Sima Yi's Three Kingdoms Collection Collection

Chapter 345 Wisdom eliminates dissidents, Sima Yi 3 becomes a minister who entrusts Gu to assist the

Chapter 345 Wisdom eliminates dissidents, Sima Yi is the third minister who entrusts Gu to assist the government (6)
When Sima Zhao heard his father suddenly change the subject, his frightened heart was finally relieved.He secretly licked his lips, sorted out the thoughts in his head, and replied cautiously: "My lord, in my child's opinion, in terms of qualifications and talents, the new captain should follow the example of Man Chong Dadu Du, Zhao Yu He was born among the three senior ministers, Yan Dajun and General Pei Qian."

Sima Yi nodded slowly, swung the corners of his clothes, and slowly stood up from the couch, with his hands behind his back, walked to the door of the secret room, and ordered outside: "Liang Ji, go to the housekeeper Jiang Yin, Niu Hengjun, General Niu Jin, Zi Yuan and the others called here, I have important matters to discuss."

Liang Ji, who was guarding the door of the secret room, answered, and the sound of footsteps flew away immediately.

"Then, Zhao'er, who among these three people do you think is most likely to take over the position of Taiwei?" Sima Yi continued the topic just now and asked Sima Zhao.

Sima Zhao pondered and replied: "My lord father, first of all, my son thinks this way - the position of Taiwei has a lot to do with it, and Cao Shuang and the others still have their hands in it. But the position of Taiwei is really not something that cannot be held by a highly respected person. Therefore, Cao Shuang and the others actually have no such candidate in their pockets. In this way, as long as your father nominates any one of these three important ministers, he will be promoted to Taiwei. Therefore, in this question In fact, you don’t have to worry about it getting out of our Sima family’s control. What I worry about is who should take over the vacant position left after they were promoted to Taiwei.”

"Hmm... Father is planning to promote the governor of Manda to Taiwei, but if he is transferred back to Luoyang, the position of 'Governor of Zhendong' will be vacant... According to father's Naturally, the grand plan of defeating Wu and destroying Shu should be to transfer a capable general to the Xuyang two prefectures. Pei Qian is a suitable candidate for the 'Governor of the East of the Town'..." Sima Yi had already planned and answered casually.

"However, Father, since Cao Shuang and the others gave you a step in the selection of the Taiwei, how could they give in to you in the aspect of the 'Governor of the East of the Town'? My child has doubts about this." There was a touch of worry on Sima Zhao's eyebrows.

Sima Yi looked up, passed over his head, and asked Sima Yin who happened to walk into the room: "What plans does Cao Shuang's residence have for the Dongjiang commander's residence?"

Sima Yin came in together with Niu Heng, Niu Jin, and Sima Shi. He just heard their question and answer, recalled slightly, and said: "Second Young Master expected it right—Cao Shuang has been thinking about Dongjiang Commander's Mansion. Take General Wang Ling from the position of Inspector of Yangzhou to replace the Governor, and let him take over as the Governor of Zhendong."

"Oh! That's right—Cao Shuang has been colluding secretly with Wang Ling." Sima Shi obviously understood the internal situation of the Dongjiang Commander's Mansion, and he also said it.

Sima Yin continued to report to Sima Yi: "Cao Shuang has always had a very good relationship with Wang Ling's nephew Linghuyu. It was through Linghuyu that he secretly connected with Wang Ling."

"Oh, so it is like this!" Sima Yi seemed to be thinking, and nodded slowly.

Master Sima's eyes shone coldly: "Father, Wang Ling was a wedge that Chen Jiao and Cao Shuang tried to push under the hands of the Manda Governor. Let's find a chance to pull him out completely." .”

Hearing what Master Sima said, Sima Zhao frowned, looked at him, and stopped talking.

"Why are you so ruthless and aggressive? Don't you know how much Wang Ling weighs? Don't act so rashly—how can you make him jump as soon as you come up?" Sima Yi glared. Master Sima glanced at him, and made him short, "With a father around, even if Wang Ling squeezes into the position of the governor of the east of the town, he won't be able to cause any trouble!"

Master Sima let out an "uh" and had no choice but to keep silent.

Sima Yi ignored him, and asked Sima Yin, Niu Heng, Niu Jin, Liang Ji, etc. to sit down on the right side seat, and asked Sima brothers to stand still in the room.He sat back on the couch, looked straight at Brother Sima, and said earnestly, "Shi'er, Zhao'er, I'm over [-] years old now as a father, and my energy is finally exhausted. You two see, Steward Yin and Uncle Niu , General Niu, Brother Liang, and the others have followed their fathers for decades, going through life and death, fighting east and west, almost all of them have frost on their temples, and they are getting old... Now, it's time for you two brothers to broaden your horizons and look for talents , I let go of my hands and feet to venture into the world. After all, you two brothers will be responsible for the huge foundation laid down for your father!"

