Sima Yi's Three Kingdoms Collection Collection

Chapter 318 Breaking through the fire attack strategy, attacking Zhuge's heart

Chapter 318 Breaking through the fire attack strategy, attacking Zhuge's heart (6)
He was talking to himself, but when he raised his eyes, he saw Sima Yi's tears streaming down his face. He suddenly stood up from the rock, rushed forward, grabbed his hands, and said with a sob: "Niu Hengjun is really under my commander's command." 'Ji Xin' who went to the disaster on behalf of the lord! You will never forget your sacrifice to repay the lord's kindness!"

When the blazing fire light slowly rose from the bottom of the valley above like a huge curtain, Zhuge Liang was sitting on a four-wheeled cart on the high square rock in the west of the valley, staring intently at the situation in the valley, so nervous that even the lupine in his hand was shaking. Forgot to fan.

With unusually sharp eyes, he clearly saw the shining red-tasseled tiger-head sterling silver helmet exclusively used by Sima Yi leaping and galloping in the sea of ​​flames, like a bright silver fish desperately trying to break free from the shackles of the flames!
Add three or four more rockets, and Sima Yi will surely be doomed. The greatest enemy in his life will no longer exist. The Han Heavenly Army will advance into Guanzhong and recover the two capitals, and it will be just around the corner!The revival of the Han Dynasty is no longer far away!Emperor Zhaolie entrusted him so much, and he finally completed it satisfactorily...Thinking of these, Zhuge Liang felt that his body, which was as weak as a dry bamboo, had added a lot of strength and spirit from nowhere, and his face was glowing red. Come!He jumped up, looked down at the raging flames at the bottom of the valley above, and said in a long voice: "The flames of the great man, the red luck is on the rise. The mere puppet Wei will die in this battle. Destroy this giant bandit and move eastward. Restore the Central Plains, Kyushu Normalization!"

Following his groaning, the surrounding soldiers couldn't help raising their spears and raising their voices in unison!
However, no one noticed that the corners of Qiao Zhou who had been standing beside the four-wheeled vehicle were filled with more and more worry - he kept looking up at the sky, as if he was expecting something and worried about something ...

At this time, a strange change occurred in the blue sky under the scorching sun. Snake-like clouds crawled over, tightly tangled and coiled in mid-air like twisted flowers, and the color gradually changed from white to gray. , in the end it was as black as lead...

Zhuge Liang, who was dancing and weeping excitedly, froze all of a sudden, and then his surprise overflowed from his face uncontrollably.Qiao Zhou's timid and low voice floated into his ears like mosquitoes: "Master Prime Minister... this... this day is about to change!"

Zhuge Liang's figure staggered, and quickly stabilized - he looked up, the sky darkened, and the surrounding space had turned gray and blue.Only the raging flames at the bottom of the valley are still dancing unrelentingly... But, the dark clouds all over the sky are rolling down, pressing down like iron plates, suffocating the flames all over the valley seem to shrink into a thin cluster ...

"Oops..." Zhuge Liang's complexion became more and more ashen, and the handle of the goose feather fan in his hand was almost shattered by him!
A flash of steely lightning "brush" tore through layers of dark clouds and struck down, lighting Zhuge Liang's face blue!Then there was a series of "rumbling" thunder explosions-the pouring rain fell!
"Prime Minister, take shelter from the rain!" Jiang Wei recovered from the shock, and hurriedly took off his armor to cover Zhuge Liang's head - but Zhuge Liang pushed him away, still standing there like a stone statue. On the edge of Fangyan, quietly watching the fierce red flame at the bottom of the valley gradually extinguished under the pouring rain...

At the bottom of the valley, Wei Jun's cheers suddenly rang out!And the bright silver helmet with the red tasseled tiger head was still walking through the black Wei Jun Xuanjia peacefully, and the self-confidence that seemed to be strolling in the courtyard was almost palpable.

Zhuge Liang closed his eyes, and the goose feather fan in his hand slumped to the ground. Two lines of tears mixed with the rain on his forehead and flowed down like broken pearls... He stood in the rain curtain like a solitary pine tree, and stayed until the top Everything inside and outside the valley fell into silence, until there was only the sound of rain in the sky and the earth—and that sound of rain, could it be the sound of God weeping and sighing?
However, Zhuge Liang didn't see—on the towering "Qingying Rock" on the east side of the upper valley, under a Uro umbrella, Sima Yi, who was dressed as a soldier, and his two sons were quietly Watching all his actions and situations from afar.

Both Sima Shi and Sima Zhao saw that when the rainstorm first fell, the ecstasy of the father-in-law was beyond words; It was an inexplicable and complicated expression that was getting thicker and thicker; at the end, the father, like Zhuge Liang, also lowered his head slightly, and his shoulders twitched violently--this, neither of them expected, they had always fought against each other. The invincible and invincible father-in-chief is actually crying and sobbing at this moment.

"Father, you don't need to be so excited, lest you hurt your body..." Sima Zhao stepped forward and gently persuaded.

"You don't understand! You don't understand! You don't understand anything!" Sima Yi waved his hand vigorously and interrupted him. Through the blurred tears, he stared at the tall figure on the square rock in the opposite valley, his voice Choked with sobs, "Kong Ming! Kong Ming... I really don't want to treat you like this! It's really 'Ji Shengliang, He Shengyi'! This... This is the fate of destiny, the general trend, you and I can't go against it !"

