Sima Yi's Three Kingdoms Collection Collection

Chapter 234 Sima Yi Takes Military Power for the First Time

Chapter 234 Sima Yi Takes Military Power for the First Time (11)
The warriors of the Habayashi Army standing beside the two rows of colonnades stand like nails until the end of the field of vision, with their chests and abdomens outstretched.

Sima Yi, Chen Qun, and Cao Zhen were all summoned from their beds overnight by imperial envoys.For the first time ever, they rushed to the front hall of the Jiafu Hall in a chariot under the support of the eunuchs, only to see Taiwei Zhongyou, Sikong Wanglang, Yushi Dafu Dong Zhao and a few Yuan Laogongqing had already sat down. I waited on the red silk seat cushion inside.

Sun Zi slowly walked over from the door of the back hall, staring at Sima Yi with bright eyes like candles without blinking, but the words in his mouth seemed to be directed at the three of them in a low voice: "Three My lord, please wait here for a moment, His Majesty is summoning Situ Hua to discuss matters in the secret room of the back hall."

Sima Yi met Sun Zi's eyes and nodded secretly to express his understanding, and followed Chen Qun and Cao Zhen and sat down beside Zhong Yao and the others as if nothing had happened.He stared straight at the two dark doors of the secret room in the back hall, but he couldn't help clenching his fists secretly: when Cao Pi was dying, Hua Xin was the first one to call in for a secret talk?Could it be that he wants to use Hua Xin, an "old monster", as the chief minister of Gu Ming?But this Hua Xin is over seventy years old, and his energy is low!How could he let Hua Xin be the Chief Minister of Gu Ming?
He was speculating on the outside, but Hua Xin in the secret room in the back hall knelt in front of Cao Pi's sick bed, holding Cao Pi's hand and crying so hard that he couldn't make a sound!
Cao Pi comforted him for a moment, endured the pain, and slowly asked: "Hua Aiqing, please give me some advice, who should I appoint as Gu Ming's assistant minister?"

Tears dripped from Hua Xin's white beard and beard: "Your Majesty...Your Majesty, don't make false statements about this—your dragon's body will surely recover smoothly..."

"There is no immortal tree in the world, and there is no immortal person in the world - I am not as greedy for longevity as Qin Shihuang and Han Wudi, and I have long thought about this... Sigh, it's just that I didn't expect this day to come so soon!" Cao Pi smiled indifferently and waved his hands, "Tonight, before my mind is in a mess, I will hurry up and make arrangements for these behind-the-scenes matters..."

As he spoke slowly, he took out a letter from under the high pillow on the couch, and handed it to Hua Xin tremblingly: "This is a letter Sun Zi and Liu Fang received from the school office the day before yesterday." The letter is said to be a letter of sympathy that Cao Xiu secretly wrote to Cao Zhi after the Suzaku Gate in Xuchang City collapsed for no reason...Hua Aiqing, please take a closer look for me, is it Cao Xiu’s own handwriting?

When Hua Xin heard this, her heart beat wildly: How dare Cao Xiu go to have a private conversation with Cao Zhi at such a sensitive moment when Cao Pi is seriously ill and bedridden?This violated the taboo in Cao Pi's heart!But Cao Xiu might not be so stupid, right?He tremblingly held the letter and looked at it for a while, and finally he could only answer: "Your Majesty, the old minister is really old and dim now, and he can't see clearly... You can recruit someone who is familiar with Cao Dadu's handwriting." Some clan cronies helped to identify them."

"I asked Cao Zhen to read it carefully yesterday. He said that the handwriting on the letter does look like it was written by Cao Xiu, but it's a big matter, so he can't be sure."

Hearing what Cao Pi said, Hua Xin didn't dare to wade into the muddy water, and hurriedly replied, "This...just to be on the safe side, His Majesty can issue an imperial edict to order Cao Xiu to come back to Beijing to confront him!"

Hearing this, Cao Pi raised his eyes and stared at Hua Xin quietly: "Do you think Cao Xiu will be able to come to me from Hefei in time to confront me in these two or three days? I originally had this idea. It's a pity, now I'm afraid I won't be able to last until the day when I can finally clarify this matter... Forget it, forget it, no matter whether the handwriting on this letter is Cao Xiu's handwriting or not, I don't have time to pursue it..."

When he said this, his eyes became bright in an instant: "I have already decided not to list Cao Xiu as the candidate for Gu Ming's assistant minister..."

When Hua Xin heard this, he was secretly surprised: This Cao Pi is really suspicious!Just because of this "unnecessary" letter of sympathy, he was dubious about Cao Xiu... This is too suspicious!

