Sima Yi's Three Kingdoms Collection Collection

Chapter 274 Subduing the enemy without fighting

Chapter 274 Subduing the enemy without fighting (5)
Sima Yi greeted the outside, and a soldier came in with a basin of clean water and handed it to Guo Ping, then retreated.Guo Ping carefully put the piece of amber into the clear water in the basin, and said: "General, please take a closer look." Sima Yi looked intently, but saw that the piece of amber in the basin was gradually melting into the clear water like a piece of ice The inside is normal, and finally only the little green dragon "live" is left, swimming and circling in the crystal clear water, its posture is so wonderful that it is beyond words.

"What a 'dragon in the stone'! Wonderful! Wonderful!" Seeing this, Sima Yi couldn't help clapping his hands in admiration, "This is really auspicious and a rare treasure!"

"Since the general likes it, I will honor this green dragon amber to you!" Guo Ping said with a smile, as if he was afraid of being rejected by him, he got up and left the camp.Sima Yi couldn't help shouting behind him, so he had to let it go.

After Guo Ping walked away, the smile on Sima Yi's face disappeared without a trace.His face darkened, and he reached out to take the military expenditure book of the Guierzi Battalion to read it. After examining it carefully, he was shocked—it turned out that all the military expenditures of the battalion were memorized meticulously, clearly, and without any loopholes!
Sima Yi let out a "huh", it seems that Guo Ping didn't bribe the old man with this green dragon amber to cover up his false account of military expenses - then, what is his intention in giving this important gift to this old man?

He walked to the side of the water basin and carefully looked at the rare piece of green dragon amber.While watching, he muttered to himself: "How can there be such a coincidence in this world? A priceless and rare treasure happened to fall in the clear water river, and it happened to be picked up by you, a little battalion officer." Send me...huh..."

He called out, and Master Sima walked in rubbing his sleepy eyes.Sima Yi said to him coldly: "Go, after you have found out about Guo Ping's origin, background, and relatives and friends behind him one by one, report it immediately."

Strange to say, Master Sima was sleepy and blindfolded, but when he heard his father's concise and powerful order, he immediately revived his whole body and was full of energy. He responded quickly and rushed out of the tent.

In the early morning of the next day, after the Guanzhong coach raised his tent in the camp, Sima Yi sat down on the tiger leather chair, but he didn't say a word, with a serious and unpredictable expression all the time. It's like two different people.

Generals Zhang He, Guo Huai, and Wei Ping stood on both sides of his case, and they couldn't help feeling a little nervous.Through one or two months of contact and interaction, they have all been familiar with such a common sense: the expression on the face of this hussar general is the most serious expression when there is no expression on his face.

After a long while, Sima Yi spoke slowly: "Now, the old man announces an order to remove Dai Ling, the general guard of Shangyuyuan, and transfer him to General Zhang He as the vanguard general. General Wei Ping will be fully in charge of guarding Shangyuyuan At the same time, the secretary Lang Deng Ai was asked to draft a memorandum to be sent to Sima Fu, the Minister of Duzhi who guarded Chang'an, and asked him to submit it to the emperor for approval, and promptly dispatched [-] farmers with high farming skills from Jizhou to Shangyu to study in autumn and winter. In battle, repair Tian Sang in spring and summer, and build Shangbi, the Guanzhong granary!"

As soon as Sima Yi issued this order, Dai Ling immediately felt ashamed under the tent, extremely depressed.He never expected that this great general of hussars would be so ruthless, that he would masturbate himself if he said he masturbated him.Enduring the great humiliation, he was about to break the pot and throw it on the spot, but he saw Zhang Xi winking secretly at him and gesturing quietly, so he suppressed his anger and accepted it in silence.

After Sima Yi issued the order, he stood up, looked at the generals in the tent, and said, "Generals, you should be clear that the invincibility of our Great Wei army is entirely due to the garrison system created by Emperor Taizu Wei Wu. ——Raise soldiers with agriculture, support wars with food, consolidate the base and strengthen the foundation, and achieve long-term peace and stability. The Shu army has run out of ammunition and food, and retreats without a fight. Then, the princes can follow behind and wait for the opportunity to attack, and they will surely make military exploits and be rewarded by the court." At this point, he paused suddenly and stiffened He turned his face and said coldly: "Your lords are sincere in serving the country with fists and fists, and I feel the same. However, I only know how to be brave and brave, and I don't judge the situation. If I miss a major event, I'm afraid it will be too late for you lords to regret!"

Zhang He stood aside and listened very carefully.In fact, what Sima Yi said was quite correct.He is very clear about the importance of food and grass to an army.During the Battle of Guandu that year, the rebel Yuan Shao fought with 20 soldiers of the Taizu Emperor Wei Wudi Cao Cao with [-] horses for many days. If Cao Cao hadn't gone deep into the enemy's rear to attack with surprise soldiers, he would have burned all the food Yuan Jun had hoarded in the rear. It is absolutely impossible to win the final victory, and Yuan Jun will not collapse completely like an avalanche.All of this was witnessed by Zhang He at that time.Therefore, he felt that Sima Yi's strategy of strengthening the wall and clearing the field, being cautious and waiting for opportunities to move was right-after all, the Wei army had fewer soldiers and more food, and the Shu army had more food and less food. short.However, he also believes that Sima Yi's tactics, which only know how to be prudent but don't know how to change, only know how to fight steadily but don't know how to build momentum at the right time, are really not very subtle, let alone brilliant.This is a style of play that is more than rigid and less mobile!The generals in Guanzhong are used to fighting and fighting under the leadership of Cao Zhen in the past, how could they stand up to Sima Yi's step-by-step advancing strategy?
While he was thinking about it, he saw Fei Yao, the rear general, knelt down in front of Sima Yi's case with a "plop", blushing and yelling loudly, "General, it is important to farm the fields in Shangyuyuan, but now there are [-] people in Qishan's camp. The army is besieged, and it is also in danger! The general, please give an order and send troops to the rescue! Fei is willing to lead the charge and open a bloody path for the general!"

