Sima Yi's Three Kingdoms Collection Collection

Chapter 263 Zhuge Liang’s Attack

Chapter 263 Zhuge Liang’s Attack (2)
How did they know that although Cao Rui is the emperor who controls the life and death of his subjects, he also has troubles and pains that he can't get around just like ordinary people.Cao Rui's biological mother, Empress Dowager Zhen, was gifted to death when he was 17 years old because he fell out of favor with the first emperor.And since the death of Empress Dowager Zhen, he has not been loved by the late emperor. He is often left alone in the East Palace to pass the time by burying his head in reading and practicing calligraphy. He has not been officially registered as a prince for four full years.Finally, until the day before the death of the first emperor, he was suddenly told that he had been established as the heir and inherited the great line.The bitterness, tortuousness and ups and downs during this period not only tempered Cao Rui's persevering, deep, rigorous and thoughtful personality, but also made Cao Rui silent and gloomy, thinking more and talking less, so that he seemed to stutter when he spoke.

And in the Yong'an Palace that Cao Rui was looking at at the moment, lived the person who single-handedly caused the tragedy between him and his birth mother, Queen Mother Zhen—his stepmother, Queen Mother Guo.Cao Rui once heard those old palace people who were familiar with the past of the Wei Palace talk vaguely that it was precisely because of the concubine Guo Gui, who is now the Empress Dowager Guo, who slandered and framed her, that the Empress Dowager Zhen was given poison and alcohol to commit suicide in a fit of anger by the late emperor. .Although there are a lot of secrets in this matter, and Cao Rui couldn't find out the truth for a while, a "pimple" formed deep in his heart.Therefore, since last summer, he stopped going to Yong'an Palace to greet Queen Mother Guo every day on the grounds of his busy government affairs, and expressed his silent dislike and disgust to Queen Mother Guo with practical actions.

He looked at Yong'an Palace from a distance, slowly clenched his fists with his palms in his sleeves, and his eyes shot out fierce gazes like wounded wolves, which made people dare not look at each other.When all the maids saw it, they all knelt down on the ground, not daring to let out more air.After a long, long time, he let out a long breath, and slowly ordered: "Get down! Go and call Sun Zi and Liu Fang to the imperial study, I have something important to discuss!" A palace maid stood up and came go.Cao Rui stood still for a while, then turned around, left the Yong'an Palace behind him, and walked slowly out of the garden.

Zhongshu ordered Sun Zi and Zhongshu supervisor Liu Fang to deal with political affairs in the side hall of the palace. When they heard Cao Rui's oral order to summon him, they quickly got up and rushed to the imperial study.The two of them, as officials of the Central Committee of the Inner Court, secretly sent Cao Ruilong a lot of tricks to protect the heir and retain the throne since Cao Ruilong went to the East Palace.In addition, the two of them have participated in the planning and suggestion of a series of military and state affairs since the time of Emperor Taizu Weiwu, the Battle of Chibi, the Battle of Hefei, the Battle of Hanzhong, the Wei Dynasty and the Han Dynasty, and Emperor Wen's Southern Expedition. Already perfect.What is particularly commendable is that, unlike most counselors, they dared to face the monarch regardless of gains and losses, and remonstrated directly. Naturally, they became confidants with outstanding achievements in three dynasties.When Cao Rui ascended the throne five years ago, Sun and Liu had the secret help to stabilize the court and establish authority. Therefore, he also favored them and regarded them as advisers.Usually Cao Rui would first visit all the ministers for military and state affairs, and then bring the relevant suggestions and opinions of civil and military officials back to the palace, and hand them over to Sun and Liu for careful integration and careful analysis, and finally form the "best policy, middle policy" Cao Rui came to make a final decision on the three-level response plan of "first, worst policy".This set of practices has been followed for many years since the time of Emperor Wu of Wei, and Cao Rui is quite satisfied with using it.What he can be proud of is that during the five years since he took the throne, there has not been a single major decision-making error on his hands, which has played an extremely important role in establishing his supreme authority in the minds of his officials.

Seeing Sun Zi and Liu Fang coming in, Cao Rui didn't say a word, but just put a large pile of recommendation letters from the ministers on the candidate for the head coach of the Guanzhong theater on the sapphire table in front of him, and all the thoughts in his heart were written on his face superior.Sun Zi and Liu Fang saw him frowning and thinking hard, knowing that the young emperor was anxious about this matter, so they stood aside in awe, waiting for Cao Rui to speak.

After a while, Cao Rui raised his face, looked at the two of them with burning eyes, and said slowly: "You two love ministers, who do you think should be appointed as the coach of Guanzhong at present?"

Sun Zi and Liu Fang listened, but kept silent, not daring to make mistakes.Although the two of them are close ministers around Cao Rui, it is much more convenient for them to make suggestions and suggestions than others, but it is precisely because they are close ministers of the emperor that they have to be more cautious in their words and deeds, and have very little right and wrong with the court officials. Interject, so as not to arouse Cao Rui's sensitivity and suspicion.Therefore, when Cao Rui asked about the candidate for Guanzhong's coach, the two of them did not dare to respond sloppily.Cao Rui didn't rush them, but just looked at their faces quietly.

