Chapter 409 The last side with Sisi 1
As for the content, it is as follows...

Dear Girlfriend:
According to your will, I faced the wall in the bathroom and thought for an hour, twelve minutes and nine seconds. I did not slack off, did not drink water, and did not smoke. The above facts are absolutely true. If you have any doubts, you can go to the scene to investigate , If I have half a lie, I would like to be your cow and horse for the rest of my life.

Attached is my review report. If you are wrong, feel free to raise any doubts, and we can negotiate.

We live together, oh, no, the days of shared renting are not short, during this period of time, I think Miss Lou Xinxin is a beautiful, kind, smart and lovely girl, but as a boyfriend, I behave frivolously , The attitude is arrogant, and there are indeed many things that are worthy of discussion.

The following is my specific analysis of my bad behavior, please read it:

First, what happened today is that I was wrong.Although the cake you made is a bit small, the bottom of the pan is a bit mushy, and the cream is a bit thick, if you don’t tell me, I wouldn’t be able to tell that it’s a cake, but the flaws are not concealed, after all, you made it yourself, I shouldn’t hesitate for a long time I still refuse to take a bite. In fact, I am so hesitant, it is completely hidden jealousy, what I do is definitely not as good as you.

Second, I think back to the day when we watched a movie, you said you like Brad Pitt, I shouldn't have said that I like Angelina Jolie, which made you almost turn against me in public.I looked back and thought, my answer was indeed a bit inappropriate. I think that when we were chasing "Friends" together, we all liked Jennifer Aniston unanimously. She is also Brad Pitt's ex-wife. How could I say that? My son turned to support Angelina Jolie, you must suspect that I will make that kind of principled mistake in the future, I really deserve to be stared at by you.

Third, I should have obstructed you in every possible way when you went to the bathroom in the middle of the movie. It was because I was not firm enough that you found the wrong seat when you came back and sat next to an older man who was not half as handsome as me. It made him think that you were interested in him, but you were about to explain to him, but he said: Sorry miss, I am gay.
Fourth, when we went to the night market at night, you wanted to eat octopus balls. The proprietress said two skewers for five yuan.It's all my fault, I was too slow to withdraw money!
Fifth, you also bought a wig and asked me if it looked good. I said it looked good, and you were very happy. When you further verified it, I said it was okay. When you asked me whether it looked good, I replied that it was okay, which made you very disappointed.This is my fault. When encountering similar problems in the future, my answer will definitely be based on the first time.

Sixth, let's take a photoshoot, you want to take a photo alone, and you said you would save it for the graduation party and give the photo to your classmates, including male classmates of course, I shouldn't be petty, I shouldn't break into your camera, and hurt Your one-person photo becomes a two-person photo.But having said that, I don’t think the backgrounds you chose are really suitable for a single person’s photo. The frame is too big and there are too many spaces.

Seventh, you fancy a pair of shoes in the night market. I say the quality is not good and I won’t let you buy them. I will go to Wangfujing to buy you a better pair another day. You accuse me that you have bought several pairs of insoles yourself. I'm stepping on the shoes, and I'm also stepping on the insoles, can't I just step on one pair of shoes?Are your feet nobler than mine?Of course not, my feet are the smelliest, otherwise you wouldn't throw my socks in the trash every time.

Eighth, before we went home, I went to a convenience store. After I came out, you asked me what I bought, and I said cigarettes.In fact, I lied, I have not smoked for a long time, because smoking is harmful to health, second-hand smoke is even more harmful, I have made up my mind to quit for myself and you!And the most important point is that smoking also affects the next generation.Well, I actually bought a box of Durex.

Ninth, this question continues. If you insist on minding what happened just now, then I can change my words. The main reason I bought a condom is not for that. I just want to remind myself that it is for the health of our daughter in a few years. For the sake of thinking, I have to be prepared at all times. When I see a set, I have to think about quitting smoking. Are you satisfied with this?

To sum up, Miss Lou Xinxin is a just and kind girl, I hope you can forgive me this time, be frank and lenient while resisting strictness, please give me another chance to be a new person for the sake of self-criticism .

However, in order for our tree of love to thrive, thrive, and blossom and bear fruit someday in the future, I would like to offer a few small, small suggestions:

First, don't always drool over the handsome guys in TV movies or comic books. If you really want to see them, you can find me. Although I may not be as handsome as them, at least I can see and feel them. Don't you think it's more tactile?

Moreover, a man may not be handsome, but he must be kind.Men are not necessarily romantic, but they must be loyal.Men do not necessarily have money, but they will work hard.A man who is not handsome, romantic, and poor, but at the same time is a kind, loyal, and hardworking man.The key is whether you look at people's shortcomings or appreciate their strengths.Seeing the positive energy in people's hearts will lead to a happier life.Of course, I am a little handsome, I also know a little bit of romance, and I am not too poor.

Second, when eating, you always think that I eat less, but when taking pictures, you think I am fat. My dear, this really makes me very embarrassed and even entangled.

Third, don't always give me some brain teasers. Such tricky and weird questions will confuse my logic.

Fourth, don't tell me jokes while I'm watching a shootout, and don't laugh.

The fifth and last point is that this is a very serious problem. Although the military training is not over yet, we usually serve as instructors and students in school, but sometimes I want to create some romance for you. For example, three days ago, I I sent you a text message with an unfamiliar mobile phone number, asking you to meet under the third tree in the playground on the evening of the [-]st, and I waited elegantly under the tree, and then you came, followed by a group of figures, Moonlight Jiaojie, you didn't wait to see the figure under the tree, so you yelled: Who wrote the challenge letter?My romantic cells suddenly shattered to the ground.

The above points, please kiss your girlfriend and learn from them.

Next, in order to express my sincerity, I specially present some gifts to you:
1 is my qq password.

2 is my bank card password.

3 Put your photo on the phone screen.

4 allows you to check my phone at any time.

5 In the future, no matter how cold the weather is, you will be allowed to put your hands in my clothes.

Finally, dear sweetheart, in view of my birthday today, you have a lot of adults, so don't bother with me, okay?If you agree, the babies born from the money in my wallet will belong to you!

Friendly reminder: I found Xiaoqiang in the bathroom just now, and I have already eliminated it decisively. If you find that there are still remnants when you take a shower later, please call my name immediately, and I will rush to the scene as soon as possible. Sincerely at your service.

After reading Wang Chaoyang's so-called self-criticism, the little devil was rolling with joy, and almost fell off the sofa.

"Okay, I forgive you!" She laughed until her stomach ached.

Wang Chaoyang also laughed, hugged her and kissed her hard again, but this time, not only did the little devil not refuse, but he hugged his neck instead, responding.

After staying in BJ for a while, Shi Qi and Xiao Qi are about to leave for the army. Before leaving, Shu Rao helped them prepare their luggage and bought their tickets. Although the distance from BJ to Q City is not close, according to Lou Yi Sincerely, the two children are going to the army, not to travel, there is no need to take the plane, the train is fine, and it is still a hard seat.

(End of this chapter)

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