Chapter 886

That night, Yue Qingqing received a call from Jiang Jingze.


Jiang Jingze's voice was obviously low, and Yue Qingqing could imagine that the other party pursed his lips as if covered by dark clouds.

"It's okay, it's been resolved." Yue Qingqing said lightly.

"I caused it." Jiang Jingze is not stupid. After four years in Minghua University, he certainly knows who is in charge of the student union.

Jiang Hai is basically Yu Mengyu's dog.

For Yu Mengyu, I don't know how many blames he has borne.

As for why Yu Mengyu wanted to deal with Yue Qingqing, he couldn't be more clear.

"Then you shouldn't say I'm sorry, you control the world and you can control others to like you?" Yue Qingqing comforted him, "Don't think too much about it."

"I'm not by your side." Jiang Jingze was obsessed with this matter.

In the past, when something happened to Yue Qingqing, the distance between the two of them was too far, so he could only receive news afterwards.

But now that the two are clearly in the same city, Jiang Jingze still doesn't know about it until the matter is resolved.

Yue Qingqing said to Jiang Jingze very seriously: "I don't need you to be by my side for everything. Although we are lovers, we are also independent individuals. We don't need to depend on each other to grow."

Yue Qingqing read an interesting article saying that Western men generally have a knight complex.

I hope to cut the dragon and chop the thorns to rescue the princess, and the two will live happily ever after.

The oriental men are more fairy complex.

Thinking that one day a beautiful and virtuous fairy suddenly fell from the sky.

Because she accidentally peeked at her taking a bath or for other reasons, the fairy stayed in the mortal world ever since.

Make soup for the man to wash his hands, and help him buy fields and make a fortune by using mana.

Although Jiang Jingze is a native of Hua, he obviously has a knight complex.

Every time she knew that she was in danger, she would blame herself, thinking that she hadn't protected her beloved one well.

But this is not a healthy psychology.

Lovers should be like two trees growing hand in hand, the roots hidden in the ground are intertwined and intertwined, absorbing nutrients.

But the ground is not too entangled, but absorbs the sun and rain, and grows independently.

If one party is destined to be dependent on the other, the relationship is unequal from the start.

Yue Qingqing didn't want to be a rescued princess in a castle, and could only wait for the prince to arrive bored.

Leave your fate to others.

Moreover, Yue Qingqing always felt that Jiang Jingze was too nervous in some aspects.

It seemed that he was worried about what danger she would encounter, as if he had lost her once.

Jiang Jingze took a deep breath and realized that his mood was not normal.

He should believe that Qingqing can solve these problems, after all, she is so smart and calm.

But reason is on the one hand, but emotions always react differently.

"Are you free on weekends? There is a maple forest on the outskirts of Kyoto, which is a scene every autumn."

Jiang Jingze's voice was very gentle, like a warm palm gently brushing his earlobe.

Yue Qingqing couldn't help showing a smile, "Of course, I've heard of that maple leaf forest before, and I've always wanted to find a chance to see it."

"I'll pick you up on Saturday morning."

The two made an agreement.

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Jingze still had a smile on his face, and put the phone almost reverently on his chest.

As if in this way, you can get closer to the person you love.

Just then, the phone rang again.

The moment Jiang Jingze saw the caller ID, the smile on Jiang Jingze's face faded away.

Only indifference and vague irritation remained.

"You still dare to call me?" Jiang Jingze's eyes were full of gloom, and the French windows reflected the man's slender body.

He looked at the dim lights outside, thinking about some recent investment plans of Yu's family that he had sent his assistant this afternoon.

Yu Mengyu's voice was somewhat ethereal, but after passing through the microphone, it gave off an uncomfortable metallic texture.

"Jingze, you saw that post, right?"

 Just halfway through writing the code word software suddenly crashed and flashed back, which frightened Mushroom, for fear of losing the manuscript.

  Fortunately, the manuscript is still there after opening it again, Amitabha!
(End of this chapter)

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