Farmer Senda

Chapter 34 Reiki Can Heal Diseases

Chapter 34 Reiki Can Heal Diseases

"Doctor, who is the doctor, save my husband!"

The woman who was rescued from the car may look like a mess now, but judging from the temperament of her body, she is definitely not what ordinary people should be, and she must be from a wealthy family.

People around showed helpless eyes, and the wounded was bleeding profusely. Whoever encountered this kind of thing was unlucky, and even the hospital doctors might not be able to solve it.

When everyone saw a young man walking in, they automatically moved out of the way.

Speaking of which, there are still a lot of good people.

Although they don't know what this young man is doing here, but the grass juice in his hand, many people can see the trick, maybe this young man has a way.

The noble lady stood in the distance, with a noble and elegant temperament, but when she got closer, that temperament was more conspicuous, probably because of the connection with the place she was in.

Everyone looked at the young man, and the surroundings suddenly became quiet.

"Sister, do you trust me?"

Zhang Xiaohu tossed out a sentence very sadly, and anyone who heard it would feel speechless.

When strangers come here and say such words directly, 100% of the people will not believe it, only the spirit body knows who you are.

In fact, it's not that Zhang Xiaohu can't speak, it's because he really doesn't know what to say, if he drools in the past, he probably died a long time ago.

Zhang Xiaohu would only do this when he was free.

Hearing this, Bi Yuefang didn't really care much about it, but when she raised her head, she was more or less shocked. It wasn't how handsome Zhang Xiaohu was, but because this young man was full of a comfortable aura. Especially those eyes, twinkling like stars in the sky.

Bi Yuefang had seen so many handsome men, none of them could compare with this young man, and an invisible temperament overwhelmed him.

"Young man, do you have a solution?" Bi Yuefang stopped crying.

Zhang Xiaohu rubbed his nose, "I'm very happy. Hearing what Eldest Sister said, she didn't think of me as a big villain. Otherwise, I would have become that kind of barefoot doctor!"

Bi Yuefang, who was originally sad, had a smile on her lips, this young man is very interesting.

"Sister, let me tell you that I am actually a farmer in the country. There is an old man living on the mountain in my village. I usually go for a walk when I have nothing to do. I have learned a lot of skills. Your husband's bleeding, I can just stop it." , It depends on whether the eldest sister believes me, a local doctor!" Zhang Xiaohu said nonsense, just to confuse everyone.

If you directly say that there is a way, people will definitely not believe it. The previous words have more or less played a certain role, although it is not very eye-catching, it will play a role in mitigating.

Many people do not believe that the problem of heavy bleeding can be solved with herbal medicine.

Some people also refuted that there is no lack of the kind of expert in Jiuzhou, and the things that cannot be solved in the eyes of everyone, in the eyes of the expert, these are small things.

For a moment, both sides were convinced by each other, and everyone's eyes were on this noble lady.

Bi Yuefang looked at her husband on the ground and knew that she had to make a decision.

If the hemorrhage doesn't stop, her husband's life will be lost. This young man gives people a sense of trust, no matter what he can do, he must try anyway.

Bi Yuefang quickly made up her mind that the grass juice in the young man's hand might be some kind of medicinal material, and it shouldn't cause any problems to her body.

"Young man, please do it!" After saying these words, Bi Yuefang weighed heavily.

Zhang Xiaohu heaved a sigh of relief, the most worrying thing was that the lady would not agree, no matter how powerful he was, if he disagreed, there was nothing he could do, it could only be said that life is like this.

They agreed, and Zhang Xiaohu didn't hesitate.


Zhang Xiaohu squatted down, and carefully tore open the trousers, revealing the wound, blood was continuously flowing out, there was already a puddle of blood on the ground, it was really scary.

The herbal medicine in his hand was actually used by Zhang Xiaohu to fool people. However, the grass juice is full of space water. This thing can heal the wound, and then use a little spiritual energy to stop the bleeding. In theory, there is no problem.

All of this depends on the effect of the spiritual energy. If the spiritual energy does not work, then everything will be over. Of course, the wounded person on the ground will not die.

With the help of Zhang Xiaohu inside, Gao Qiang and Sun Mantian outside looked worried.

Sun Mantian shook his head, "I'm not sure about this, but your friend is mysterious enough. He not only cured the dead disease in the plantation, but now he wants to save people. I really doubt whether he has good medical skills!"

"Tch, what art does he have, maybe he learned it outside!" Gao Qiang denied the professor's words.

While the two were talking, Zhang Xiaohu was busy conveying spiritual energy.

This is Zhang Xiaohu's first transmission of spiritual energy.

The grass juice covered the wound, and the effect of space water played a role.

If this thing does not have the help of spiritual energy, then it can only play a role in relieving it, and it will never be able to stop the frenzied flow of blood.

Zhang Xiaohu carefully controlled the transmission of the spiritual energy, his expression became extremely dignified, gently covered the herbs, and following this behavior, the spiritual energy was transported into the body.

