Chapter 244
Grand Fu Zhongyou, Yushi Dafu Dong Zhao, Situ Wang Lang and others looked at each other, and the foreman Qiqi went out to play and said: "I congratulate Your Majesty on the beginning of his ascension to the throne, Tian Zong is wise and talented, and he made Sima Yi show his strategy and make a great effort." Victory in the battle, firmly restraining Wu Lu's rampant jumping beam, is really the great fortune of the country!"

Cao Rui nodded with a slight smile, and in the blink of an eye, he saw that the Taiwei Hua Xin, who holds the power of the army and horses of the states and counties in the world, was sitting on the special table alone, silent, looking gloomy and preoccupied.He couldn't help but looked over in astonishment: "Captain Hua, what do you mean..."

Hua Xin hastily left the table and came out to worship, with a look of hesitation on his face: "Your Majesty Qi Zuo, I would like to ask, how many soldiers and horses did our army lose in this battle against Wu?"

Cao Rui looked back at the report for a moment, frowned and said: "During the battle against Wu, our army also lost a total of more than [-] soldiers..."

"Oh? It turns out that my Wei soldiers also lost more than [-] people?" Hua Xin smiled coldly, arched his hands, and said solemnly, "Your Majesty, from this point of view, the so-called 'Heilinyu Great Victory' at the mouth of the Han River "Great victory", resolving the siege of Jiangling and the danger of Mianyang, etc., was just a fluke for Sima Yi by relying on the spiritual power of Emperor Wu and Emperor Wen! In this battle against Wu, our army also lost nearly ten thousand soldiers and horses. Compared with Wu Lu, it can be described as a "small victory". Sima Yi's "small victory" can only prove that the appointment of him in Emperor Wen's edict was wise and correct-he can only be regarded as a big man who seems to be relatively qualified at the moment. Commander! From this point of view, why should he be rewarded excessively for his meager work?"

"This..." Cao Rui didn't expect Hua Xin to belittle Sima Yi's record so little as soon as he opened his mouth, and he couldn't help being greatly surprised—as Sima Yi's immediate superior in Wei Guo's military circle, Taiwei Hua Xin didn't invite Sima Yi Seeking rewards for meritorious service, but being so critical of him is really a bit unbelievable!
While he was contemplating himself, he heard the Minister on Duty report again outside the palace gate: "Qizou Your Majesty, Sima Yi, the governor of the south of the town, rode in at a speedy [-] miles, and please appreciate the watch..."

"Thank you, please reward me? This person is so rude! Rewarding meritorious deeds is a matter in His Majesty's hands, and you have to weigh and make a clear decision. Unexpectedly, he presented this memorial first, and gave himself 'thank you, please reward'! This Are you a little impatient too?" Hua Xin couldn't help saying angrily when he heard this.

Cao Rui also felt that Sima Yi's move was quite inappropriate, so he lowered his face, took Sima Yi's "thank you, please reward the watch" with one hand, and slowly started to read.After reading it, surprise appeared on his face, and then he showed deep admiration: " turns out that Sima Aiqing didn't 'thank you' for his own achievements, but for his. His subordinates Pei Qian, Xia Houru, Cao Zhao and other generals "thank you for your kindness"..."

Hearing these words, Hua Xin was also startled. She raised her head and looked at Cao Rui in a daze: "Sima Yi is indeed a very deep city mansion, which is really unpredictable..."

"Sima Aiqing is really a man of integrity! In this memorial, he claimed that the battle against Wu was the result of a group of bureaucrats who worked together to overcome the difficulties and worked hard to achieve the victory in Heilinyu and the mouth of the Hanjiang River! So , he begged me to reward Pei Qian, Xia Houru, Cao Zhao, Niu Jin, etc., so as to encourage the strength of the three armies. However, he himself humbly said that he was relying on the great blessings of the late emperor Lingwei and me But occasionally winning a small victory is not enough to receive kindness and rewards. Dedicated to dedicating the beauty to the superior and sharing the merits with the inferior, Sima Aiqing is indeed a great leader of a generation of saints!"

Speaking of this, Cao Rui looked at Ling Lingran and looked at Hua Xin: "What's even more valuable is that Sima Aiqing also proposed in the memorial that he was willing to resign from the position of Shangshu Pushe in order to concentrate on military affairs and fight against Wu Lu... "

No matter how thick-skinned Hua Xin was, he didn't feel a little hot at the moment. He couldn't help lowering his head, not daring to face Cao Rui head-on.

Cao Rui's voice suddenly reverberated, and echoed clear and bright in the hall: "Sima Aiqing does not care about salary, does not covet rewards, does not exaggerate, works hard, and is loyal to the country. I am very grateful! Yes, now he He is not in charge of the army, so the position of Shangshu Pushe does not need to be vacant on him—I want to promote him to Yushi Zhongcheng, and he will be a role model for all officials with his caring for public affairs and forgetting selfishness, and his dedication to serve the country!"

Although the position of "Censor Zhongcheng" is nominally the adjutant of the Censor Doctor, it is an independent government and governs affairs.Cao Rui promoted Sima Yi from the position of Shangshu Pushe to Yushi Zhongcheng at once, which actually promoted him by half a rank, and it was considered a reward for him.

As soon as Cao Rui announced this edict, all the ministers in the palace fell down, and Hua Xin had no choice but to follow the mountain and shout: "My emperor is just and wise! Long live! Long live! Long live!"