"Of course, I didn't list Cao Xiu as a candidate for the assistant minister, and it's not because of this 'condolence letter' alone. You should know that Cao Xiu is the nephew of Emperor Taizu Wu and my cousin. Unlike Cao Zhen, who was adopted by Emperor Taizu Wu since he was a child... If he becomes a minister of Gu Ming and takes advantage of his patriarchal status to act recklessly, who can restrain him?" Cao Pi looked up. Looking at the tall algae well on the roof, he said intermittently, "Not including him as a candidate for the assistant minister does not mean that I will not use him again. I will leave this favor to Rui'er... I will Tell Ruier to confer Cao Xiu as the Great Sima immediately after he ascends the throne, ranking above the three princes! This can also be regarded as giving Ruier a chance to win over him... Cao Xiu will not be the Minister of Gu Ming and Assistant Government in the future, he should only resent me This late emperor will not take his anger out on Rui'er. In the future, after he is granted the position of Great Sima, he will appreciate Rui'er's knowledge of people even more, so he will be loyal to my Wei family to the end..."

"Your Majesty is so wise, the old minister is really amazed." After hearing this, Hua Xin hurriedly kowtowed deeply in praise.

"Hua Aiqing, today I called you into the secret room first to listen to the decree. In fact, I am going to entrust you with a very important matter - that is, I hope that you will continue to monitor Sima Yi in the court as always!" Cao Pi Turning his head to look at him, biting his lips tightly, he said solemnly and forcefully, "This time, I have no choice but to appoint him as the auxiliary minister and the governor of Zhennan!"

"Your Majesty! Have you forgotten the last emperor's will? Sima Yi has no military power! If he has the military power this time, as long as he has time, he may be even more powerful than Cao Xiu. Who can check and balance him!"

"Hey! Then, according to your opinion, Situ Yihua, who can take over the important task of the governor of the southern town? At noon yesterday, I just received an emergency military intelligence report from the Ministry of War. Sun Quan will dispatch Zhuge Jin from Xiakou City. , Lu Xun came from Changsha County in two directions, attacking from east to west, and came straight to Xiangyang!" Cao Pi took a long breath when he said this, and stared at Hua Xin with bright eyes, "Who...who ...Can you survive this catastrophe for my enemy? You recommend such a talent to me!"

"This... this..." Hua Xin lowered her brows, and couldn't answer anymore.

Cao Pi looked at Hua Xin's helpless appearance, the light in his eyes could not help but gradually extinguished, and there was a faint gloomy look between his brows.He was quiet for a while, with his eyes lowered, and said slowly: "Jingzhou is a fan screen in the hinterland of the Central Plains. In the north, there are the Luoyang Jingji Imperial Guards at the back, in the west there are Cao Zhen's troops on the right, and in the east, Cao Xiu's troops are at the left. ——Sima Yi is restrained there, even if he really has different ambitions and actions, there should be no trouble! Hua Aiqing, what do you think?"

Hua Xin put his head on the table, and after a moment of dejection, he finally answered: "Since Your Majesty has such a strategy of restraining and balancing, the old minister has no objections."

Cao Pi also stared at him for a long time, then said solemnly: "I will write a will later and promote you to be the Taiwei of this dynasty. In this way, you can use your position to monitor Sima Yi from time to time... At most Sima Yi can only mobilize the soldiers and horses in the south camp of his town. In my opinion, with the mere [-] Jingxiang soldiers alone, he can do it No big deal!"

Hua Xin couldn't help being so moved that tears fell like rain: "Old... this old minister would like to thank His Majesty for his sincere trust! It's just that this old minister is old and weak, and I'm afraid he will fail His Majesty's trust... This old minister is really sincere and fearful..."

"Hua Aiqing, don't refuse. I believe you can do it." Cao Pi's face was calm, but he waved his sleeves to persuade him of his humility——Looking at Hua Xin's body, it should be Can it last for another six or seven years?After six or seven years, Sima Yi will be in his fifties, and Ruier is old and strong, so he can control Sima Yi...

"Your Majesty, after thinking hard, the old minister has a suggestion: In order to prevent Sima Yi from gaining his own prestige in the camp south of the town, it is better to wait for the opportunity to plant a 'wedge' in the middle of his subordinates and generals, and implement a 'bottom-up approach' against him." 'The spying on..."

Cao Pi listened, a deep smile slowly swam across the corner of his lips, and he just responded calmly: "Hua Aiqing, your suggestion is very good. In the future, you can freely follow this advice when you are in the position of Taiwei." Act according to plan, we can't let Sima Yi monopolize power in the army... I will leave everything to you!" Although he said so, in fact, he had already made arrangements in secret before, and the more than ten thousand Jingxiang Among the garrison, the [-] "Tiger and Leopard Battalion" soldiers are the most elite main force.As long as the "Tiger and Leopard Camp" is still in the hands of the Cao clan, Sima Yi will not be able to make any big waves in the south of the town.In view of this, Cao Pi followed Xiahoushang's suggestion before he was alive, and promptly transferred Xiahoushang's cousin Xiahouru to be the captain of Xiaoqi who commanded the "Tiger and Leopard Camp", and gave him the right to do it at a low price equivalent to the deputy commander of the Zhennan Camp. .

(End of this chapter)

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