Sima Yi's Three Kingdoms Collection Collection

Chapter 253 Sweeping out the rebel General Meng Da

Chapter 253 Sweeping out the rebel General Meng Da (8)
At this moment, Sima Yi laughed heartily and said: "Good! Good! Good! The words of the governor of the state are really the essence of the strategy of using troops! It's a good one. "Attack the heart as the top, and attack the city as the bottom; Fighting is the top, and fighting is the bottom'! But, why does Bendu sound familiar! You didn't copy it from others, did you?"

When he said this jokingly, De Zhoutai blushed and couldn't answer. This is what he heard from the "eyeliner" in Shu Han. It is said that Ma Di was sending Zhuge Liangnan off. The sixteen-character military formula presented by Menghuo.

But Sima Yi's eyes turned, and his expression immediately became solemn: "Then, according to the opinion of Lord Zhou, how should our Great Wei Tianjun carry out a 'psychological strategy' against the rebels in the city at this moment?"

Zhou Tai settled down, took a look at Master Sima who was full of anger and blushing, gritted his teeth secretly, and the timidity in his eyes disappeared, and he clasped his fists to Sima Yi and said, "Master Sima's attack with water Although the strategy of "city" is not to be taken lightly, it can also be used for other magical purposes-according to the opinion of a certain state, it is better to "use the strategy", come to "use one thing and use the other", let the archers shoot arrows into the city, and send arrows to the city. The scholars publicly declared, "Our great Wei Tianjun came here to suppress the rebellion. It could have attracted the Han River to flood the city and attack, but the scholars in Nian'er and other cities were coerced by Meng Da and rebelled, and they couldn't bear to suffer. I also don’t want you to die with Meng Da’s thieves—that’s why the governor abandoned this ingenious strategy. Wan Wanger and others felt the benevolence and generosity of the army of the Celestial Dynasty, quickly abandoned the darkness and turned to the light, and left the city to surrender.’ Governor Sima thought how?"

"Good! Good! Good! Zhou Tai, after you go down, follow this 'strategy of attacking the heart' and do it!" Sima Yi nodded repeatedly, his eyes overflowing with joy, "This time the battle against rebellion, the governor I don’t take pleasure in capturing Meng Da, but I’m so happy to see the great talent of the king of Dezhou! By the way, I would like to remind you: After you go down, you will write the book of persuading to surrender with the reporters in the shogunate. The words and sentences should be embellished more, and it must be written with both emotion and prose, and the eloquence is moving."

After he finished his orders, he turned his face to look directly at Master Sima and said, "Zi Yuan! Zhou Taijun is born intelligent and resourceful, and he is already a rare good general at a young age. There is an old saying, 'Sages are impermanent Teacher, only those who are capable are teachers.' You must learn a lot from him in the future!"

Hearing his father's words, Master Sima hurriedly suppressed all the ups and downs in his heart, slowly suppressed the strong anger on his face, tried his best to be docile and calm, and replied so respectfully: " Okay, my son has remembered the painstaking teachings of the commander-in-chief." After that, he was silent for a moment, then turned his head suddenly, and smiled at Zhoutai, "Brother Zhou, Master will accompany you to the shogunate office to record Mr. Zhang Discuss over how to write the letter of persuading the arrow..."

In the damp basement, there was a pungent musty smell everywhere.Although the four corners of the room were lit with red torches, the entire basement still looked shadowy and gloomy.

Ever since Meng Da saw the power of Wei Jun's Shishi with his own eyes on the gate tower of the East City that day, he never dared to go up to the podium to risk himself, but hid in the underground secret room in the backyard of his prefect's mansion, closed the door and shrank away. out.

"Father, right now people in Xincheng County are in a state of unease - the county lieutenant's office on East Street and the arsenal on North Street have all been raided by some unknown people; several watchtowers in Nancheng were also sneaked last night. Set it on fire and burned it! It seems that a lot of traitors from Wei have sneaked into our city earlier." Meng Xing reported to Meng Da with a worried face.

"Who did it? My lord, have you found out?" Li Fu, who was standing on the right side of the Meng Dashu case, asked with concern.

"Hmph! Is there still a need to investigate? These people must be the accomplices of the iron peddler Zhou Tai who planted in the city that day - Sima Yi! You are so insidious! It turns out that you and Xia Houshang have been working together all these years. Singing "double-reed opera" one by one to deceive me! Thanks to your patience, you have been carefully guarding against me!" Meng Da's eyes were so swollen that they almost popped out, and the bloodshot eyes were like spider webs. It was really shocking to see, "Hmph! I don't have to hang out with those people anymore! Xing'er, you pass on an order to get all the foreign residents in the city since I entered the Wei Kingdom in the first year of Huang Chu, no matter what. Whether they are farmers, businessmen, or officials, they will all be imprisoned by this seat, and they will all be killed if they find a chance!"

When Li Fu heard this, he couldn't help being surprised: "Master! Your plan is wrong! Since the first year of Huang Chu, there have been thousands of foreign residents in this city? During these six or seven years, they have established a relationship with the original residents. All kinds of relationship networks, relatives, friends, or friends, have almost merged into one - how can you catch them all? Now that the enemy is outside the city, we can only work together and work together It is to fight against the enemy externally and unanimously! When you issue this order, don’t you push all the foreign residents and their relatives and friends to Sima Yi’s side?!” His fierce criticism and opposition are well-founded: in his Li Among the in-laws of the clan, many people are foreign residents!If you really want to "kill a lot" like that, I'm afraid the whole city will be in chaos immediately!
"This... this..." Meng Da just made such an extreme mistake just now when he lost control of his emotions. After being persuaded by Li Fu, he came to his senses again, "Master Li is right! Xing'er, For the time being, you don’t want to carry out the father’s order just now—it’s just that those Wei thieves and traitors hide in the city and stir up troubles from time to time, so it’s very worrying! Master Li, how do you think this matter should be resolved?”

