Chapter 94 Competition among women (2)

If it were another woman, she might have already held Lou Xi's hand to swear sovereignty or seek protection, but she didn't move, although she could tell that she was also very nervous.

Ye Xingchen's nervousness and composure were so contradictory yet harmonious, which made Jing Sa startled slightly, and it took him a while to recover.

"Let me look at the case first." She lowered her head.

On the side, Deputy Director Li explained in detail, "Sisi had the first attack last night. She is late for congenital heart disease. She has symptoms such as dyspnea, cyanosis, and fainting after activities."

"At the beginning of the onset, how was the condition during the rescue?"

Ye Xingchen quickly replied, "I did artificial respiration, mouth-to-mouth, and I did chest compressions at the same time!"

"Alternate ratio with artificial respiration?" Jing Sa asked again.

"15 to 2!"

"How many times did you do it before going to the doctor?"

"Just that one time."

Jing Sa asked one question after another, and Ye Xingchen answered one after another. Between the questions and the answers, Jing Sa secretly realized that it was this woman who saved Sisi's life. His little life was long gone.

After some inquiries, Jing Sa proposed to go to the ward to have a look, and everyone hurriedly turned to the ward.

Lou Xi walked in the front, and Ye Xingchen walked in the back. When everyone entered the ward, she gently closed the door.

In the ward, Sisi was half asleep and half awake, her eyes opened for a while and closed again for a while, as if she had no strength and was extremely weak.

Lou Xi walked quickly to the hospital bed, squatted down, and leaned over to touch Sisi's face with her lips. The small face was slightly cold, so was the small nose, and the small mouth was even worse.

Sisi seemed to feel his breath, her small body moved suddenly, and she hummed a few times in her small mouth, then slowly, slowly opened her eyes, the eyes were not as bright as usual, but Seeing Lou Xi, she was still a little excited, and moved her little hand, as if she wanted to hug her.

Lou Xi naturally didn't dare to hug her casually, but he couldn't bear to refuse the little girl's request, so he gently held her little hand.

Sisi felt the warmth of his palm, as if she felt some support, a smile appeared on her haggard little face, but that smile was so weak, Lou Xi's rigid body suddenly shook, and she lowered her head and kissed Sisi's small face said, "Sisi, be good, don't be afraid, dad is here!"

"Well... Dad... Dad..." Sisi's voice was very small, only humming in her throat.

Seeing this scene, everyone was moved. Jing Sa also knew Chen Zhou. Before she went abroad, she often went to the army, but she never thought that after she left for three years and came back, Chen Zhou was gone. Si is so pitiful.

The nurse prepared various medical equipment, and Jing Sa immediately began to check Sisi's condition, Li Rong's expression was very serious.

Ye Xingchen's hands subconsciously grabbed the hem of the skirt. Although she is also a doctor, Sisi is too young. She is not sure to operate on Sisi, let alone her, even Deputy Director Li. The hope is on Jing Sa, she has rich clinical experience abroad, I hope she can save Sisi!
After a while, after the examination was over, Jing Sa looked at the crowd and said, "Sisi's condition is okay now, but this disease cannot be delayed. Interventional treatment is useless for Sisi. Surgery must be performed, and the operation should be done as soon as possible. When her condition stabilizes, hurry up and set a date!"

Lou Xi slightly paused the hand covering Sisi's quilt, and asked in a deep voice, "What's the success rate?"

Jing Sa was silent for a while, looked down at the medical records, as if avoiding something, and then said slowly after a while, "I can only say that I will do my best."

For a while, no one in the ward spoke.

Ye Xingchen looked at Jing Sa and frowned slightly, as if thinking about something.

Suddenly, Sisi's stomach made a "gurgling" sound, she was hungry.

That's right, the little girl fell asleep at the movie theater last night, and she has been sleeping since she got home at night, and she hasn't eaten for a long time.

And she will need an IV in a while, but the little girl's body is too weak and her stomach is empty, so she has to eat before she can get an injection.

Ye Xingchen almost had to run, from the ward to the hospital cafeteria, bought a bowl of porridge, and specially asked the master cook to cook it again, the rice was so badly cooked, it was so soft that it melted in the mouth.

She was carrying the hot porridge with a bowl on it, and almost trotted all the way back to the ward. After putting down the bowl, her fingers were already red.

But she didn't care, touched her ears twice, and started to feed Sisi porridge.

The little girl was sick, so naturally she didn't have much appetite, she just ate a few mouthfuls, but she didn't want to eat anymore, Ye Xingchen coaxed her for a long time, before she reluctantly fed a few spoonfuls, she only ate half a bowl of porridge, but at least she ate some .

Jing Sa communicated with Deputy Director Li, and then prescribed oral medicine to Sisi, and the nurse quickly brought the medicine.

Sisi was most afraid of suffering, and as soon as she saw the medicine bottle, she started to quit, her little head shook slightly, and her little body shrank into the bed until only her eyes were exposed, and her eyes were very pitiful.

Ye Xingchen felt that Sisi was very similar to her own childhood. She was afraid of suffering when she was a child, and would rather get an injection than take medicine. In her memory, her mother always fed her medicine mouth to mouth.

"Sisi, let's eat together, okay?" She coaxed softly.

Sisi ignored her.

"Sisi, good boy, it's like eating marshmallows. Take this medicine together. This is called sharing weal and woe, you know?" She used this metaphor to coax Sisi, and Sisi heard the word "cotton candy" After that, it seemed a little moved.

She picked up the cup and rinsed her mouth first, then opened the medicine bottle, the inside was noodle-shaped, she poured out a third of the spoonful, approached Sisi, and put the spoonful into her mouth under her gaze , the bitter taste made her frown immediately, but she endured it, lowered her head and brought her mouth closer to Sisi.

Sisi hesitated for a while, and slowly opened her small mouth.

On the side, Jing Sa opened his eyes wide, a little stunned.

Lou Xi remained silent, her handsome face remained unchanged, but her eyes were soft.

Ye Xingchen was afraid that Sisi would choke, so he only fed one-third of a spoonful at a time, and only fed a whole spoonful three times in a row, reaching the standard dose. However, the medicine was taken well.

"Sisi is so brave!" Ye Xingchen said in praise.

The little girl raised her lips slightly, as if proud.

Afterwards, Ye Xingchen gave Sisi another drink of water, then kissed the little girl's cheek with her lips, and the little girl yelled weakly, "Ma Ma..."

Jing Sa silently looked away.

The medicine was a face medicine, and some of it would definitely enter her body if she took it in her mouth. Although she didn't swallow much, it was still bad, and it was a medicine for treating the heart.

Lou Xi's dark eyes are serious, his gaze is meticulous, and his chest is filled with some kind of emotion, which is as warm as a tide.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed that this seemingly weak little woman had such strong perseverance. Since Sisi's illness last night, until now, the bravery and strength she has shown even surpassed Him, is this the power of maternal love?

His chest was churning, and he had to take a deep breath.

Suddenly, his cell phone rang, and he glanced at the incoming call, it was the number of the army.

Eleven is coming soon, and they are about to conduct an important military exercise!

He looked at his phone, then at Sisi, his brows were tightly frowned, as if in a dilemma, but no matter how difficult it was, there was only one choice, and that was the soldier's choice!

(End of this chapter)

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