Chapter 324
At this time, Sima Zhao clenched his fists and said in a low voice: "Oh! It's broken! Commander-in-law, Dong Situ, Cui Sikong, Gao Tingwei and the others are almost ready to persuade you to join Jiuxi Jinxiang. This, this, this, look..."

"Hmm... can I still think about persuading the Prime Minister of Jiuxi to join the Jin Dynasty now? Maybe after I beat the Shu invaders later, I will quickly send troops to the north to fight the rebellion in Liaodong."

"Then... Father Marshal, do you mean to put aside the matter of persuading Jiuxi to join the Jin Dynasty for the time being? can this be done?" Master Sima was stunned, "According to my son's opinion, should they persuade him to join or not?" Please come in!"

Sima Zhao glanced at his elder brother: "Brother... as the old saying goes: A little intolerance can lead to great chaos. It seems that we have to inform Dong Situ, Cui Sikong, and Gao Tingwei to promote this after the father-in-law wiped out the Gongsun family." It's over."

"But... But, look at Dong Situ and Cui Sikong's age, they still can't make it to the day when their father returns from the Liaodong squadron..." Sima Shi frowned and said.

"Even so, there's nothing you can do about it!" Sima Yi made a final decision, "Niu Heng, from now on, help me collect all the information about Liaodong and submit it!"

"Yes!" Niu Heng replied crisply.

They were talking, when there was a sound of messy footsteps hurriedly approaching outside the sleeping tent.All the people in the tent stopped talking at once, but when the curtain was lifted, Zhou Xuan rushed in with a panicked expression: "Zhongda! Zhongda! Just now a giant red-maned and multi-angled star fell in the northwest night sky, and it fell The direction is Wuzhangyuan."

"The superstar has fallen?" Sima Yi was shocked, his eyes widened, "Could it be..."

"Zhuge Liang is dead!" Zhou Xuan stared at him and said every word.

"Is Zhuge Liang really dead?" Sima Yi muttered to himself, "Is he really dead?"

"That's right. If the general doesn't believe it, please follow Zhou out of the tent and watch the stars." Zhou Xuan bowed respectfully and answered.

In an instant, Sima Yi only heard a "ding" of a crystal-like thing deep in his heart that shattered, and a sharp pain immediately stimulated all the nerves in his whole body... He slumped down on the bed for a long time. I can't breathe.

Zhou Xuan arched his hands, brows beaming with joy, and continued to speak to him: "Zhou is here to congratulate the general. Zhuge Liang is dead, the enemy has been eliminated, and you can sleep peacefully from now on! Looking around the world, there is no one else It can be called your enemy!"

Sima Yi's expression froze, he jumped up and grabbed his sleeve: "Senior brother Zhou! Regarding the news of Zhuge Liang's death, you must keep your mouth shut and never spread it to the outside world!"

"This...why is this?" Zhou Xuan was shocked.

"If the whole army hears the news of Zhuge Liang's death, they will definitely be excited, desperately urging the commander to raise troops to attack the Shu army. But what a powerful character is Zhuge Liang? He will definitely leave quite a lot behind him. The fierce rear move lured our army into a trap." Sima Yi stared at Zhou Xuan's eyes with a stern look, his face was surprisingly stern, "The fourth line of the Tongren hexagram that my commander occupied just now is exactly the word 'Cheng Qiyong, Foke Gong, Ji'. This happens to be the calmest reminder from God to me!"

"Well... Zhou understands." Zhou Xuan nodded deeply.

In the continuous autumn rain, Jiang Wei and Yang Yi led [-] troops back south to the rear of the Grand Army Palace, and slowly marched towards Hanzhong County.The four-wheeled cart was still carried in the team, with the Qingluo umbrella on it, but the wooden statue of the Prime Minister was sitting in the cart, still dressed in the feather fan scarf, crane cloak and soap belt, which seemed a bit angry .

The luan bell tied around the neck of the mount vibrated crisply and sadly in the drizzle.Jiang Wei has come and gone on this road between Xiegu and Hanshui many times.He still remembered that half a year ago, when the sun was shining and the warm wind was blowing, he followed the prime minister and started the sixth Northern Expedition to Guanzhong with high spirits.And now...

In the bitter wind and rain, peaches and chrysanthemums have blossomed, and things have changed—Jiang Wei only felt that the voice and smile of the person he was familiar with and respected was nowhere to be found.

"I used to go, Yangliu Yiyi. Now I come to think, rain and snow. The road is slow, thirsty and hungry. My heart is sad, I don't know I am sad!"

I don't know what liquid flowed into Jiang Wei's mouth silently, like rain, tears and blood, with mixed flavors.Scenes flashed in his mind: Zhuge Liang stood up from the bed, looked at him and said solemnly: "Bo Yue, when the army returns to the south, you will lead the rear army..."

Jiang Wei understood what this deployment meant, and replied solemnly: "Prime Minister, please rest assured. Wei will stick to it!"

"At that time, Sima Yi will lead his army to chase after him. The barbed wire will not be able to stop him anymore, and you are naturally no match for him." Zhuge Liang said slowly, word by word as if from the depths of his chest Squeezing it out, "Then, you can push out the seated statue in its original form. Then Sima Yi won't make things difficult for you."

"Really?" Jiang Wei asked in a hiss, wiping away tears.

"Of course it's true." Zhuge Liang quietly closed his eyes and lay down gently, "Boyue! From now on, the strategy of our Great Han Heavenly Army will be on the defensive, just to protect the environment and the people. You must Remember! The common people can no longer stand the toss..."


