Sima Yi's Three Kingdoms Collection Collection

Chapter 342 Wisdom eliminates dissidents, Sima Yi 3 becomes a minister who entrusts Gu to assist the

Chapter 342 Wisdom eliminates dissidents, Sima Yi is the third minister who entrusts Gu to assist the government (3)
"However, Xia Houxuan suddenly caused such a incident right now. No matter whether it is true or not, his reputation will be greatly damaged. Because the Sima Clan will definitely seize this incident and make a big fuss. It is difficult for him to stand up. Therefore, if he wants to take over the post of Minister Gu Ming at this moment, it is very hopeless! In this way, among the old relatives of the Wei family, only you, the elder brother, have this qualification You have been promoted to the seat of assistant government. As the saying goes, "all flowers are thankful, but I will let them go, and only one flower will occupy the spring", isn't it God's help? Why do you want to do anything else for Xia Houxuan?"

"This..." Cao Shuang froze, and slowly sat back on the couch, and kept touching his shiny forehead with his palm, "Let Brother Wei calm down and think about this matter."

"Your Majesty Qizuo, Cao Xun, General Cao Shuang's younger brother, came to report that General Cao suddenly fell in front of the gate of the mansion when he was about to enter the palace, and hurt his leg. Therefore, he cannot enter the palace for a while to discuss matters. Please forgive me. "

The servant bowed and played in a high-pitched voice.Cao Rui, who was lying on the dragon bed, coughed a few times when he heard this, and waved his hand to let him back out.

Holding a silver bowl, Guo Yao approached Yingying, and said in a gentle voice: "I respectfully ask Your Majesty to use the soup."

Cao Rui's expression was a little gloomy, he waved his hand lightly, stopped her, and said slowly: "I don't believe that Xiahou Taichu would be so frivolous to moles a stone talent in my harem!"

Hearing this, the expression on Guo Yao's face froze.

"Concubine Ai, you are so narrow-minded that you can't tolerate him?" Cao Rui raised his eyes and looked at her coldly, "It's too blatant to order Qu Luo to testify!"

"" Guo Yao hastily put down the silver bowl, and argued eagerly, "The concubine never ordered Qu Luo to do this. The concubine also questioned Qu Luo seriously in private, and she said that she just listened to Only when Shi Cairen cried for help did he rush over to take a look, and saw Xiahou Weiwei and Shi Cairen twisted into a ball on the floor..."

"That's all! That's all! Don't argue anymore!" Cao Rui waved his hand impatiently, ignored her, and murmured to himself: "It seems that you and Xiahou Taichu really have too much prejudice against each other. It’s always difficult to resolve. Alas! Why can’t you all work together to defend my great Wei? My concubine, I’m really heartbroken!”

Speaking of this, he lightly slapped his chest with his fist, and said: "However, that's good too. The sooner this contradiction is exposed, the less I will fall into illusions, and the better to deal with it in time After all, you are going to be the empress dowager in the future, and you want to take care of and love Fang'er instead of me, how can I be willing to touch you? In order to protect everything about you, I have to sacrifice Xiahou Taichu!"

With difficulty, he raised his chin and pouted his mouth above the imperial case in front of him: "Here, that is an edict written by me personally, which stated that Xia Houxuan will be removed from the position of Weiwei and let him go out to take up the post of Dahonglu You and your Guo family don't have to embarrass him in the future!"

Guo Yao suddenly had a sore nose, and two lines of tears rolled down her cheeks: "Your Majesty's care for my concubine in every possible way, I will never forget it!"

Cao Rui tilted his head and looked at her deeply: "My concubine, you are a descendant of the same clan as Guo Jia, Guo Zhenhou, the chief think tank of Emperor Taizu Wu, you must have Guo Zhenhou's talents and abilities! , you still have to protect this Cao family community for me!"

Guo Yao touched her forehead to the ground, leaned over with tears in her eyes and replied: "I will protect the country with my death."