As soon as the call of all the Qings was finished, there was a report from the Minister on Duty outside the gate of the palace: "Your Majesty Qi Zuo, Cao Zhen, the general and governor of Zhenxi, sent an army report of [-] miles to speed up and ride fast from Chang'an City. Newsletter..."

When Cao Rui heard this, he thought to himself: Perhaps it was Cao Zhen who made the victory in exterminating the Western Qiang in Liangzhou, right?Today is really a "happy event"!He casually ordered: "Read in public!"

"No!" The servant on duty responded, and opened the report at the door to take a closer look, his face changed drastically, and he read in a trembling voice, "The old minister Cao Zhenqi played your majesty, the false Shu Chancellor Zhuge Liang has brazenly kissed you!" Leading an army of 13 rebels out of Jiange Pass to the west, stationed in Hanzhong County, pointing directly at Yongliang and Liangzhou..."

Under the blue sky, a light boat floats leisurely on the "Shenbi Lake" outside the "Qingyun Villa" of the No. [-] school in Jingzhou, like a red lotus floating up and down in the vast expanse of blue waves.

Sima Yi was dressed in casual clothes, with his hands behind his back, standing upright on the bow of the boat, raising his eyes to admire the mountains and forests around the lake, full of interest, as if immersed in it and blindly looking at it.

"I have been to my hometown for [-] years, and I am deeply interested in revisiting it today. The autumn scenery of the lake is still there today, and I don't see the people who were in the same boat." He let the breeze blowing from the lake slowly shake his beard, hair and skirt, while slowly reciting He wrote an impromptu poem with seven characters.

"Father, have you been here before?" Sima Shisheng who was standing behind him asked cautiously in a low voice, afraid of disturbing his interest.

"Yes! Master, look, there is Xiuyun Peak to the south, and Baopu Rock to the east... Have you seen the Qingyun Villa on the hillside of Xiuyun Peak? It was created by your uncle Sima Hui himself Yes. During the 13 years of the former dynasty, all the students of Jingxiang came here. Now the high-ranking Mujun Pei Qian, the governor of Liangzhou Mengjian, and the young minister Cui Zhouping all graduated from here. Back then, this The reputation of the villa is comparable to that of Ziyuan Academy in Linglong Valley where my father studied Taoism. Your uncle was a great man of his generation. I heard that there are seven or eight counties in Jingzhou who have set up memorial shrines for him... ..."

As soon as "Sima Hui" was mentioned, Sima Yi's throat couldn't help sobbing, and the figure of his uncle Sima Hui suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, and his eyes were blurred by tears. vision.He couldn't help but recited Sima Hui's favorite poem during his lifetime: "'Cold clouds cover the shadows of cranes deeply, and I go up to the faint star-picking platform alone. The autumn wind is rustling and the curtain is moving, and the mountains and rain are coming from afar." Alas, if If your great-uncle is still alive in this world, if he sees the scene of his father returning to the 'Qingyun Villa' in honor of holding the Jingxiang military power in his hand today, he doesn't know how happy he will be in his heart... He has worked hard for his father for 20 years , It is only today that I have truly obtained the sole right to hold festivals. Thinking about it, I am really ashamed of all the sacrifices and dedications made by your uncles and grandfathers back then..."

Sima Shi saw that his father became so agitated for some reason at this moment, he was at a loss for what to do, but he hesitated and didn't know how to persuade him.

After a while, Sima Yi himself calmed down slowly.He slowly wiped away the tears on his cheeks, and suddenly said with deep emotion: "In the last years of the previous dynasty, the world was in chaos. How many people with lofty ideals like your uncle and grandfather would not hesitate to hide their reputations, live in seclusion in the grass, and cultivate talents in order to help the world and the people. Cultivate talents for great use...How many people can match this kind of high moral integrity that cares about the country and the people?"

Sima Master listened, thought for a while, but muttered from the side: "Father, you don't have to be so sentimental...Nowadays, there are fewer and fewer hermits and sages in the grass and fields, isn't it a good thing ?My grandfather once said well in the inscription, 'If there is no abuse in the court and no virtuous people in the country, the world will be peaceful.' If my Great Wei Dynasty can wipe out all the hermits and high sages in the world, why worry about Wu Shu not being destroyed? Why worry about the injustice of the world?"

"Good! Good! Good! Master, you have spoken well!" Sima Yi turned his face and smiled, and gave Sima a meaningful look, "Then how can you catch all the hermits and sages in the world at once? ? Why don't you talk about it for your father?"

"This... this... I haven't thought much about it. However, I have always been the most straightforward in doing things. To recruit them, I use both soft and hard methods! Putting on the front is the most difficult thing to stand up to. Sometimes the more you praise him, the more he shows off! Naturally, the boy first invites him with nice words and rich gifts, but if he deliberately pushes back and forth, then the boy will not allow them to be so contemptuous The majesty of the court may be brought to justice!"

When Sima Yi heard this, he stared at him for a long while, and said coldly, "You idiot—why are you acting so recklessly? According to your method of giving courtesy before fighting, and using both soft and hard tactics, at most you can only recruit some moderately talented people. As for the outstanding talents and stalwart weapons like your uncle and Mr. Hu Zhao, even if you have a knife and saw in your hand, you can only look at the shadows and sigh! In the final analysis, if you want to catch all the hermits and high sages in the world, Or only a passage in the recent article "Teacher's List" written by the pseudo-Shu Zhuge Liang is good..."

"Oh? Which passage is it?" Master Sima hurriedly asked.

(End of this chapter)

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