For the first delivery, Zhang Xiaohu succeeded.

A ray of spiritual energy was sent into the opponent's blood, and immediately combined with the space. According to Zhang Xiaohu's induction, this spiritual energy had already entered the opponent's blood, forming a barrier in front of the wound, like a dam, to block the flood.

A burst of spiritual energy worked, and Zhang Xiaohu sent another spiritual energy immediately, he found the right way.

Reiki, just like the legend, has magical effects, no wonder it can restore the vitality of plants.

The strands of spiritual energy went down and successfully built a dam in the opponent's blood, gradually blocking the blood, and less blood flowed out of the wound.The injured man's complexion also improved.

"Oh my god, the blood has stopped!"

"It turned out to be a little miracle doctor!"

"It's incredible!"

The people around were shocked. I dare to say that this kid really has that ability. He was questioning him at first, but now he can't wait to find a crack and burrow into the ground.

Whoever it was, was shocked by this approach.

Are herbs really that powerful?
This is probably the question that people think about the most.

Bi Yuefang was shocked in her heart, she had tried it, but who would have thought that this young man really had the ability to stop the blood, and even her husband's complexion improved a lot, and he felt relieved.

Aura can also detect injuries.

"Sister, tell the doctor later, you must not move your body, your husband has broken three ribs, you must pay attention!" Zhang Xiaohu reminded again.

At this time, the 120 ambulance arrived late.

In any case, the ambulance came and the road became smooth again.

Zhang Xiaohu, the life-saving hero, disappeared long ago when Bi Yuefang came to her senses, and she didn't even know when the other party disappeared.

For this young man, Bi Yuefang was shocked by her ability to stop the bleeding first, and then judged that the ribs were broken. As said, the nurses in the ambulance were surprised, it turns out that the medicinal materials can stop the bleeding quickly.

"I will definitely find you, savior!"

Back in the car, Zhang Xiaohu was interrogated by surprise.

Who made Zhang Xiaohu's skills emerge endlessly? He used to save plants, but now he is saving people.

Zhang Xiaohu sloppily pulled out a reason, and temporarily fooled the other two. He kept researching the effect of this spiritual energy, and finally came to a conclusion that spiritual energy can cure diseases, heal plants, and even improve vitality.

Along the way, Zhang Xiaohu was thinking about spiritual energy. As for saving people, he regarded it as a very casual thing. Although he wasted some spiritual energy, he saved a person, a living life.

Back in the county seat, Zhang Xiaohu got off the car, and Gao Qiang sent him back.

Originally, I wanted to go to Liu Yun, but after thinking about it, I forgot it, it was too late.

When we returned to Qinghe Village, it was already nightfall.

About running away for a few days, Li Yueying nagged fiercely once, Zhang Xiaohu was scolded honestly, as for his father Zhang Dashan, he was not so serious, he just told him not to make trouble when he went out.

After eating, Zhang Xiaohu took a bath in the small courtyard, and finally ran back to his room.

After locking the door, Zhang Xiaohu entered the space.

When I came to the space, what I saw the most was the piles of corn. Besides this corn, there were also mature corn that hadn't been cleaned up, and they were all hanging on it now.

So Zhang Xiaohu was busy picking corn.

Zhang Xiaohu distinguished these corns.

Fortunately, in the space, the last thing Zhang Xiaohu worries about is his strength, he has enough energy to work.

Zhang Xiaohu quickly finished the corn for one mu of land. After a rough estimate, five to six hundred catties of corn were produced for one mu of land. Regardless of the large yield of corn, the corn in the space seemed to have been suppressed, and the corn was all alone. two.

After cleaning up the corn, a big pit was dug, and the corn stalks were thrown into the big pit. The space would eventually be digested and become fertilizer for the earth.

Busy with good work, Zhang Xiaohu started the most important planting again.

This time I planted ginseng, wild ginseng.

This time, twenty wild ginsengs were fished from Fatty Qian, all of which were two-leaf ginsengs, which were seriously withered back then, so Zhang Xiaohu bluntly took them away.

Throwing in randomly at the beginning, these ginsengs with soil stayed in the space for a day, and they rejuvenated.

A small area was opened up by the lake for the purpose of growing wild ginseng.

This is a good thing, Zhang Xiaohu ate two sticks of ginseng, his body was so full of spiritual energy that he almost exploded, if he hadn't absorbed it, he would have suffered a lot.

"I really hope that the space can grow its own aura!"

After planting the wild ginseng, Zhang Xiaohu lightly poured the remaining aura into the ginseng, hoping to see some changes.

Well, sitting on the grass, far away by the lake, a shadow ran out.

"Wolf wolf, come here!"

This is the wolfhound that was brought in, the guy who is now called wolf wolf.

It was still full of scars last time, but now it has recovered and is alive and kicking, especially its eyes are particularly energetic and aura.

Holding on tight to Langlang, Zhang Xiaohu poured the last of his spiritual energy into it to help Langlang recuperate his body.

(End of this chapter)

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