Chapter 204
"The longer Wei Guogong lives, the more danger you will be in." Sima Yi said coldly with a sharp tone and logic like a sharp sword, "If Ding Yi and the others are not dead, and continue to incite Wei Guogong, in case the plot succeeds What? The prince will repeat the same mistakes as Liu Ju, the prince of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, and Mrs. Wang will not escape the fate of being reduced to Mrs. Qi in the early Han Dynasty and becoming a "human pig"!"

Cao Pi and Mrs. Wang looked at each other speechlessly, as if falling into an ice abyss, the whole body and mind became cold.Cao Pi trembled, and said slowly: "Even if, as you said, your father is wise and powerful, we have no soldiers and no rights, how can we hurt him?"

"The best strategy is to win without bloodshed and to win without fighting." Sima Yi smiled sinisterly, took out a mutton jade bottle from his sleeve, flashed it in front of the two of them, and said leisurely, "Did I ever say that I would fight with Cao Cao?" The prime minister meets with swords? This jade bottle contains the rare "pin gold powder", which is colorless and tasteless. My wife only needs to pour a small amount into Prime Minister Cao's food and wine every day. If its toxicity cannot be detected, Prime Minister Cao will naturally take it into his stomach without suspicion. This poison will attack people slowly and unconsciously. It can be done." Saying that, he handed the mutton fat jade bottle to Mrs. Wang.

Mrs. Wang was trembling, her complexion was as pale as snow, she didn't dare to reach out to pick it up.

Cao Pi gritted his teeth, sighed deeply, took the mutton fat jade bottle over, put it in Mrs. Wang's palm with his own hands, kowtowed to her, and said: "Everything is thanks to Madam Wang for help!"

When Mrs. Wang's hand touched the mutton fat jade bottle, her palm trembled as if it was being burned by a flame.Cao Pi saw all this in his eyes, his face darkened, his gaze was like a sword, and he forced him towards her.Mrs. Wang held the jade bottle tightly, lowered her head slowly, tears dripped down on the skirt of her clothes one by one.After a long, long time, she stood up trembling all over, dazed and absent-minded.After standing still for a while, she slowly regained her composure. Tears flowed silently down her cheeks, and she finally spoke shyly: "The concubine promised what the son asked for today. But I hope the son can keep his promise and treat me well." Son, don't let him do anything wrong!"

Cao Pi knelt on the ground, kowtowed and replied: "Cao Pi will never break his promise to be a younger brother." Mrs. Wang smiled sadly: "You must always remember the appointment in the secret room tonight!" After finishing speaking, he turned around slowly, He wanted to leave the room.

Seeing Madam Wang approaching the door of the secret room step by step, Sima Yi suddenly shouted behind her: "Madam wait!" : "Master Sima, what can I advise you?"

"By the way, I just forgot to tell Madam in detail how to use this 'Pin Jin San'." Sima Yi stared at her face quietly, and pointed to the mutton fat jade bottle she held in her palm, " Madam can sprinkle a little of this 'Pinjin Powder' on Prime Minister Cao's food and wine every half a month, and keep doing this, and you will see the effect of the medicine in three to five years..." Having said that, His tone suddenly paused, his eyes suddenly lit up, and two cold lights flashed like a falcon, forcing Mrs. Wang not to look at each other, "However, Madam, don't think that your Highness and His Highness are separated by the palace wall." In addition, I can't see whether you have given the prime minister the 'Shanjin powder'...Since His Royal Highness has promised his wife to keep his promise to treat your mother and child kindly in the future, I hope that his wife will also fulfill your promise to the prime minister. Only His Royal Highness's promise will do..."

After hearing this, Mrs. Wang swayed a few times, and finally stood still after a long time, staring at Sima Yi blankly, as if seeing the most terrifying person in the world, her face turned pale.Finally, she nodded sadly, turned around and pushed open the door to go out. The slender figure slowly disappeared in the endless darkness outside, and she could no longer see clearly...

The birds are not exhausted, the good bow cannot be hidden
Listening to the sound of her footsteps gradually receding, Cao Pi and Sima Yi slowly stood up.Cao Pi asked Sima Yi to sit down at the table, but he went to the closet and took out a gold jug and two jade cups carved with dragons and phoenixes. Sure, we can sit down and have some wine and talk together." As he spoke, he tipped the golden pot in his hand and filled a glass of wine for Sima Yi.

Sima Yi quietly looked at the wine in the jade cup in front of him, like an old monk in meditation, silent and motionless.After a while, he sighed leisurely: "The old saying is good, 'When the birds are gone, the good bow will be hidden; the cunning rabbit will be killed, the lackeys will be cooked; Are you going to kill me?"