His sudden kneeling on the spot made the hearts of all the generals jump, and they all glanced at Sima Yi to see how he would respond.But seeing Sima Yi listened, his expression was solemn, he just stroked his beard without saying a word.Dai Ling also rushed forward, knelt down on the ground, and shouted: "The general has demoted Dai to be a vanguard general, but Dai is very grateful. I only hope that the general will give the order, and Dai A certain person must sacrifice his life to charge forward and show his talents for the country!"

Dai Ling followed up, knelt and yelled, which aroused a lot of discussion among the generals in the tent.With a thought in his mind, Zhang He walked out of the line slowly, bowed and saluted, and said, "General Sima, what Generals Fei and Dai have said is not without merit. According to Zhang, the troops can be divided into two groups. Guarding Shanggu here and rushing all the way to Qishan for rescue is better than waiting here."

As soon as Zhang He spoke, all the generals in the tent were like a frying pan that had exploded. They were all excited, shouting and asking for a fight.Only the secretary Lang Deng Ai stood aside and watched coldly, but did not speak, watching what General Sima did.

Sima Yi couldn't help sighing deeply in his heart when he saw the excitement of the crowd.In fact, the Qishan battalion had enough food and the terrain was so dangerous that they could stand against Zhuge Liang for half a year without danger, so there was no need to send troops to rescue them.Moreover, in Sima Yi's overall strategy, Qi Shan was originally a powerful barrier to hold back the Shu bandits from going deep into the Guanzhong, and it was also a chess piece that consumed the main force of the Shu bandits.Therefore, Sima Yi had no intention of sending troops to rescue it immediately.What's more, what a powerful character Zhuge Liang is?When he attacked Qishan, it was clearly a move of "surrounding the city and fighting for aid", setting up an ambush and waiting for the Wei army to be beaten!How could Sima Yi fall into his trap because of a momentary fever?
However, all the generals of the Wei Army were militant, and they only wanted to fight and fight. For the past two months, Sima Yi's ears could hear the callus, and he had been fighting with great patience and perseverance. Control the situation without fighting.But today Zhang Yun, as a veteran general, intervened in this way, making Sima Yi no longer able to control the excitement of his subordinates.He stood quietly for a while amidst the uproarious voices calling for battle, and said slowly: "Our army has only 5 horses, while the Shu bandits have [-] people, and their strength is far superior to mine. At this juncture, if we Wouldn't it be like the early Western Han Dynasty when Chu County divided its troops into three battles and was defeated by Yingbu in the end?"

Sima Yi's words were slow and forceful, suppressing the din in the tent for a moment.The example he gave is very typical: in the early Western Han Dynasty, Ying Bu rebelled against the Han and attacked Chu County. Chu County was weak, but it was divided into three parts.When the generals heard this, they all fell silent.

Sima Yi pondered for a while, then waved his hands again, and said, "Forget it! Since all the gentlemen are striving to be the first, I can't disobey your kindness. How about it—General Wei Ping is brave and good at fighting, so he stayed behind with five thousand elite soldiers Garrison at Shangyuyuan; the rest of the [-] troops, after resting here for five days, followed the old man and the lords to Qishan, and attacked Zhuge Liang with the Qishan battalion defenders!"

Before the words were finished, he seemed to think of something again, turned his face to look at Deng Ai, and said solemnly: "Also, the secretary Lang Deng Ai is also staying in Shangyu, and will do his best to assist General Wei Ping in guarding this place. Kou took the opportunity to snipe and succeeded."

When Deng Ai saw General Sima staring at him solemnly, he couldn't help being moved. Knowing that he had a heavy responsibility on his shoulders, he bowed out and responded generously: "Sub... this subordinate is willing to do everything in its power to guard Shanggui. , Guaranteed... guaranteed to be safe, and to live up to the expectations of the general."

The Fall of the Queen Mother's Party
Sima Yi suffered from the daily urging of the generals in the front line to fight, and Cao Rui also suffered from the civil and military officials arguing about the Guanzhong war every day in the court.

The imperial court was marked by the attitude towards Sima Yi's strategy of Yushu, and was clearly divided into two factions: one faction, headed by Taiwei Huaxin, Sikong Chen Qun, and Shangshuling Chen Jiao, fully opposed Sima Yi's strategy for Shu; The censor Dong Zhao and Situ Wang Lang, headed by them, fully supported Sima Yi's strategy towards Shu.Chen Qun and Hua Xin's faction publicly accused Sima Yi of occupying the Shanggu pass with sole military power. Seeing that the Qishan camp was in critical condition, they neither sent troops to rescue nor sent troops to make a surprise attack. It has the meaning of "raising bandits to seize power and self-respect".They strongly demanded that the emperor quickly issue an order to temporarily replace Sima Yi as the commander-in-chief of Guanzhong and replace him with General Zhang He, who is quick-witted and flexible in his military use.
On the other hand, Zhong Yao, Dong Zhao, and Wang Lang's faction firmly believed that Sima Yi's strategy to control Shu this time was exactly the strategy of the famous general Zhao Chongguo of the Han Dynasty who defeated the Western Qiang. The brilliant move of attacking the emptiness, when the Shu army is exhausted and retreats without food, it can return with a complete victory without bloodshed.

(End of this chapter)

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