Chapter 1024

The meal was very sumptuous, and Yue Jiandong found that there were a few dishes that he didn't often cook.

Just as I was about to ask, I heard my daughter-in-law calling Jiang Jingze.

"I heard from Qingqing that you like these dishes. Try them. I'm a big axe in front of Lu Ban."

Jiang Jingze was greatly moved, and secretly held Yue Qingqing's hand under the table.

Yue Jiandong couldn't help but glance at him a few times, but basically it was impotent rage that was over.

At the dinner table, the family discussed the little life in Lin Yushan's stomach.

Lin Yushan seemed to be shrouded in the radiance of a loving mother, and she carefully touched her belly.

"Anyway, as long as the child is healthy, Jiannan and I don't make any other demands."

"I still have some requirements." Yue Jiannan declared, "I want a girl. How nice is a girl, who is cute and cute, and can dress up beautifully since she was a child. The boy is like a monkey, and she rolls over for me every day When the mud comes back, it takes a lot of effort to wash clothes.”

Lin Chunju complained unceremoniously: "The third child is scolding himself."

Yue Jiannan knew that the three brothers in the family plus his sister who hadn't come back from a business trip made him the most skinny, so he scratched his head, but he wasn't guilty at all.

"Anyway, it's better to be a girl. Otherwise, how can I say the apple of my eye? Look at how good girls Xing'er and Qingqing are."

Yue Xiaohu complained mercilessly, "Uncle, you are sexist."

"Hey, what's the matter, there are those who like boys and those who like girls, and people are not allowed to have preferences?"

Yue Jiannan remembered again, "By the way, why didn't Xing'er come back?"

"I said I was going to do a project with the school's research team. I was delayed for two days and came back the day after tomorrow."

After Yue Qingqing finished speaking, she couldn't help but look at Lin Yushan's stomach again.

Seeing the breath coming out of my aunt, I couldn't help smiling.

I don't know if my brother-in-law can get what he wants...

Jiang Jingze adhered to the principle of eating more and talking less at the Yue family's dinner table.

Everyone couldn't help but look at him, with smiles on their faces, as if they regarded him as their own family.

Seeing that he was helpless, Yue Jiandong opened a bottle of wine brought by Jiang Jingze.

"Come on, Xiao Jiang, let's go together."

Jiang Jingze got up obediently and took the bottle, "I'll do it."

Said to pour both of them.

Yue Jiannan watched gloatingly from the side, "Real men are bored, don't raise fish."

Lin Yushan pursed her lips and smiled, whispering in her husband's ear.

"If this is a girl in my stomach, you will probably have this day in the future."

Yue Jiannan immediately turned black when he said a word.

Sure enough, fathers who love their daughters all over the world have the same attitude towards their son-in-law.

Compete with the mother-in-law to see what the daughter-in-law has.

Yue Jiandong has practiced his drinking capacity in the wine bureau over the years, one cup after another.

At the beginning, I looked for reasons to say that I wish you success in your studies and a smooth career.

In the end, just do it in one word - do it!

Jiang Jingze didn't refuse, and poured it down with his head raised.

Lin Chunju looked at the rivalry between the two fathers, and smiled without stopping.

You have to pass this test anyway, men's friendship is sometimes so strange.

Maybe a drink would do the trick.

At the beginning, Yue Jiandong still had the idea of ​​getting Jiang Jingze drunk, but later on he drank too much himself.

He took Jiang Jingze's hand and began to call him brothers.

"Brother, I'm just this girl, and I haven't lifted a finger since I was a child. You must treat her well and don't bully her."

Jiang Jingze's face was flushed, and his amber eyes were also stained with drunkenness.

"You, don't worry, I swear to treat her well, for two lifetimes... I have been looking for her for two lifetimes."

Yue Qingqing's heart skipped a beat when she heard this.

The people around who were not drinking all laughed.

"Xiaojiang is drinking too much, and started talking drunk."

(End of this chapter)

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