Just because I loved you so much at the time - published

Chapter 360 The Relationship Is Confirmed 2

Chapter 360 The Relationship Is Confirmed 2
Xiao Ming's mother was shy when she was a little devil, she took her hand with a smile, and said very familiarly, "Xinxin, mom has finally waited for this day, you and Xiao Ming should hurry up and find a date, even though you are old It's a little small, but it's always okay to get engaged first. It's justified if you get engaged, and you won't cause gossip if you live together. If you want to have a child early, then your mother will not object, and your mother will take care of it for you when it is born! I I'm getting older day by day, my memory is not good, didn't I go to the wrong floor just now? Hurry up, both of you, while I can still move!"

Hold on to your sister!

The little devil really wanted to squirt back like this, but this is an elder, she couldn't squirt it out!

Wang Chaoyang was also a little dumbfounded. Sure enough, Jiang is still old and hot, he didn't expect this level!
However, isn't this a bit too aggressive?He doesn't want to die before he leaves the school!
Hey, mom, I'm your own son, right?

Don't hurt me!

Xiao Ming's mother stood between the two of them, holding one arm in the other, her aura looked like she was going to lead her son and daughter-in-law to get the certificate!

The little devil's expression is very tangled, this is "there are wolves in front and tigers in the back"!

Wang Chaoyang was also a little worried, but he was happy to see the results after all.

Xiao Ming's mother was overjoyed, she wanted to have a daughter all her life, but who knew she would give birth to a son, and this son was not up to the mark when he was young, she had already taken a fancy to that little devil from Lou's house!The little girl has been in a hurry since she was a child, and she is so mighty!As expected of a child from a military family!With such good genes, the children born in the future must also have courage!
As for their Wang family, only the father-in-law is a soldier, and her husband is the only son of the Wang family, but he didn't inherit his father's demeanor at all. He doesn't like being a soldier, but likes doing business!After graduating from university, he fell headlong into the business world, and the old man was so angry that he almost broke his dog legs!Fortunately, she stepped forward and saved his life!
The fact that his son failed to serve as a soldier has always been a regret in the old man's heart, so he pinned his hopes on his grandson later, but Xiao Ming was not up to date when he was a child, and every time he was repaired miserably by the little devil, his nose burst into tears When he came back in a hurry, the old man was devastated when he saw it. This son is not a soldier, and neither is his grandson!

Of course, she saw the regretful expression of the father-in-law, and she felt very uncomfortable, and felt guilty. Back then, the father-in-law allowed her husband to do business for his own sake, but when it came to Xiao Ming, the tragedy would repeat itself?No matter how she thinks, she feels ashamed of the old Wang family!
But it's all right now, with the little devil, that girl has such a powerful vigor, not only she likes it, but the old man likes it too!
After that, when she married into the Wang family, the child she gave birth to must not be the same as her?

Ouch, how beautiful it is!
She is finally worthy of the ancestors of the Wang family!

On this side, Xiao Ming's mother is satisfied, and on the other side, Shu Rao's mood has also stabilized. Once the two mothers and adults meet, they have a little intention of seeing each other's parents.

The little devil almost got down on his knees and swore that it was just a misunderstanding, a big misunderstanding!

Wang Chaoyang also put away his joking thoughts, and swore by his personality and military rank that he never did anything he shouldn't have done!
Shu Rao also watched Wang Chaoyang grow up, and she still believes in this child's character. He has a good tutor and a good temper. When he was bullied by a little devil like that, he didn't hold grudges, which shows that he has a big heart!Moreover, after several years of training in the military academy and the army, he already has the responsibility of a man. If you say that he and the little devil make a pair, they couldn't be more suitable.

Moreover, she also understands the situation of the Wang family up and down. They are a very good family. Although Xiaoming's father's Wang Group is quite big, the whole family has always maintained a hard and simple style under the education of Political Commissar Wang. , without the slightest exaggeration and luxury, it is a real family that has lived through life.

Another very important point is that the little devil will not marry too far in the future, living in a big courtyard, it is not much different from not being married!
After thinking about it for a while, Shu Rao felt that Wang Chaoyang was really the best candidate!
Her only worry is that the little devil is still young and his temperament is unstable. This major event in life cannot be rushed, but it is okay to let the two children interact first.

This pair of enemies has been fighting since childhood, let's get used to it first!
"Okay, I believe you are all good boys, you will have a sense of proportion..."

"Niu'er, you are so wise!" Before Shu Rao could finish speaking, the little devil quickly flattered her.

Shu Rao laughed immediately, and pinched her little face fondly, "Don't rush to put a high hat on me, I haven't finished talking yet!"

The little devil pouted, "What else?"

"Of course it's about the two of you living together! Although it's said to be a co-rental, but after all, it's a lonely man and a widow. It's not good to spread the word. It's better to confirm the relationship earlier, and it will be justified!"

"Yes, yes, that's what I mean too!" Xiao Ming's mother also agreed very much.

The corner of the little devil's mouth twitched, and he pointed at Wang Chaoyang and said firmly, "I have nothing to do with him! Why do you have to be sure?"

Wang Chaoyang pushed the boat along the way, "It is only when there is no confirmation that there is no confirmation. Once it is confirmed, there will be."

The little devil immediately jumped, "What do you mean?"

Shu Rao couldn't help but have a headache, why is her girl so stupid!
Wang Chaoyang asked Shu Rao sincerely and politely, "Auntie, can I talk to Xinxin alone?"

"Okay." Shu Rao nodded.

"Huh?" The little devil was surprised, but Wang Chaoyang directly took her hand and led her to the balcony.

The little devil was in a fog, and she didn't understand until Wang Chaoyang closed the balcony door.

He... isn't this coming for real?
After moving in from Wang Chaoyang, she felt terrified. He was a major with two bars and one star, and he came to the university to be a military training instructor. He was a bit too talented!What's more, he was assigned to her class, plus what he did during the military training these days, no matter how strange he thought, but he didn't say it directly, which made her heart flutter, but she still couldn't be sure. .

But as soon as this happened today, she had to doubt it!

Well, let's go all out, don't be afraid to be passionate!

"You... really want to chase me?" The little devil asked with squinted eyes, but she was secretly denying the answer in her heart, because she hadn't figured it out yet, if he nodded, how would she respond?

If not for the fact that the little devil has a strange brain structure, at this time, she can still take a short errand.

And her desertion reaction is obviously out of the need for self-protection.

Don't look at the little devil who has been bluffing and being careless since he was a child, but he will never lose the chain at critical moments. He is definitely not the kind of master who can be fooled by a few sweet words from a man. So much effort!
Wang Chaoyang took two steps forward, staring at the little devil, his gaze was deep and gentle, "Xinxin..."

The little devil immediately got goosebumps, panicked for a moment, and widened his eyes, "Speak well..."

"Lou Xinxin." The tone became more solemn.

The little devil trembled, and finally began to enter the state, and then his face, ears, neck... all turned red.

so cute!
Wang Chaoyang's heart fluttered when he saw it, and he hugged the little devil agitatedly.

"Hey, hey, why are you messing around? Don't mess around! Be careful and I'll sue your parents!" The little devil was in a hurry.

Sue parents?
Wang Chaoyang laughed immediately. Aren't the parents happy to see the success?

(End of this chapter)

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