Cao Rui looked at her quietly, and waited until she calmed down, then said slightly out of breath: "Sima Yi has sent back two performance forms from the front, one is to issue cotton robes to the soldiers of the Northern Expedition to keep out the cold; The purpose is to ask for the dismissal of the veterans over 60 years old in the Northern Expedition Army and return to their hometowns to spend their days in peace. Sun Zi and Liu Fang praised this as his unsurpassed act of "the ministers do nothing selfishly, and the reputation belongs to the superior"... Zhen, I also deeply feel the same. Therefore, without hesitation, I personally approved both of these memorials!"

When he said this, he raised his head and looked at the high caisson dome outside the hall: "Sima Gong is worthy of being Sima Gong! He is simply a sage reincarnated, and he has done nothing wrong. Even if I want to find a flaw in him, I will always It's flawless..."

As he said that, he seemed to recall something from the past again, his eyes became hot, and tears welled up: "My concubine, don't know, when I first came to the throne, Sun Quan, Lu Xun, Zhuge Jin and other Wu Thieves raised their troops to attack Jingxiang, Southern Xinjiang was in a hurry, and the flames of war were raging. It was him, Sima Yi, who came out bravely and pacified it with all his strength. Back then, the Queen Mother Guo's party made trouble in the palace and shook my throne with their lives. It was also his Sima Yi family. Together we pacified it for me; later, Zhuge Liang mentioned that the people of Yizhou invaded massively, and Guanzhong was in danger, and it was him, Sima Yi, who rose up and defended me from the enemy outside the gate of the country... These great achievements are vivid in my memory, I, I am afraid that I would not dare to obliterate anything in front of the subjects of the world! This time he came back with the great honor of Liaodong, how can I, I can stop his sharpness? Alas! It is a pity that Xiahou Taichu was at this time You have stabbed yourself such a big hole again!"

A cluster of charcoal fire in the purple gold basin was burning, and the warmth flowed to every corner of the back hall of Jiafu Palace in Wei Palace.

However, the candles at the four corners of the hall were dimly lit, as if someone's eyes were half-opened and half-closed when someone was about to wake up, and the hall, which was mostly covered in darkness, echoed and gradually opened its arms, revealing In the center of the viscera that is flickering and dimming, there is a person leaning on the center of the heart - he is Cao Rui, who is already terminally ill.

Cao Rui half supported his upper body, slowly stroking the green dragon amber in his left palm with his right hand, his eyes seemed very focused.The auspiciousness that came from the sky back then has been played by him to become crystal clear in the past few years.Holding it in the palm of your hand, that little green dragon seemed to come alive, ready to slip out from between your fingers and fly away at any moment!While stroking the green dragon amber, he frowned and thought deeply.

Zhongshu Supervisor Liu Fang and Zhongshuling Sun Zi sat down in front of his couch respectfully holding a pen and paper, waiting quietly for him to speak.

"Sun Aiqing, Liu Aiqing, I will start dictating the will now, so you should write it down verbatim!" Cao Rui finally seemed to have made a big decision, and said slowly, "Let's call Yan Wang Cao Yu and Chu Wang Cao Biao entered the palace."

Sun Zi, who was sitting opposite him, had a serious expression on his face, as if he had been prepared for a long time, and pushed back hard: "Your Majesty Qizuo, I forgot to remind you, the late emperor left a will, publicly announcing to the world that vassal kings are not allowed to enter the capital. Government, veterans must guard it to the death.”

Cao Rui's hand holding Qinglong Amber tightened suddenly, and the amber made a faint sound when he squeezed it: "Times change and things change, everything changes, and everything is possible. Why can't I order the clan prince to assist the government today?"

Liu Fang gritted his teeth, straightened his body, and remonstrated solemnly: "Your Majesty, what Sun Lingjun said is very true. Today's heirs are weak, so beware of Guan Shu and Cai Shu who take advantage of the situation to steal the throne! If so, your Majesty, after you How can I sit in the Taimiao and enjoy the sacrifice of blood?"

This passage is like a sharp arrow shot into the deepest part of Cao Rui's heart.He sighed deeply as if he was in pain, and held the green dragon amber tightly, as if he wanted to squeeze water out of it: "That's all! That's all! Then you two will write an imperial edict to Sima Tai on my behalf." Wei, 'When you look at it from the side, you will go straight into the pavilion and look at my face in person. I have something important to ask you!'"