How did Master Sima know about the grievances between his father and Zhuge Liang back then, but he couldn't hold back the excitement in his heart and took a step forward, and said happily: "Father, you should be happy! He died in his heart. Now Zhuge Liang has clearly realized that he and his big man are abandoned by heaven and separated by people. His enterprising spirit will undoubtedly die from now on, and he will no longer be a strong enemy of our great Wei ...Father Commander's mind-boggling strategy of 'follow your plan, go into the urn with your master, and strike with a backhand' has finally achieved immediate results! My child is very happy for Father Commander!"

With a "slap", Master Sima hadn't finished his sentence, and before he could react, there was a "buzz" in his ear drum - it turned out that he was slapped by his father inexplicably!

Sima Yi looked at him viciously like a wounded wild wolf: "Fool! Do you think Zhuge Kongming will be happy as a father if his heart is dead? His heart is dead, and his father's heart is also so big. Kuai died with him... how lonely, how desolate, how boring the future, the life of being a father will be in the future!"

At this moment, Sima Zhao slowly said: "Father, please listen to my son's words of forgiveness. Even if Zhuge Liang is really dead, your future days will never be lonely, never desolate, and never be lonely." It's boring. Because, because Sun Quan and Lu Xun are still there. The great cause of 'cleaning up the world and unifying Liuhe' is waiting for my father to decide the success!"

After hearing Sima Zhao's words, Sima Yi's whole body shook slightly.He raised his eyes thoughtfully, glanced at Sima Zhao's face, and let out a long breath: "It seems that my Zhao'er has really grown up..."

Wei old man
"The great Han Dynasty, the red luck is on the rise. The mere puppet Wei will be wiped out in this battle. Destroy this giant bandit and send troops to the east. Restore the Central Plains and unite Kyushu..."

The gusts of autumn wind in Wuzhang Plain raised the desolate and passionate songs of the Shu soldiers, drifted over the tents, and dispersed lightly in the dense night.

Jin Tuo in the army knocked on the second watch, and Jiang Wei came all the way from the west of the company camp for night patrol.When he passed the big tent of the Chinese army, he stopped his horse and subconsciously looked towards the big tent.Sure enough, the lights there were on as usual, and the thin figure of the Prime Minister leaning against the door was cast on the ground in front of the tent, stretching as long as the thoughts in his chest.

Jumping off his mount, Jiang Wei walked over gently and called out, "Prime Minister."

"It's's so late, you still...have worked hard on you..." Zhuge Liang's voice was so weak that it seemed that even a gust of wind could blow it away, but he raised his head stubbornly and looked at the sky, the night wind stirred The big sleeves of his toga swayed slightly.

Jiang Wei couldn't help looking up in the direction he was looking up.I saw the moon hanging in the sky like a silver plate, but there were a few weak stars shining lonely and persistently in the northwest sky.

His heart couldn't help tightening suddenly, he remembered that Taishi Ling Qiao Zhou pointed out to him one night that the stars in the northwest sky were the prime minister's natal stars!Judging from today's night, the light of those stars is as weak as a candle before the wind, flickering and flickering, just looking at it makes people worry!
"Prime Minister..." Jiang Wei withdrew his gaze in surprise and looked at Zhuge Liang.As if Zhuge Liang hadn't heard it, he still stood there like a statue, staring quietly at the twinkling stars, and didn't move for a long time, letting the light pouring out of the tent make his skinny cheeks look yellow, The sad look on the face and the deep wrinkles are also completely visible!

After a long time, he turned around and faced Jiang Wei.His eyes lost their usual clarity and showed a gloomy look: "Alas! What Sima Yi said is right—the truth is that there is little food but many things, and the body is weak but heavy responsibilities. It really can't last..."

"Sima Yi, old man...he's just trying to scare you. He deliberately cursed you, the Prime Minister, so don't take it to heart." Jiang Wei hurriedly explained, "You are as lucky as the sky, so it's because he's jealous Can it be slandered?"

"Alas... Sima Zhongda really knows the truth! He may be the person who knows the truth the most in the world..." Zhuge Liang smiled wryly, and slowly shook his head, "The truth originally hoped that during this Northern Expedition I was able to remove him as a big obstacle for you, but it's a pity that the fire in Shangfanggu failed to burn after all... God's will! God's will!"

When he said this, his complexion changed, he suddenly covered his mouth with a goose feather fan, and coughed violently.Jiang Wei quickly stepped forward to support him, and found that his body was indeed very thin, as if the bunch of autumn rice in this row had lost all its green vitality, leaving only dry stems trembling in the autumn wind.He felt sour in his heart, but he didn't notice a faint warmth coming from his fingertips, as if some warm liquid was on it.

"It's all right. Boyue, go and rest!" When Jiang Wei helped Zhuge Liang into the inner tent, Zhuge Liang turned his head and said to Jiang Wei, "Tomorrow at the time of day, let's go to the Weihe Riverside to inspect the military camp together."

"Prime Minister..." Jiang Wei looked at him, but didn't know how to persuade him.

"Go!" He smiled kindly and weakly.

Jiang Wei retreated from the tent, raised his head, and saw the stars in the northwest were still precariously shining, his tears could not help but flow down.

With heavy steps, Jiang Wei walked aimlessly through the camp.The soldiers and generals were all asleep, and the sound of rising and falling breathing came from the half-closed tent doors, and merged and drifted in the cool air.A row of vigil torches danced brightly red on the gate of Dazhai.Going further outside, on the bank of the Wei River, is the station of more than [-] troops confronted by the Wei State.

(End of this chapter)

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