Sima Yi's Three Kingdoms Collection Collection

Chapter 222: To bury your head in common affairs and win people's hearts

Chapter 222: To bury your head in common affairs and win people's hearts (9)
Looking up, Jia Xu saw that Sima Yi had stepped in without putting on any pretense, so he greeted him with a smile: "Come! Come! Come! Sima Pushe, you smell the smell of wine in the abode Already? - Hey! This is the wine from the Loulan country specially sent to me by Han Hu, the governor of the Western Regions."

"Oh? Wine from Loulan Kingdom?" Sima Yi had a smile on his cheeks, "You are really good at collecting fine wines from all over the world, Taiwei Jia... You have painstakingly found even the fine wines made in places as far away as Loulan Kingdom in the Western Regions. .”

"That day when the old man went to the Changle Hall to discuss the state affairs, he heard His Majesty say: "How can the longan and lychees from Lingnan that Sun Quan paid tribute to compare with the grapes from the Western Regions? Grapes should be regarded as Zhu Xia and autumn. , can cover up and eat. Sweet but not sweet, sour but not vinegar, cold but not cold, long taste and juicy, quenching thirst. It is also brewed as wine, sweeter than tiller, good at drunk and easy to wake up. The solidity of Tao It's already mouth watering, but let's eat it yourself? Is it better to have a fruit from another place?' Only then did the old man know that there is still a good wine made from this kind of fresh grape fruit in this world. Therefore, Han Hu took it As soon as it is delivered, the old man can't wait to invite Sima Pushe to have a drink with you."

"Oh! Taiwei Jia is so polite! Then Yi would be more respectful than obedient." With a smile all over his face, Sima Yi sat down on the weighing scale opposite Jia Xu without restraint.

"Sima Pushe has been able to visit the old man's humble house, and it is already full of splendor. Come closer, and take a look at the color and taste of this wine first?" Jia Xu said with a smile, and used a silver spoon from the sleeping area. He scooped up a glass of wine from the bull-shaped copper wine bottle and handed it to Sima Yi enthusiastically.

Sima Yi took the wine glass and looked at it. It was a pool of bright brown fine nectar, glistening like a piece of flowing amber, crystal clear, and it felt heavy in his hand.He closed his eyes, took a deep breath of the strong aroma of the wine, raised his glass lightly, and took a sip slowly: he felt a sweet and warm current flowing down his throat, like a bubbling spring flowing into his veins. , the whole person seemed to float up, as if overflowing with incomparable comfort from every pore.

"Oh! It's really good wine!" He sighed in admiration, squinting at the scroll on the side table that read "Double anger, respect for life" and other words, his heart moved slightly, and he laughed, "Jia Taiwei, you are really elegant! While sipping grapes and wine, you are enjoying yourself while reading the secret books of laws and regulations for a long time. Isn’t it so pleasant? ——But I don’t know what classics you are reading?”

"Oh... here is the "Yu Jing" written by Xu Shao, the No. 1 scholar in Runan's "Yuedan Review" list. It was found by the old man from the Xuzhou area where he lived in seclusion." When Jia Xu heard this, he immediately became interested. He opened the scroll of letters, pointed to the ordinary words in it, and said generously, "Oh! Xu Shao is really not a simple person! Listen, he wrote this passage very well. It's very interesting: "Everyone has a plan, first give and then take, and obey others' wishes. This is where the wise man excels. Those who give honor to others honor themselves; those who humiliate others humiliate themselves. Seizing invites resentment." I respect you, that’s where your fame comes from.’ Alas... According to the old man, some celebrities, who rank among the three lords, have limited knowledge and small stomachs. If he can reflect on Mr. Xu Shao’s motto and reflect on himself, Don't you feel ashamed?"

Sima Yi immediately understood that Jia Xu was mocking Hua Xin's despicable tricks in inciting Zhu Yushi to impeach him.He just smiled and couldn't say much.

"Ah... Zhongda, you don't know something! This old man was born in a poor family in Xiliang, and I just wanted to be a courtier all my life. As a result, the journey along the way has been bumpy and bumpy: At the beginning, the old man When Chang'an first started his official career, he was inexplicably wanted by Wang Yun's "killing order"; later, when he offered services to Li Jue and Duan Yan, he was overtly suspected and secretly jealous by them. Bao; during the court of Xudu, Yang Biao, Fu Wan, Xun You, etc. regarded the old man as a thorn in the side and a thorn in the flesh, and tried their best to suppress the old man; Still can't get rid of the misfortune of being framed by jealousy... This old man has had a rough life!"

Seeing the gray-haired Jia Taiwei speak to him so heartfeltly for the first time, Sima Yi was inexplicably moved in his heart.He felt Jia Xu's deep sincerity towards him.Suddenly, a warm current surged in his heart, and he comforted Jia Xu in a soft voice: "Lieutenant Jia was smart and generous all his life, why should he be saddened by the reproaches of these young people? You just need to stay in the pavilion, Sit down and talk about the truth and offer advice for the country, Yi will definitely not let you, the hard-working official of the Great Wei Dingding, suffer any unfair treatment!"

Jia Xu quickly adjusted her state of mind from the slight gaffe just now, allowing her emotions to return to a calm state.He chewed on Sima Yi's words, pondered for a while, and looked at Sima Yi in a blink of an eye: "By the way, the old man heard that the "Edict not to impeach the Three Dukes in case of disasters" issued by His Majesty recently was issued under the painstaking advice of Sima Pushe." of?"

