Sima Yi's Three Kingdoms Collection Collection

Chapter 320 Breaking through the fire attack strategy, attacking Zhuge's heart

Chapter 320 Breaking through the fire attack strategy, attacking Zhuge's heart (8)
The old farmer's tone is plain and pure, like a greeting to an old friend who has been away for many years, neither the panic and gaffe of ordinary people when they see high-ranking officials, nor the vulgarity of a mountain villager.From the bottom of his heart, he regards himself as an extremely ordinary person, and he also regards everyone in the world as an extremely ordinary person.After the ceremony, looking around, he smiled at everyone, it was a smile as pure as a mountain stream.

Zhuge Liang couldn't help being infected, and also smiled rarely.It's been a long time since I laughed like this, he thought to himself.How carefree the old man's life is!I really envy him! 26 years ago, the state of mind of the truth when he was working in the thatched cottage in Longzhong, Nanyang, apart from the pride and ambition, seems to be as pure and natural as the expression of this old farmer today!It's a pity that I'm afraid I won't be able to enjoy such a day in the rest of my life.

Shaking his goose feather fan, he murmured in a low voice: "I work at sunrise, and rest at sunset. What does Dili do to me? The old man is so happy!"

The old farmer tilted his head and looked at Zhuge Liang for a moment, then said: "Is this lord still envious of the 'qingfu' of our grassroots people? You are really joking..."

Zhuge Liang smiled slightly: "What? You don't believe it? Go back to more than 20 years ago, this... this old man is not like you, "face to the loess and back to the sky" crawling and rolling in the field! Although the body is very tired After a while, the mood is very comfortable! Old man, how is your grain harvest this year? Are you enjoying your life?"

"Alas... this year has been in severe drought since the beginning of March until today, how can the grain harvest in this field improve?" The old farmer frowned and said, "Also, our General Sima and your Yizhou Prime Minister Zhuge has been fighting for four or five months and is still inseparable... Tell me, how can we live comfortably?"

"That's right! In order to feed the stomachs of his gang of tigers and wolves, Sima Yi will definitely send treacherous officials and cruel officials to force you to pay exorbitant taxes, right?" Jiang Wei asked angrily.

"General Sima is not such a person. He is a kind man who loves the people like his son." The old farmer gave him a sideways glance. "His soldiers are self-sufficient in their own farms and manors, and they have never been taken away from the hands of us ordinary people." What a bargain. Over the past few years, he has written to the imperial court to exempt us from a lot of taxes in the name of 'Guanzhong is close to thieves, and the people should calm down'..."

Zhuge Liang listened quietly. He originally thought that the people in the Central Plains would live a life of hunger and cold in the Pseudo-Wei where the legalist method was used to establish the country. Now it seems that some of his understanding may be a little bit wrong.

When Jiang Wei heard this, he couldn't help becoming even more indignant: "Listening to what you say, the puppet Wei is still worthy of praise? Do you know that this is what the thief Cao used to win people's hearts? The art of 'Yang Yu Yin Yin'. Let's be honest, it's not because our prime minister deliberately came to the Northern Expedition to threaten Cao Wei's rule, Cao thief had to use these small favors to detain you, otherwise you would have been exploited. .”

The old farmer stared at him, and said stubbornly: "Sir, I don't know what the situation is like in other places. But under the rule of General Sima, I am happy that I can still be safe and sound. Sit on the ground and enjoy the happiness..."

Jiang Wei was about to retort, but was stopped by Zhuge Liang's slap.Zhuge Liang looked at the old farmer, and said leisurely: "Old man, after my great master of the Han Dynasty conquers Guanzhong in one fell swoop, he will definitely apply benevolent policies so that you can enjoy the happiness that is a hundred times better than today!"

After hearing this, the old farmer patted the dust on his shirt with a sheep towel in his hand, and laughed: "My lord, are you trying to make me happy? Can Prime Minister Zhuge really bring my old man a hundred times the happiness? I The old man would not believe it even if he was beaten to death! The day before yesterday, a soldier in their army was crying and talking to my old man. His wife wrote an urgent letter, which said, "Husband, there is no farming in the family, no food for the children, and no money for the family." It’s already taken, the poppy is empty, how can it last?’ It made him a man of eight feet, crying like a child..."

Zhuge Liang's whole body trembled violently, he coughed heavily, and his eyes suddenly turned to Liu Nuo: "Really? There is such a thing in the army? Why didn't you report it to me?"

Liu Nuo blushed, moved her lips a few times, and lowered her head, not daring to lift it up.

Zhuge Liang understood everything immediately.He was quiet for a long time before he said slowly: "The people of Yizhou sacrificed so much for the great cause of Kuang Han, and our whole army will never forget it. Our Great Han King Division has launched five Northern Expeditions, which lasted for six years. , It’s really hard for them! In the future, after the great man regains the Central Plains and dominates the world, he will reduce the taxes of the people in Yizhou for six years as compensation, maybe this is enough?”

