Chapter 302 Wu Shu Alliance (3)
A four-wheeled vehicle was slowly moving forward under the guard of two rows of Shu army cavalry. Zhuge Liang, who was sitting aloof on it, was shaking his goose feather fan calmly, with a deep smile on his slightly thin cheeks. : This time, the North Pass of Xiegu Road was captured with lightning speed, and the 13 Han King Division finally marched into the hinterland of Guanzhong——Chang'an City, [-] miles away, is no longer such an unreachable "prey" !And his old enemy Sima Yi, I'm afraid he will be forced to show up to fight this time, right?As long as he dares to come forward to fight, the truth will definitely make him come and go!

He was in the midst of contemplation, when he suddenly raised his head and saw a black cloud rolling up from the northeast corner, he couldn't help smiling and nodding secretly.The Northern Expedition Army Jijiu Qiao Zhou who was driving with him also saw the black cloud clearly, turned around from his horse and was about to report - Zhuge Liang stopped him with a wave of his hand, and said to Liu Nuo: "Pass down the order: there will be a large group of Wei soldiers coming ahead, so all the ministries should prepare for the battle in time!"

Sure enough, only two or three quarters of an hour later, there was a sound of horseshoes coming from the front like a strong wind and rain - but seeing the dust flying, a row of Wei army cavalry was rolling in like layers of huge waves!

"Prime Minister, the Wei thief is here!" Jiang Wei rode over from the front and reported.

"Put down the gossip array and give Wei thief a head-on blow!" Zhuge Liang said slowly, shaking his goose feather fan, without changing his face.

Hu Zun, the vanguard general of the cavalry of the Wei army, took the lead. He was born with a wide face, big eyes, thick eyebrows and thick beard, and his face was full of evil spirits.He galloped his horse forward, and danced the long lance in his hand until the wind roared: "Masters! Come forward with me, and beat Zhuge Liang back to Xiegu Road!"

Niu Jin galloped in the center to supervise the battle, and the horse followed closely behind him eight feet away - he watched from afar the rows of Shu infantry pressing forward like a wall of soldiers, without any retreat Xiang, secretly startled: Are these tens of thousands of Shu army infantry really willing to be a living target for my great Wei Tie to ride horses and trample on others?
Before he had time to think about it, he suddenly saw that the opponent's pawns had all stopped—then, the phalanx of the Shu army slowly spread to the left and right like a peacock spreading its tail, and each one was like a hut Iron-clad chariots as big as they sped out from behind them, laying out a long line of defense in front of the tens of thousands of infantry.

Then, just in front of the car formation, groups of infantry rushed up, took out their waist bags, and threw something on the ground with a "squeak".They spent about a quarter of an hour or two, and then quickly retreated.

Niu Jin clearly saw in the center forward that all the places where the Shu soldiers scattered on the ground were shining with silver stars!With a flash of thought in his mind, he pulled the rein hastily, and was about to rein in his horse and stop suddenly: "No! General Hu——There is a hidden weapon ahead!"

However, it was too late—the group of cavalry rushing to the front suddenly fell to the ground whining as if they had hit an invisible wall!And those teams of cavalry who rushed up one after another could no longer break into within fifteen feet of the Shu army's chariot formation!

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh" a burst of violent sound across the sky, as soon as the roofs of the iron-clad chariots were opened, crossbow arrows shot out from the carriages like a shower, and the Wei army's cavalry suddenly turned their backs on their backs!
With the sound of "哧啦", Niu Jin felt it was as piercing as a piece of bamboo and silk. He saw with his own eyes: a crossbow arrow as thick as a child's arm penetrated straight through the neck of the horse on which the soldier beside him was riding. The soldiers pierced through his chest and nailed him to the ground in one fell swoop!
What a fast and sharp crossbow bolt!Niu Jin's face turned pale immediately!What made him even more astonished was that the opponent's crossbow arrows didn't come in waves one after another, but shot straight in continuously like torrents!Not even a hair-thin gap!The cavalry on my side couldn't even catch the slightest chance to evade and retreat!Niu Jin's heart tightened suddenly: Could it be that the Shu army's crossbow arrows could be fired endlessly in a row?
"Quick! Quick! Retreat!" He pulled the rein of the horse and retreated desperately, "No... we can't charge forward anymore!"


In the battle of Shilipo, in just one hour, the Wei army suffered casualties of 5000 cavalry, while the Shu army only lost more than 820 cavalry.

After Sima Yi's follow-up main force arrived, they immediately set up camp in the Weihe River Plain, and stopped going forward to challenge.

"Is this the thing that the Shu bandits used to stab our horse's hooves?" Sima Yi picked up the things that the soldiers picked up from the battlefield that were thrown on the ground by the Shu soldiers and hurt their own horse's feet, looking over and over in front of their eyes. .

It was a sharp weapon made of pig iron, shaped like thorns, with an iron ball in the middle, and four sharp spikes emerged from the ball, each three or four inches long.He threw it on the table, and the sharp weapon had three prongs supporting the ground and one prong pointing upwards.He pushed it with his hand, the top point of the iron ball overturned and the bottom point rose again, the point was always facing the sky, so that those who touched it could not avoid the front and would be stabbed.

"Oh - so our war horse was stabbed by it like this!" Sima Yi suddenly realized, nodded deeply, and asked Niu Jin again, "Thanks to Zhuge Liang for inventing such a powerful unique weapon! Niu Jin, can you help me?" Do you know what it's called?"

"General, according to the Shu soldiers' captives, this object is called 'Tribulus terrestris', and it is specially used to pierce the cavalry's horse's feet." Niu Jin replied with his fists clasped.

