Super WeChat system

Chapter 242 God added me as a friend

Chapter 242 God added me as a friend


A period of silence.

No one in the heaven and hell exchange group, no, no angels or demons continued to speak.It seemed that Chen Xiaohai's words made everyone feel cold.

Could it be that I said something wrong?How come no one speaks.

Chen Xiaohai was stunned all of a sudden, his words made no one speak in this heaven and hell communication group.Even Michael and Lucifer, who were arguing just now, were not talking.

Could it be that I made a mistake?

Instead of saying hello to everyone, should I say hello to the gods?But these are just angels and demons.

Could it be that the way of speaking is wrong, you should not use your fingers to type the Jiugong grid to speak, but you should use your spiritual consciousness to directly control the internal system of the mobile phone to type.

While Chen Xiaohai was thinking wildly, there was a message in the Heaven and Hell communication group.

Contract Demon Mephistopheles: Rekel, you have appeared again.

Lucifer: Rekel.

Prime Minister of Hell Roverko: Rekel, it's really rare that you, an independent angel, have joined the Heaven and Hell communication group.However, you have never appeared before.

Duma, Angel of Silence of Death: ...

Michael: Rekel, are you back? (excited expression)

Rajel: Rachel, I haven't seen you for a long time.

Metatron: Rekel, come to heaven.

Lucifer: Paradise?What's the point of going to a hypocritical place like heaven, Rekel, come to hell.The gates of hell are always open for you.


Chen Xiaohai looked at Metatron's words in Lucifer's eyes, and wished to pull out all the wings from them and make them into cumin wings.Go to heaven, go to hell, why does this sound so strange.

As a good boy in the 21st century, a boy who believes in science.Chen Xiaohai is so likely to go to heaven and hell, he just wants to go to heaven, enter the fairy world, and become a member of the fairy world.

Gabriel: Rekel, where have you been all this time?No sign of your existence can be found on many planes.

Chen Xiaohai: I just went to a distant place.

Raphael: Far away?Did you come back?If you come back, you can come to me.

Chen Xiaohai: Not yet.

Lucifer: Raphael?You are nothing more than a seraphim, asking Rekel to find you is really too much thinking.Rakel, come to hell.

to hell?
Come to your sister.

Chen Xiaohai really wished he could arrest Lucifer and beat him eight hundred times, eight hundred times, until Lucifer begged for mercy and never mentioned the matter of hell again.Of course, Chen Xiaohai also knew that with his own cultivation and strength, he was no match for Lucifer at all, these things could only be done by himself.

Mephistopheles: Hehe, Rekel, what are you trying to do with your sudden appearance?Just say it.


What a devil, what a kind devil, he saw at a glance that Chen Xiaohai's speech was purposeful.

Chen Xiaohai: I went out this time, traveled to many worlds, and got bad things.I haven't seen you for a long time, so I will send you some things.

Michael: Rekel, did you go to another world? !
Raguel: Rekel, you are able to travel to other worlds to play, to what extent has your strength gained.

Mephistopheles: To another world?Rachel, you are truly amazing.

At the same time, Mephistopheles also remembered what happened back then, the deal between Chen Xiaohai and him.Taken out of the world of the kingdom of God, the daughter of Loki, the death breath of Hela, the god of death.He traded the master-servant contract with him using death breath.At the beginning, Mephistopheles felt that Chen Xiaohai was very strange that he was able to obtain things from other worlds.

Now, seeing Chen Xiaohai's words, Mephistopheles also speculated about Chen Xiaohai's terrifying and astonishing strength.Being able to travel through the heavens and the world, it is no wonder that he dares to ignore the God Jehovah and the devil Satan.

Chen Xiaohai packed the celestial artifacts, elixir, and celestial grass collected by the God of Cookery in the locker of the fairy world into red envelopes, and sent them to the heaven and hell communication group.

God robbed your red envelope, Satan robbed your red envelope, Michael robbed your red envelope, Raphael robbed your red envelope, Lucifer robbed your red envelope, Mephistopheles robbed your Red envelopes, Raguel robbed your red envelopes, Roverko robbed your red envelopes...

A group of angels and demons snatched the red envelope from Chen Xiaohai.

In less than a second, the owner's red envelopes of more than a dozen fairyland items were robbed.

Even God Yahweh and Devil Satan, who hardly appeared in the heaven and hell communication group, appeared, and immediately grabbed Chen Xiaohai's red envelope.


Exactly the same performance.

The behavior of many angels and demons in the Heaven and Hell communication group was exactly the same as Chen Xiaohai's behavior when he distributed red envelopes in the Immortal World chat group and the Olympus chat group. They all stopped talking, and no one spoke.

After waiting for a long time, the Heaven and Hell communication group broke out into riots. Angels and demons appeared one after another, discussing what they got from Chen Xiaohai's red envelope just now.

Michael: What is this thing?There are magical runes attached to a sword, and these runes seem to contain an extremely powerful force.Amazing, really amazing.

Uriel: Is this really a pill?Why does it contain such surging plant elements, these plant elements are mixed together, it can be compared to the effect of lay on hands.Amazing, really amazing.

Lucifer: Interesting, this ax can automatically absorb the power in hell, which is a bit interesting.

Duma, Angel of Silence of Death: ...

Roverko: Damn, how did I snatch something like this.Why can flames be released from this gourd, and this flame actually contains sacred power, which is no worse than the holy light of heaven.What kind of flame is this?how so.

Metatron: Don't you all see an important problem?These things are not of our world at all.

Mephistopheles: Metatron, are angels as stupid as you? Everyone has already known this question, but they just don't want to talk about it.A feather contained extremely strong dark power, probably not worse than the feather of a fallen angel.

Lucifer: Rekel, where did you get these things from?
Raphael: This pill in my hand, this magical power can definitely make my strength continue to improve.Amazing, really amazing.Rekel, which world did you get these magical things from?

Remiel: Rekel, do you have anything extra.



God please add you as a friend.

(End of this chapter)

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