Sima Yi blushed a little on his face: "Mr. Jia, Yi just spoke up to His Majesty and argued with reason. The "Edict of Not Imposing the Three Dukes in case of Disasters" was successfully issued, after all, thanks to Your Majesty's magnanimity! "

Jia Xu looked at his pair of eyes that seemed to have a faint gleam, then stroked his beard and said leisurely: "Back then, Xun Yu and Xun Lingjun once praised Sima Pushe as 'clever and wise, elegant and knowledgeable, and straight-forward. , Zhongzheng Renhe', now it seems that the words are true! If you can humbly do your best, improve the good way every day, encourage the Lord to use propriety and righteousness, and tell the Lord to use long-term strategies, you will follow the beauty and save his mistakes, then it is enough to be called' Minister of the community! Just because you persuaded His Majesty to promulgate the "Edict of Disasters and Misfortunes and Don't Impeach the Three Dukes", not only I, Jia Wenhe, thank you from the bottom of my heart, but also Zhong Yao Situ and Wang Lang Sikong. Thank you."

When Sima Yi heard this, he waved his hands in panic: "Captain Jia is really flattering you! Yi just fulfilled the duty of a loyal minister, nothing to praise..."

Jia Xu was about to speak with a smile when a servant at the door of the jingshe suddenly said, "My lord: General Hushi, Cao Fu, the heir of Cao Hong, Marquis of Duyang, has come to pay his respects."

"Cao Fu?" Jia Xu heard this, her eyes flashed brightly, her expression moved slightly, she pondered for a moment, and then slowly replied, "Go back and tell him that the old man feels unwell and has already rested on the couch. Refuse guests behind closed doors..."

"Okay." The servant ran out with a "thump, thud, thud."

Jia Xu turned his eyes to Sima Yi's face again, and said with a calm smile, "Why must Mr. Sima be so modest? You have done too many good things for everyone in secret - the time when His Majesty dragon dived into the East Palace. This edict is also the one you painstakingly suggested His Majesty to write?"

"Which... which edict?" Sima Yi was taken aback.

"Okay, the old man will read the content of the edict to you: "If Cao Pi is established as the son of Wei, the Jia family will be honored with the Cao family from generation to generation, and he will also be crowned by Yang Biao Taiwei." Give it to Duke Jia.'——How? Sima Jun, do you remember now?"

Sima Yi couldn't help but secretly trembled: "It turned out to be this edict from His Majesty... Sigh, the past events are really not worth mentioning, why should Captain Jia worry about it?"

The smile on the corners of Jia Xu's lips grew deeper and deeper: "Sima Pushe valued me so much, and helped me so secretly, I am really grateful - I will definitely repay him in the future!"

Sima Yi said to Jia Xu sincerely: "Jia Taiwei, as a meager man, was able to surpass all the sages and rank first among the three lords, he can be called the 'outstanding man'! Yi has always had deep respect for you. Lao, why are you so polite?"

Jia Xu chuckled, stroked his beard, and was about to answer when a servant's voice came from the door of the abode: "Master, I have gone out and answered what you taught me." Mr. Cao Fu, but he knelt down outside the gate of the mansion on the spot, and kept saying: "If Jia Taiwei refuses to meet him, he will not be able to kneel there for a long time.'"

When Jia Xu heard this, her brows furrowed tightly: "This Cao Hong...he's the real one! What's the point of pushing his son out and begging for help so shamelessly! That's all! Just let that Cao Fu in!"

The servant heard this, and ran away in response.

Jia Xu looked at the servant's back, and smiled dryly: "I'm afraid this guy got some 'benefit' from Cao Fu outside, so he worked so hard to report to him... Alas, Cao Hong's family is really deep. Knowing how money can make ghosts turn the millstone. Unfortunately, this time I'm afraid it will be a bit tricky!"

"This... Taiwei Jia, since you have something important to discuss with Cao Fu, should Yi avoid it?" Seeing this, Sima Yi wanted to get up and leave.

"No need. Sima Pushe stay here for now to listen to what the old man and Cao Fu discussed, it should be of some benefit to you." Jia Xu's eyes moved, and he looked at the painting of Chen Ping in his abode. The red sandalwood screen of the portrait is framed with a veil, and he strokes his beard and smiles, "Hehehe... how about Lao Simapu shooting and sitting behind that screen for a while?"

Sima Yi changed his mind, suddenly realized something, smiled knowingly, turned to sit behind the veiled screen and waited quietly.

Unsympathetic Cao Pi

"Dong dong dong" there was a rush of footsteps coming from the door of the jingshe, and then a thunderous voice suddenly sounded: "Jia Taiwei! Jia Taiwei! You have to show mercy and save Cao's father Your Excellency!"

The sound made people's ears tingle, but amidst the loudness, there was a hint of crying.

Although he had already guessed that something might happen to Cao Hong, Sima Yi did not expect it to come so quickly.His heartstrings couldn't help but tense—Could it be that Cao Hong has already been captured and punished by Ting Wei? !

At this moment, I heard Jia Xu calmly say as she used to sit in the temple, "Don't panic, don't panic, Mr. Cao, just sit down and talk slowly..."

"Oh! Taiwei Jia! Uncle Jia! How can Cao Mou sit still now! I can't wait to see you - that 'cold noodle boy' Cao Xiu brought a large number of Habayashi soldiers and surrounded my mansion. The water flow was blocked, and I kept urging my father to be sent to Tingwei Zhao Prison for interrogation. My father was so frightened that he collapsed on the couch on the spot, not daring to breathe..."

(End of this chapter)

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