"Well... with this thing, our great Wei cavalry may not be able to use it!" Sima Yi frowned, and asked again, "I heard that they also invented the 'serial crossbow' and the 'hundred crossbow'." Crossbows'? Show me those bolts..."

Hu Zun handed over a Shu Army crossbow arrow as thick as a baby's hands and feet.

"What a thick crossbow arrow! This is a long spear!" Sima Yi held the crossbow arrow in his hand and danced a few times, with a look of horror on his face, "I'm afraid even a calf would be able to shoot this arrow!" Have you been pierced by it?"

While he was talking, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a line of inscriptions engraved on the shaft of the crossbow bolt:
In April of the 11th year of Jianxing, Zuo Dianye, Liu Chunye, official Chen Fengdu, and Gong Yang went to further study in the Ministry of Central Works.

Sima Yi immediately understood the meaning of this line of inscriptions: "Jianxing" is the current year name of the Shu Han; "Chen Feng" is the on-site supervisor of this or this batch of crossbows; and "Yang Shen" is the craftsman who made this or this batch of crossbows.No wonder Zhuge Liang's crossbows are of such excellent quality. It turns out that he has established a strict and meticulous management system in every link of the ordnance manufacturing business!Sima Yi couldn't help admiring secretly: I have to learn from Zhuge Liang on this point!
He changed his mind slightly, and handed the crossbow to Sima Zhao casually: "Take this crossbow and weigh it, and see if it weighs eight catties or two..."

Then, with a gloomy face on his face, he turned to the generals and sighed deeply: "Zhuge Liang is skilled in ingenuity, good at weapons, and able to 'extend things to the extreme and make the best use of them', which I can't match! Ah! In the past three years, he has developed such a powerful weapon—even if we have a hundred thousand cavalry, we can't face him head-on!"

Hearing that General Sima, who has always looked down upon the world and looked down on himself, said the same thing, all the generals under the tent looked somber and bowed their heads in silence.

"General, if we talk about the ingenuity of making tools, my Great Wei also has a genius..." Zhou Xuanruo recalled, and said slowly, "He may be able to compete with Zhuge Liang..."

"Who?" Sima Yi's eyes lit up, and he asked hastily.

"Ma Jun, the official of the Shaofu Temple." Zhou Xuan replied, "The general may not know something: he made the hundred-wheeled waterwheel in the imperial palace and the 'water-moving armillary sphere' of our Taishi Department." ..."

"Where is he now?"

"His Majesty is asking him to build an 'eight-wheeled windmill' that can travel six hundred miles a day and a unparalleled 'green-covered agarwood chariot'..."

"Sigh! Such a skillful craftsman, how could he be allowed to sit idle in the palace courtyard doing such flashy and useless things?" Sima Yi shook his head and sighed, "This commander will write an inscription later, please Your Majesty He was sent to serve in front of my Guanzhong army..."

At this moment, Sima Zhao came in, presented the arrow of the "Hundred Stone Crossbow" of the Shu army, and said: "General, my subordinates have weighed it in person. The weight is exactly the same as the weight in the engraved inscription..."

Sima Yi nodded slowly and said, "From this small crossbow arrow, it can be seen that Zhuge Liang is extremely rigorous and meticulous in running the army! You should all learn from him!"

Under the faint candlelight, the night was already deep, and Sima Yi and Zhao Yan were still sitting across from each other in the sleeping tent, discussing the situation of the Kansai military seriously and nervously.Sima Zhao recorded their conversation as a shogunate reporter at the side table.

Zhao Yan frowned, and sighed deeply: "General, this time Zhuge Liang came out from the North Pass of Xiegu Road, and defeated the spirit of our Guanzhong army with a mighty battle at Shilipo, and came straight to the south bank of the Wei River— —He is coming in a menacing manner, and he has the strength of fine machinery and extraordinary skills, he has the intention of putting all his eggs in one basket, and the style of attack he uses is purely all-in-one, so we really have to think carefully about precautions!"

Sima Yi lowered his head slightly and pondered for a moment, then raised his head abruptly: "Since this is the case, according to what this commander sees, the only way to deal with it is to 'take defense as the basis and wait for opportunities to attack'!"

"Based on defense, waiting for an opportunity to attack?" Zhao Yan stretched out his palm and stroked his beard, and gave him a complicated look, "General Sima, your plan seems ordinary, but it is actually at this time. This is the most appropriate one-size-fits-all strategy at this moment. However, the last time Zhuge Liang sent troops to attack in the fifth year of Taihe, you had already used the countermeasure of "defense first, wait for opportunities to attack"... At that time, Dai Ling, Fei Yao and others I don't know your good intentions, so I keep attacking you as 'fearing Shu like a tiger'. It's not like you haven't seen the situation of internal and external coercion... If you use this strategy again this time, I'm afraid it will provoke the generals to rebound again Get up, the crowd is full of excitement. How can you suppress it then?"

Sima Yi's face suddenly froze, and his tone suddenly became cold and hard: "As the saying goes, 'Break out teeth and swallow blood'. This commander has recognized that this is a correct and feasible strategy, and he will definitely stick to it to the end Yes! Even though thousands of people criticize and thousands of people scold, this commander-in-chief will not frown!"

"This... General Sima's tenacity and tenacity certainly makes Zhao very admired," Zhao Yan listened with a look of respect, "But... those rough and warlike soldiers may not be able to do it. Like Zhao, I understand the deep meaning of you, General..."

(End of this chapter)

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