After finishing speaking, he didn't care about Sun Zi's and Liu Fang's reactions, he raised his left hand and threw the green dragon amber into the charcoal brazier!

A wisp of white smoke curled up, and the transparent ice-like green dragon and amber slowly ignited a light blue flame from top to bottom. The "little dragon" circled and soared up in the light blue flame, and then the light resin The burning fragrance filled the entire Jiafu Hall...

Sun Zi and Liu Fang walked out of the hall happily holding the yellow silk imperial edict with dried ink, and saw Sima Shi and Sima Zhao brothers waiting under the eaves of the hall, so they hurried over and said to them in a hurry: "Sima The Taiwei’s important matter has been decided, but he must be asked to come back quickly to accept the responsibility of Tuogu himself.”

"Father has rushed over from Xiangping City." Sima Zhao responded, "My nephew immediately arranged for capable people to escort the imperial envoy to deliver the imperial edict. I wonder if this imperial envoy is...?"

Sun Zi replied: "Let our Zhongshu Provincial Secretary Lang Zhonghui go!"

Sima Zhao took the yellow silk edict and immediately replied: "Okay! My nephew will go and implement it now."

Master Sima asked Sun Zi and Liu Fang, "What should we do if someone in the imperial army changes?"

"Your Majesty is still alive, Tianwei is still awe-inspiring, who dares to make any changes?" Liu Fang seemed to think that Master Sima was too cautious, and said a little puzzled, "Ziyuan, what are you worried about? Cao Shuang dare not act recklessly." ..."

"Zi Yuan's concerns are not unreasonable." Sun Zi took over the conversation and preached thoughtfully, "Originally, Jiang Ji of the Central Guard Army and General Guo Zhi of Huben Zhonglang had issued imperial edicts to prepare for emergencies, but we At this critical moment, you should not take it lightly. Ziyuan, you have military experience and have been on the battlefield many times. You can go to assist Master Jiang and General Guo just in case something happens!"

Sima Yi rode a windmill pulled by Babaili Kuaiqi from Ji County halfway back to the Imperial Palace in the capital in one day and one night.In the night sky, the snow is shining brightly, just like the wreckage of thousands of fallen stars!

He stomped his feet lightly in the corridor outside the gate of Jiafu Hall, and rubbed his hands together vigorously. The white air he exhaled soon formed into ice crystals, which rustled on the thick snow.

"Taiwei, please come in." The imperial envoy Zhong Hui ran ahead and pulled up the bead curtain for him.Sima Yi thanked him verbally, and at the same time took a look at this noble son who was seven or eight years younger than his own Zhao'er, and was secretly surprised at how clever and well-behaved he was when he accompanied him all the way back to Beijing.

With a certain figure, he held his breath, wiped off the snow and dust on his body with his sleeves, tried his best to calm down the beating heart, and walked in step by step in keeping with the rhythm of the beating heart.

"It's here! It's here! It's here! The Taiwei has finally arrived!" The voices of Sun Zi and Liu Fang passed like a layer of light waves in the hall, but the silence was restored immediately.

In the dim light, Cao Rui, who was extremely weak, coughed heavily, and floated out from the deepest part of the light and shadow like a stone statue.

In an instant, even though Sima Yi's heart was as hard as steel, he couldn't help but see the scene of Emperor Wen Cao Pi in the Chonghua Hall on his deathbed more than ten years ago in his mind, his eyes were sore, and tears welled up involuntarily: "Your Majesty ...Your Majesty...the old minister is late!"

"Taiwei Sima..." Cao Rui's trembling voice was as faint as that of a lamp flickering in the night wind, "Everyone says that the race against death is the hardest to win, and I hold back this last breath The vitality has finally lasted until Captain Sima, you rushed back to the palace, I have no more regrets!"

"Your Majesty, don't say that..." Sima Yi fell to his knees with a "plop", and cried out with an extremely sad expression.With his expression, no one can say that he is pretending.

(End of this chapter)

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