrees, and his five fingers pressed together to the seam of his trousers.Maybe he is hot, maybe he is tired, but because of that military uniform, he must stand strong.

She saw his rigor and fortitude as a soldier. Although the two of them had been at odds since childhood, she had to admit that at this moment, he was a real man!
For 10 minutes, the students stood like "nails". Many people in the team couldn't hold it anymore, their faces were flushed and sweaty, and the little devil was about to die. It's because of my aunt.

Today is the second day when my aunt came here, and when she used the most amount, she specially used extra-sized night-time sanitary napkins, but after such a long time, it was about to leak!
But...she doesn't want to fall behind!
But if she doesn't ask for leave to go to the bathroom again, she will be ashamed and lose her face!

But how could she talk to him about this kind of thing?He would definitely think that she was trying to take the opportunity to be lazy!Wouldn't she be ridiculed by him again?

Not only did he not get into the military academy, but now he can't even stand the military training, it's too embarrassing!

The little devil was caught in a battle between heaven and man, and his big black eyes were gurgling.

Wang Chaoyang tried his best not to look sideways, but he caught sight of the little devil in the team from the corner of his eye. Seeing her tangled expression, he raised his eyebrows almost inaudibly.

The little devil noticed it, and immediately straightened his back even more, and his eyes widened, as if to emphasize: I am not left behind, absolutely not!
Wang Chaoyang narrowed his eyes slightly, and a pair of radar-like sharp eyes darted back and forth on her body. The little devil felt guilty for a while, and couldn't help muttering: What are you looking at, have you never seen a beautiful woman?


Wang Chaoyang couldn't help but wanted to laugh, and he really did, although it wasn't very obvious, but the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

But the little devil still saw it, and was immediately annoyed, laughing P, white teeth?
Wang Chaoyang subconsciously licked his teeth, then pointed to where the little devil was and shouted, "The student who is number six in the first row, come out!"

Being named, the little devil is naturally annoyed, did you see, someone is going to start revenge!

Fake public affairs for personal gain, small belly and chicken intestines, villains are in power!

"Yes..." She gritted her teeth and came out, her face was puffed up like a little squirrel.

Wang Chaoyang sharply noticed that the little devil's walking posture was a bit coy, which is rare!

Looking at her little face again, although it was slightly flushed because of anger, it couldn't hide the weak paleness.

Thinking about it again, she seemed to be dawdling in the bathroom for a long time in the morning.

With a thought, he seemed to understand her question.

No wonder, the crazy girl who was full of energy in the past seems to be out of power today, so she has encountered a problem that every woman will encounter!

Well, the little devil who bullied him since childhood is already a little woman!


The little devil was a little creeped out by Wang Chaoyang, what the hell is that look in his eyes?A half-smile?

She was already nervous enough, but after seeing him like this, she almost collapsed?

Also, what did he mean by asking her to come out?Call out and don't speak!ill!
The eyes of the two met in the air, crackling.

The students below were all on the alert, for fear that they would also be taken out for an "exhibition" by the instructors, and none of them spoke, but their eyes were all wide open, staring at the two of them in either way.

The atmosphere was a little weird.

At this time, another instructor suddenly came over, patted Wang Chaoyang on the shoulder and muttered a few words, and then Wang Chaoyang ordered, "Stay where you are for 10 minutes!"

"Huh..." Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The little devil also heaved a sigh of relief, and quickly moved his limbs, but his little eyes flicked fiercely behind someone.

"Oh, I'm exhausted!"

"Me too, our instructors are too ruthless, we don't know how to be sympathetic!" the girls complained.

"Fragrant? Jade? Just you?" The boys were sour.

"Tch, you guys can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour! The instructor is a real man, you should be envious and jealous!" The girls pierced the boys' minds.

In this era when men's blood is getting weaker and weaker, women instinctively desire heroes more.This sentence is more vividly reflected in the youthful university campus.

Everyone rested in place, and during the time of moving their arms and legs, their mouths were not idle, and they talked about gossip unconsciously.

And on the topic just now, everyone naturally chatted about the topic of love.

The university campus is not only a palace of knowledge, but also a cradle of love. Girls look forward to finding a romantic love here.

"It would be great if my future boyfriend is half as handsome as Instructor Wang!"

"Hmph! Short-sighted! My target is Instructor Wang himself!" Qiao Didi said proudly.

"That's why people think highly of you!" The others curled their lips.

The girls are chattering, except for the little devil.

"Xinxin, why don't you speak? What are you thinking?" Roommate No. [-] came over.

"I want to go to the toilet!" the little devil said while tugging at his pants, if he didn't go, it would be over!But damn Wang Xiaoming, how can he rest in place and not disband?

Roommate One was killed.

"Xinxin, can you stop being so confused?" Roommate No. [-] continued.

"That is to say, look at Qiao Didi, who keeps showing off herself, just to make the instructor pay more attention to her! Can you also fight for her? Are you willing to always be the second best in school? Always be compared by her ?” Roommate No. [-] said angrily.

The little devil rolled his eyes, only Wang Xiaoming?The two of them can recognize each other even if they turn into ashes!What else can we pay attention to!

Of course, this can't be said to them, she doesn't want everyone to know that they know each other, otherwise they will have to gossip!
"Xinxin, have you ever been in love?"

"No!" The little devil had a questioning expression on his face.

"Then why are you still so calm? Hurry up and work hard! If you don't make a move now, they will pick the rest in the future!"

The little devil shrugged his shoulders, and said very leisurely, "Love is like the Three Kingdoms, united for a long time will be divided, and divided for a long time will be reunited; love is also like Journey to the West, nine nine 81 difficult, just to get true love; love is more like the Red Chamber, there is always a group of people Treat it as a Guiquan, and spend your whole life studying it; but, love is most like Water Margin, no matter how vigorous you are, you will eventually be recruited by life. Don’t think about it, let nature take its course!”

"But life is like a pig-killing knife. If you don't take advantage of your youth and beauty to talk about a vigorous love, it will be too late to regret it later!"

The little devil shook his head, disapprovingly, "Huang Zhong mixed with Liu Bei at the age of 60, Tokugawa Ieyasu ruled the world at the age of 70, Jiang Ziya became the prime minister at the age of 80, and Madam She was in command at the age of [-]. I'm not even [-] years old this year, what should I worry about?"

(End of this chapter)

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