Finally, Sun and Liu looked at each other sideways at the same time as if they had a mutual feeling.Then, Sun Zi coughed lightly, straightened his face, and said solemnly: "This matter is not difficult to decide. Since General Zhang Yun and Lord Sima are both generals who can bear heavy responsibilities, then please Your Majesty, please make a decision and choose between yourself and Master Sima." It is enough for the officials in the court to trust the most trusted person. This will not only reassure His Majesty, but also satisfy the officials. Get rid of the worries of the officials in the court."

As soon as these words came out, Cao Rui suddenly realized.Who is most worthy of the trust of yourself and the courtiers?Of course it was Sima Yi. He was not only a veteran of the three dynasties, who was famous for his loyalty and integrity, but also a minister of Gu Ming Tuo Gu appointed by the late emperor's edict.If even he is not trustworthy, there will be no one in the Manchu Dynasty who is worthy of trust!Cao Rui nodded slowly while meditating quietly.He slowly leaned back on the back of the chair behind him, his eyes flashed again, projected on Sun Zi's face, and said: "Chen Sikong's opinion is that General Sima has always been stationed in Jingzhou, and has never been with the Shu army." He lacks the necessary combat experience against Shu, so it might be inappropriate to throw him into Guanzhong immediately."

The Chen Sikong he was talking about was none other than Chen Qun, one of the three ministers who were ordered by the late emperor to assist the government.Recently Chen Qun has been advocating that Zhang He preside over the Guanzhong War, and his clear attitude is well known throughout the court.Sun Zi listened, pondered for a moment, and said: "You must not ignore what Chen Sikong said. According to my opinion, Your Majesty may temporarily assign General Sima to take charge of the battle in Guanzhong, with General Zhang He as his assistant. If the situation changes, Sima The general is indeed at a disadvantage in the battle against Shu, and the two of them can be replaced in the middle of the battle."

"Isn't it a big taboo for military strategists to change generals in the middle of the battle?" Cao Rui said worriedly.

"No! Back then when the Qin State attacked Zhao, seeing that Zhao Kuo was the leader of the Zhao State, he changed to Bai Qi, who was victorious in hundreds of battles, to lead the Qin army. He won a great victory in Changping and captured 40 enemies. Therefore, marching troops , the only way to adapt to the situation and move in accordance with the times is the highest criterion, and you must not use glue sticks." Sun Zi said slowly, "General Sima just went to Guanzhong alone. The army in Guanzhong has no foundation and cannot form a strong faction. Swapping with General Zhang He should not cause great turmoil in the army and hinder things."

"Yes." Cao Rui thought for a long time before nodding.He turned his head and glanced at Liu Fang, who had never spoken, and cast a questioning look on his face.Liu Fang straightened his face, and replied solemnly: "Master Sun's words are very true, and I agree with you."

Therefore, the confirmation of the candidate for the coach of Guanzhong was settled in the secret room of Wei Gong in these few words.

Cao Rui flicked his sleeves, motioning for Sun and Liu to retreat.Unexpectedly, the two of them stood in the room, as if ignoring his gestures, chatting with each other, hesitant to speak.Cao Rui let out a "huh", his eyes were as cold as a sword's edge, and he stared at the two of them: "Qing, what else do you want to play?"

"Plop plop" two times, Sun Zi and Liu Fang knelt down on the ground, and played in unison: "This matter is of great importance, and the ministers dare not hold back-this morning Tingwei Gao Rougao lord handed over the impeachment form , to sue the servant of the Huangmen, Guo Jin, Lord Guo, who used his power to rob dozens of civilian women, sell officials and take bribes of more than [-] taels of gold, the evidence is solid, and I hope His Majesty will order it."

Guo Jin is the younger brother of Queen Mother Guo, who has always been extravagant and dissipated, and has a notorious reputation.Although Cao Rui had heard of it all along, he never expected that he would dare to do such a dirty and rampant act!He stretched out his hand and slapped the imperial case suddenly, his face sank like an iron plate.

doubt and trust
The Shu bandits are coming to invade, and the enemy is at hand. The most urgent task at the moment is to resolve this military crisis.Therefore, Cao Rui had no choice but to "cut the mess quickly" from the perspective of pure military war needs, and selected Sima Yi as the coach of Guanzhong to take over the position that the great Sima Cao had left behind.

However, many people knew before that that the sudden death of Cao Zhen was not just a simple loss of a general for Wei Guo.Cao Zhen's death will inevitably trigger a big political reshuffle within Wei.

When the first emperor Cao Pi passed away, Cao Zhen, General of the Chinese Army, Sima Yi, General of the Fujun and Yushi Zhongcheng, and Chen Qun, General of the Zhenjun and Sikong, were appointed as Cao Rui's Ministers of Gu Ming by his own edict, thus forming a "three-legged confrontation" in the court. political power structure.When Cao Zhen was alive, the three Gu Ming and auxiliary ministers performed their respective duties, but they cooperated very tacitly: Cao Zhen, as a general of the Chinese army, sat in Yongliang and Liangzhou, commanded more than [-] troops in the Guanzhong theater, and specially dealt with Shu Kou; Sima Yi, as the general of the Fujun, sat in Jingyuyang and Xusizhou, commanded the land and water armies to fight against Wu; The job is to lead the government. The "three carriages" drive side by side, each occupying its position, each doing its best, and defending the emperor, everything works very effectively.Now that Cao is really dead, it will naturally tilt and unbalance the political power structure of such an "iron triangle", thus triggering this inevitable political earthquake.

(End of this chapter)

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