Then, he turned his head to look at the old man and said: "I am a big man in China, how can I allow Cao thief to steal his position? As the saying goes, 'If your name is not right, your words will not go well, and if your words don't go well, nothing will happen.' Only I am a big man Only then can it be the place where the scholars and people of the world return to, and only then can we truly turn the troubled times back to peace, old man, don’t you think so?”

The old farmer sat on the ridge of the field, hugging his knees with his hands, and laughed a few times: "My lord, what you said earlier was benevolent and righteous, and it was reasonable, but what you said later was a bit unreasonable! If you want to talk about ancient and modern orthodoxy, Nothing is better than the three emperors and five emperors in ancient times. But who would invite their descendants to be emperors today? The Han Dynasty has lasted for more than [-] years. Tracing the source, Emperor Gaozu was nothing more than a mere pavilion chief when he was in Longqian! At that time, who would have expected that he would be the real son of heaven after destroying the Qin Dynasty? During the period between the two emperors Huan and Ling, the emperor was faint and his ministers were sycophants, and the sky abandoned the people. Therefore, the "disaster of the party", "the chaos of the yellow scarf", and the "disaster of the ten permanent servants" followed one after another, which almost made people feel devastated. It is due to the Therefore, since the first year of the Great Wei and Huangchu, there has not been a single uprising in the prefectures of the Central Plains in the name of revenge for the Han Dynasty! Then, my lord, why do you believe that the Han Dynasty cannot be orthodox and the war in the world cannot be ended?"

As Jiang Wei listened, his face gradually changed. He was about to explode, but Zhuge Liang seemed to have seen his reaction, and in time he patted the back of his hand lightly with the goose feather fan in his hand, stopping him again.

The old farmer continued to speak nonchalantly, "Returning the world to peace and putting an end to fighting in troubled times is the greatest wish of scholars and people in today's world. Whether it is the elders far away in Jiangdong, or the son of Yizhou who is close to the Jiange, this is actually the case. It is true. The hero of the sky and the hero of the world, he can only caress him in the way and follow the trend. Like your Zhuge Prime Minister blindly showing off his ingenuity and ingenuity, under the pretense of revitalizing orthodoxy, he overstepped his position and pretended to be a man for the people. To send them on a bloody road with little chance of winning, isn't it called 'disturbing the world and using the purple to win the vermilion'?"

"Where is the madman! How dare you confuse the crowd here!" Jiang Wei couldn't bear it anymore, he yelled loudly, and drew his sword to put it on the old farmer's neck!
Seeing Jiang Wei's angry expression, the old farmer was startled for a moment, and then smiled faintly.His smile is peaceful and natural, just like lilies in wild ridges and wilderness, and like a stream of clear springs in deep mountains and valleys, so clear and pure that you can see the bottom.All of a sudden, Jiang Wei felt his chest was empty, and his hand froze, the knife couldn't cut it!
"Bo let this old man finish his speech!" Zhuge Liang dismissed Jiang Wei, covered his mouth and coughed a few more times, then looked at the old farmer, "Where is the old man? Disrespectful."

The old farmer brushed his beard and smiled, and said, "So, my lord, you are Prime Minister Zhuge! I'm sorry. I'm from Yingchuan, with a surname of Hu and Zhao, but the name is the same as that of Prime Minister Zhuge—'Kong Ming'."

"So you are Mr. Hu Zhao, a high-ranking disciple of Guan Ning's master in Linglong Valley' Ziyuan Academy?" Zhuge Liang's face changed, "Then, you are also Sima Zhongda's fellow apprentice?"

"Not bad." Hu Zhao said with a smile while stroking his beard with his right hand.

Zhuge Liang also smiled deeply: "Confucius traveled to the west and met Chu Kuang to meet his father, Qu Zi chanted and met Miluo fisherman——Liang's trip today to meet Mr. Hu is worthwhile!"

"Prime Minister Zhuge is a sage of a generation, and Hu's peeking opinion made you laugh." Hu Zhao said modestly.

Zhuge Liang raised his head, looked at a ray of white clouds drifting slowly in the sky, and said in a deep voice: "Your words, after the light is on, you will definitely think about them carefully..."

Hu Zhao was still smiling, and suddenly he untied two square wooden clogs from his waist, held them in his palms, and said, "Well... I almost forgot, my brother Sima asked me to give you a pair of clogs, Prime Minister Zhuge. The gift——is this pair of soft-material flat-bottomed clogs made for him by Dr. Ma Jun of Wei Guo. He said, Prime Minister Zhuge, if you come across any sharp objects such as thistles when you climb mountains and slopes in the future, you can put them on These clogs should be useful."

Zhuge Liang took the pair of soft-material flat-bottomed clogs and twisted them a few times in his hands. He felt that their texture was fluffy, flexible and full of elasticity. Any sharp object would sink in as soon as it was pierced on the bottom surface, but it could not penetrate it no matter what. .A thought suddenly flashed in his mind: this kind of clogs is the nemesis of the "barbed terrier" he invented!

His lips trembled a few times, and his eyes slowly lowered: "Mr. Hu, please bring a word to Zhongda for the truth..."

(End of this chapter)

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