"Report—Master Yang, General Jiang, Sima Yi's army is chasing our army, and they are more than [-] miles away from here!" The scout flew to report, interrupting Jiang Wei's long thoughts.

"What should I do?" Yang Yi cried out, her face suddenly pale.

"Don't be afraid." Although Jiang Wei's heart was very agitated, the expression on his face was very calm, "Master Yang, please give an order immediately, let the rear army return to the front army immediately, all banners pointing north, and set up a gossip array When the enemy is approaching, line up thirteen cowhide war drums in front of the formation and beat together, and then push the statue of the prime minister forward, so as to bluff the bandits of Wei by pretending to be fake!"

"Okay! Everything is according to what you said!" Yang Yi replied tremblingly, wiping the cold sweat from her forehead, and hurried to the Chinese Army to implement and supervise these arrangements.

Jiang Wei turned his mount and looked at the way behind him with a sad expression.Sima Yi has an army of more than 2, while the Shu army has only [-] troops in the rear—Jiang Wei himself knows very well that no one in Shu is an opponent of Sima Yi anymore, let alone Wei Yan and Ma Dai have left without permission. .However, Jiang Wei has no other choice.No matter what, he must do his best to stop Sima Yi, and he must not let him show his power, otherwise, how can he be worthy of the prime minister's dying entrustment!
"Prime Minister! You have a spirit in the sky... bless my fellow soldiers!" Jiang Wei prayed silently in his heart.At this time, Liu Nuo, the deputy general at the side, seemed to see through his mind, patted his shoulder lightly, and said in a low and forceful voice: "General Jiang, it's fine, Sima Yi won't mess around."

Jiang Wei looked at this enigmatic and mysterious leader of the prime minister's bodyguard, he was stunned, and he didn't have time to think about it, so he quickly ordered the soldiers and horses of the Shu army to quickly deploy at the intersection.Through layers of rain, he could still hear the rumbling hooves of tens of thousands of cavalry.Could it be that the barbed thorns I planted along the way have completely failed?

"Report-thirteen miles!"

"Five miles!"

Jiang Wei could even see a large banner with the words "Wei Zhengxi Governor Sima" flying out from the end of the plank road!His heart suddenly stopped, and he habitually turned his head to look for the prime minister who was shaking his fan under the canopy of Qingluo.However, there, what caught his eyes was the lifelike wooden statue, responding to him with a frozen eternal smile... Even so, "he" seems to have given Jiang Wei great comfort!
Amidst the sound of rumbling war drums, Jiang Wei raised his gun and rode his horse, facing the puppet Wei soldiers and horses rushing forward, roaring out, just as aggressive as when he just broke out of the Xiegu Road half a year ago!

The horses of Sima Yi, father and son rushed to the front, and they couldn't help being stunned when they saw Jiang Wei rushing out from the slanting stab!
"Old thief Sima! You have fallen into my prime minister's trick again! Take your life!" His heart was full of pain, but his face was pretending to be an arrogant and arrogant smile.When he wanted to cry the most, Jiang Wei had to laugh out loud!

He clearly saw Sima Yi pulling the rein of the horse in astonishment, reining in his mount, and looking straight behind him—it was the four-wheeled cart carrying the wooden statue of the prime minister surrounded by Shu soldiers, and there was another side flying high. The banner raised: "Han Chancellor Zhuge."

Sima Yi watched all this from afar, with an indescribably complex expression on his face, making it difficult to see clearly.He raised his whip suddenly, and the tens of thousands of cavalry behind him stopped in unison!At this time, Sima Shi, Sima Zhao, Niu Jin, Hu Zun and others all applauded and approached him, clearly trying to persuade him to order to continue to kill him!
After a short moment, Sima Yi suddenly made a move that almost made everyone feel unbelievable - he waved the whip in his hand, and ordered in a firm voice: "Zhuge Liang is cheating death! There may be an ambush ahead, I The army retreats at full speed and cannot stay for long!"

His order was irresistible, and the generals of the Wei army scattered away from him angrily. The extremely well-organized formation of the Wei soldiers began to loosen and sway amidst the shouts from the Shu army's throats, and finally fell into chaos. They retreated like a swarm.

But the moment Sima Yi turned the horse's head, he turned his head and quickly looked at the wooden statue of Zhuge Liang sitting in the four-wheeled cart. No one saw that there seemed to be tears in the corner of his eyes.
Like a gust of wind, tens of thousands of Wei army cavalry just flew away in panic, flying away in panic without shooting a single shot.

Looking at their backs fleeing away, Jiang Weitz stood beside the wooden statue of Zhuge Liang, and finally changed from choking and sobbing to crying minister!Your legacy has worked again!Even the treacherous Sima Yi was frightened by your portrait... However, when all the brilliance and splendor are gone with you, how should we struggle to survive in the increasingly dark and mediocre?

On the plank road in the mountain, the retreating Wei soldiers carried flags and dragged their spears, threw away their helmets and armor, and ran away one after another, very embarrassed.

Sima Yi rode a bay red horse slowly on the muddy road, stared straight ahead, and remained silent.Master Sima seemed to be unable to restrain himself, and when no one was looking around, Da Ma approached his father and asked, "Father commander—then Zhuge Liang was indeed dead long ago! What we saw just now must be the same. Others disguise themselves, just like you did in the Upper Valley."

Sima Yi remained silent.

Sima Shi said again: "Whether it's true or false, you should have sent your troops forward to confront them. Alas! If we retreat today without fighting, we will definitely be caught by the political enemies in the court and make a big fuss, and even They will also make up rumors about the dead Zhuge scaring away the living Sima and ridicule you in every possible way. This will greatly damage your reputation!"

(End of this chapter)

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