Cao Pi's whole body was shaken as if struck by lightning, and the hand holding the flagon trembled violently. He lost his voice and said, "Brother Sima, say...what are you talking about?"

Sima Yi picked up the wine glass in front of him, brought it to Cao Pi, and said coldly, "Your Highness, do you dare to drink this glass of wine?"

Cao Pi's face changed, but he didn't dare to reach out to pick it up.He sighed deeply, lowered his head, not daring to look at Sima Yi.

Sima Yi's face was as still as water, with no ripples, and said coldly: "Your Highness, do you think that as long as you can successfully inherit the position of Wei Guogong, you can be considered as accomplished? This is just the starting point of a new long campaign! Dai Han Don't you want to do the great cause of ruling the world? Do you forget the great ambition of clearing thousands of miles and unifying the world? Marquis Pingyuan and Ding Yi sneaked into the dark and stared at each other, have you forgotten? Waiting for the opportunity, haven't you seen it? Sun Quan and Liu Beishi lie at the gate of the country to spy on the artifact, have you forgotten?... If His Highness can settle these major events on his own, then I don't want to live in a mediocre world, now You can drink this glass of wine once and for all, so that you don’t have to worry about it every day!” He raised the jade cup and was about to drink it.

Cao Pi suddenly woke up and shouted: "Don't!" He rushed forward and knocked the jade cup away from Sima Yi's hand with his palm! With a crisp sound of "Dang", the jade cup fell to the ground and immediately shattered into several pieces, and the wine was spilled all over the floor. There were a few "squeaks", and immediately there were several wisps of white smoke, and the smell was indescribable—as expected It's poisoned wine!

Watched by Sima Yi's calm and calm eyes, Cao Pi's face showed a deep shame, and he knelt down on his knees, bowing his head.He originally thought that Sima Yi had been involved too deeply in this battle for establishing an heir, knew too much about the inside story, and had grasped too many things about himself, which made him feel like a thorn in his back, so he decided to let Sima Yi live forever after the incident The world disappears.However, after listening to Sima Yi's words just now, he just woke up - the relationship between Sima Yi and him is too deep, like fish and water, it has reached a situation where one prospers and the other loses. Moreover, he is a "fish". ", Sima Yi is the "water"!Without Sima Yi's support and help, he might not even be able to keep what he just won, let alone win a bigger victory.

After thinking through all this, Cao Pi didn't care about losing face, so he begged: "Brother Sima, Cao Pi was confused for a while, and he almost made a big mistake! I hope Brother Sima will forgive Cao Pi for his ignorance! In the future, my Cao family's affairs, no matter how big or small, will be entrusted to Brother Sima to make decisions and implement them. My Cao family and Sima family have become close friends for generations, dividing the world equally, and ruling the world together! The emperor is above, if Cao Pi breaks his promise, he will be willing to be punished by heaven! "

Sima Yi stood quietly, and after listening to Cao Pi's words in silence, he slowly knelt down and looked at him.He said slowly: "May Your Highness remember the secret words between you and me in this room today. You should not follow the example of King Goujian of Yue. You can only share poverty and not riches and honors. In that case, you can only cut your own wings and be in danger." Cao Pi listened. Come on, kowtow and be speechless.yes!How can a good bow be hidden before the birds are exhausted?The cunning rabbit is not dead, how can a running dog cook it?If the enemy's country is not destroyed, how can the famous general be destroyed?I'm afraid that if he kills Sima Yi with poison today, something unexpected will happen to him tomorrow!

However, Sima Yi secretly decided at this moment, since Cao Pi is so mean and suspicious, it's no wonder that he wants to control him more tightly in the future!

My father was right when he said that no matter what kind of opportunities he encounters in the future, his own destiny must be controlled by himself.It is dangerous to entrust your destiny to others.To ensure that no one dares to covet yourself, you must build your own "potential" and build your own foundation so that others have no choice but to fear, obey and back away.At the same time, he also deeply understood what Prime Minister Cao said in the "Rangxian Self-Menting Benzhi Order" written in December of the 15th year of Jian'an - "Don't seek false fame but deal with real disasters".In his view, Prime Minister Cao actually pointed out another meaning in the article-all powerful ministers and capable ministers have the same destination, and I would rather be blamed than others.

Thinking of this, Sima Yi's heart trembled slightly, and he couldn't help raising his eyes to take a closer look at Cao Pi, who was strong outside but capable in middle.At a glance, he found that Cao Pi's expression of pretending to be dignified and stern, was somewhat similar to that puppet-like Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty.He sighed deeply in his heart, clenched his fists with his palms gathered in the sleeves of his robe, and thought to himself: Will the destiny really come true for my Sima clan?Am I really destined to be the second Cao Cao?

(End of this chapter)

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