Holding on to his "goatee", Li Fu pondered for a while, and finally said: "In my opinion, there is no other way to do this for the time being. The only thing we can do is to dispatch soldiers to step up patrols in the city and take strict precautions day and night. ; At the same time, send elite soldiers to firmly guard all the main roads in the city, as long as the time goes by, those Wei thieves and traitors will have no gaps, and the chaos will gradually calm down!"

After hearing this, Meng Xing let out a sneer from his nostrils: "Master Li, your countermeasure is too passive if you blindly 'focus on defense'! Hmph! "Catch all those foreign scholars in one go", but the inscription "use heavy codes in troubled times" must not be forgotten at all. In Xing's opinion, it is necessary to use a few heads of their group of foreign scholars to stand up!

"My lord, Boss Jia from Dongjie Sifang and Shopkeeper Liu from Xicheng Pawnshop have offended you before, and they paid too little tax this year, so why don't you let the boy go and arrest them both? Accused of being a "thief inside and outside" and killed! In this way, not only their property was confiscated, but also those Wei thieves "inside traitors" lurking in the city were deterred! What do you think, father, that kills two birds with one stone?"

"Okay! Xing'er, go and do it right away!" Meng Da agreed immediately.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! In the past, Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, released his private grievances and treated Yong Teeth with peace of mind. Has my lord forgotten it?" Li Fu felt inappropriate when he heard Meng Xing's "excuse his head to establish his prestige" , secretly endured and endured, and only hoped that Meng Da would be able to discern right from wrong and refuse to accept it. After hearing that Meng Da also agreed in the end, he couldn't help persuading, "Boss Jia and shopkeeper Liu are certainly rude to the lord." But after all, no rebellious act has been found out yet, and if Mr. Meng was killed on the charge of 'communicating with the inside and outside the thief', I'm afraid people will not accept it!"

"People are dissatisfied? What's the matter if people's hearts are dissatisfied? Disobedience is nothing!" Meng Xing retorted, "Master Li, you don't think about your own master in everything, but speak for outsiders—oh, Meng understands I asked: Could it be that you, Boss Jia, shopkeeper Liu, and the others have some kind of "ghost tricks" in private?"

Li Fu hadn't finished listening, his face was flushed red, as if all the blood in his body had rushed to his ears: "Mr. Meng, why are you talking like that?"

"Hehehe! Master Li——Meng Xing said something in a moment of anger, don't take it to heart!" Meng Da hurriedly persuaded Li Fu, and at the same time cast his eyes at Meng Xing, "You idiot It's important to get out and do your serious business!"

When Meng Xing heard this, he understood that this was his father's tacit approval for him to kill Boss Jia and Shopkeeper Liu to gain power, so he gave Li Fu a haughty look, and walked out swaggeringly and complacently.

The room finally fell silent.Li Fu looked at Meng Da, hesitated for a long time, and then said solemnly: "Master, what do you think of the current situation in Xincheng County?"

Meng Da raised his head, stared at him in bewilderment, and said, "Li Fujun, you've been a little out of sorts lately! You're afraid of this and that, fearful of the first and the last, and have no sense of killing and decisiveness! Lian Xing'er intends to eliminate You don't understand the good intentions of being a 'traitor' and gaining prestige from others! Now you come to ask how the situation in our county is inexplicably—my city is strong and the river is deep, and the soldiers are well-equipped. The enemy Sima Yi's thunderbolt chariots, dash chariots, and spiked crossbows are powerful, but they should be more than enough for self-defense without loss! Besides, the food accumulated in our city can support the entire county for a year——Sima Yi and the others traveled long distances to attack , transporting food must be very difficult, how can we afford it? You should rest assured!"

Li Fu's brows were full of sorrow: "My lord, have you ever read the arrow book that the Wei army outside the city shot into the city?"

"Which arrow book?"

"It's the letter of arrows where they declared 'abandoning the method of water attack and convincing people with virtue'."

"Oh... it's this letter of arrows! I saw it—this is just their hypocritical deceitful words! Humph! Humph! Humph! Even if they want to lure the Han River to flood the city and attack, it will be easier said than done! Then It is to dig long canals and build dams—such a huge fortification, how much work will it take for them!"

"My lord, my subordinates are not wary of the feasibility of their doing this, but are secretly paying attention to the psychological reaction this letter of arrow caused among the soldiers and civilians in Xincheng County—to tell the truth, my lord, they all secretly Everyone praised Sima Yi's army as a "teacher of benevolence and righteousness"!"

"A teacher of benevolence and righteousness? How can there be any teacher of benevolence and righteousness in this world? I have seen it through, but they are all a group of tiger and wolf teachers disguised as 'benevolence and righteousness'!" Meng Da laughed a few times, and waved his right hand, " Don't believe their lies."

Li Fu thought to himself: You still need to explain these truths to me?However, there is still a big difference whether to put on that layer of "benevolence and righteousness" camouflage.He continued to follow his previous train of thought: "Actually, in the eyes of my subordinates, Sima Yi's letter of arrows is not just about creating a 'teacher of benevolence and righteousness' on the surface. He did not shoot his bow, and secretly harbored the poisonous plan of "deterrence" - he clearly laid out the strange strategy of "siege the city with water", just like a sharp ax hanging high above the heads of the soldiers and civilians in the city, This deep sense of deterrence is far more powerful than cutting down the sharp ax! Especially now that Zhuge Liang and Lu Xun's rescuers are blocked, and it seems that our foreign aid has been cut off, Li I am really worried about how many soldiers and civilians in this city can tenaciously resist to the end..."

(End of this chapter)

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