Chapter 1177
Compared with the joy of Yue Qingqing and his group's long vacation, Ma Kangping's time was not so good.

He did not choose to go home, but stayed in school.

Every day, I think about how to get revenge on Mi Shu, and those nosy sluts in her dormitory.

Ma Kangping has a quick mind and has already made a series of plans.

He has studied the law carefully and knows where the boundaries of the law are.

Ma Kangping thought he was a smart person, and he didn't even bother to fight.

He only intends to take advantage of the girls' timidity and try to frighten them by pretending to be a ghost.

When they are in a trance, create a little more surprise——

Let them fall from dormitory windows or high stairs.

At that time, even if the police come to investigate, it will be difficult to find anything.

Ma Kangping had planned everything, so he even found a few ghost movies on the Internet.

Want to draw inspiration from it.

He is naturally courageous, and he is not afraid of watching ghost movies at all.

Probably he knew very well that scum like himself was much more terrifying than ghosts.

Ma Kangping was leaning on the chair, the dormitory was empty, and several of his roommates were still in their hometown.

In the evening, the dormitory building is very quiet.

On the screen, a female ghost slowly climbed out from the bottom of the well.

The long black hair covered the face forward, crawling towards the camera a little bit.

"It's kind of scary."

Ma Kangping wrote two words on the note - wig.

It seems that he got some kind of inspiration again and plans to do something bad.

Today's movie is also a popular ghost movie, and it is said that it really scares people to death.

It was rare for Ma Kangping to feel a little scary watching it, and goose bumps slowly appeared on his body.

"Is it going to rain, it feels a bit cold."

Ma Kangping was talking to himself, and saw the female ghost on the screen getting closer and closer.

Coupled with scary sound effects, it makes people feel creepy for no reason.

Ma Kangping took a breath and shook involuntarily.

Probably because it was too late and it was pitch black outside the window, Ma Kangping felt that the dormitory was particularly eerie.

Just when he was hesitating whether to turn off the computer, the female ghost on the screen slowly raised her head.

A familiar face emerged from the parting hair.

It was Su Dan's face impressively.


Ma Kangping stepped back in fright, and his whole body was soaked in cold sweat.

He was really scared now.

Although rationality told him that he should be hallucinating, the stimulation his brain received in an instant made him freeze in place, with every pore trembling.

He finally couldn't take it anymore, pinched himself severely, and reached out to turn off the power of the computer screen.

The expected black screen did not appear, and the female ghost on the screen was still crawling towards him.

It seems as if it will break through the screen in the next second.

"Impossible, is it a hallucination, or am I dreaming?"

Ma Kangping muttered to himself, rushed to the side and turned off the main power of the computer directly.

But the scene on the screen did not change.

No, it should be said that it is constantly changing.

A pale, bloodless hand stretched out from the screen.

This hand is small and beautiful, and Ma Kangping is very familiar with it.

He used to hold this hand like this, and said countless things that he didn't believe.

It was he who pushed the hand away and called her shameless and like a bitch.

"Help, come, help!"

Ma Kangping scrambled and rushed to the door, desperately pulling on the doorknob to leave.

But the door didn't budge.

Only the cold handle reminded him that all this was not a dream.

Ma Kangping's eyes widened to the extreme, bloodshot inside.

He watched helplessly as the female ghost crawled out of the computer.

Familiar hands, familiar arms, familiar body.

Everything looks familiar, but it should have been put into the cemetery two years ago.

disappear from his life.

(End of this chapter)

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