After hearing this, Sima brothers hurriedly bowed down and replied solemnly: "Father's instructions, the children must follow them carefully."

Sima Yi nodded, and ordered solemnly: "Well, I will assign tasks to you and my brothers today as my father. Zhao'er, you are thoughtful, elegant and easy-going. From now on, you will follow Steward Yin , Uncle Niu Heng, learn how to deal with all kinds of secret affairs, hidden lines and other affairs of our Sima family. At the same time, on the bright side, you will come out of the big inner hub, and serve as a servant under Duzhi Shangshu Wang Guan, and learn the way of economics, military affairs and common affairs.

"Also, Zhao'er, you are in charge of communication with Pei Qian's son Pei Xiu, Man Chong's son Man Wei, Wang Chang's son Wang Hun, Jia Kui's son Jia Chong, and other family acquaintances. The friendship between the Sima family and these old friends has been passed down from generation to generation.

"In addition, you will come forward to win over those young celebrities who are socializing and traveling in Shanyang County. For these Qingliu celebrities, our Sima family must not follow their Cao family-the overlord is fierce, shouting and shouting. It is the best policy to be respectful and courteous, and to accept him personally. Do you know how much trouble the Taizhong officials Kong Rong and Yilang Niheng caused Cao Cao? The Sima family must take this lesson seriously. Learn! Remember—loving the people and being safe, loving scholars and being proud, will always be the wings of our Sima family to soar to the sky!"

Speaking of this, Sima Yi seemed to think of something again, and said slowly: "By the way, I heard that there is a top-notch young celebrity named Ruan Ji in the Zhulin Poetry Club of Shanyang County. Ruan Ji's father Ruan Yu At that time, he was also a noble and chaste man who disdained to submit to Cao Cao, who was an eunuch. He once hid in Funiu Mountain in order to avoid his conquest. At that time, Cao Cao sent people to set fire to the mountain to drive him away. , Only then did he find him. Ruan Yu had no choice but to go out of the mountain and work in the Cao Cao shogunate.

"But after he entered Cao's mansion, he drank and wrote poems all day long, and did not advise Cao Cao. Therefore, throughout his life, he can be regarded as a perfect man in the last generation of Han Dynasty. His son Ruan Ji now deliberately abdicated after Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty Is there no deep meaning in wandering around the feudal town of Shanyang County where he lives? Maybe he is nostalgic for the orthodoxy of the Han Dynasty in the past? Or maybe he wants to follow what his father did, wandering far away in the rivers and lakes, and stop thinking about The height of the Lang Temple? Zhao’er, you have to go and communicate with him! If our Sima family can absorb Ruan Ji into the government and turn it into their own, it will be better than Cao Cao’s indiscriminate killing of Kong Rong and Mi Heng. Some!"

"Yes! My child has remembered." Sima Zhao replied respectfully.

Sima Yi turned to Master Sima again and said: "Master, you should pay more attention to the important military and state affairs. From now on, you will follow Uncle Niu Jin and Brother Liang Ji to learn the key to using troops to conquer. For your father, you must look for opportunities Push you to an important position in the military, and let you secretly occupy the military fortress for our Sima family. Your specific task is to be responsible for the planning of the great cause of defeating Wu and Shu. You can join forces with Deng Ai, Zhou Tai, Zhuge Dan and other elites from poor families. Get in touch, respect them as teachers, and actively explore good strategies to pacify Wu and destroy Shu."

"Husband, have you really resolutely decided to give up this great opportunity to accept the support of the ministers and be promoted to the prime minister and give gifts to Jiuxi? Are you really willing to be a Taifu and stop?"

Zhang Chunhua pulled a felt blanket over Sima Yi's waist and legs, and gently kneaded the muscles of his legs through the felt blanket—even though it was the beginning of spring, winter was not far behind. In addition, Sima Yi's whole body was immersed in rainwater for about a month when he suppressed the rebellion in Liaodong last year, so his leg muscles suffered from frostbite, and he needed frequent hot compresses and massages to avoid stiffness and numbness.Naturally, Zhang Chunhua took on the responsibility of health care again.While kneading and massaging Sima Yi softly and warmly, she said slowly: "If this is the case, my husband, your great achievements in flattening the four thousand miles of Liaodong will be of no use at all... It's a pity for nothing... This is a great opportunity.”

"Chunhua, this is not a good time to be promoted to the prime minister and give gifts to Jiuxi—you must be sober!" Sima Yi was leaning on the back of the couch and reading the memorials presented by various places, when he heard Zhang Chunhua's question, He raised his head and replied earnestly, "Nowadays, the young emperor is in power, and the government and the public are paying attention. If you don't know how to advance or retreat, and blindly go hunting for the honorable gift, you will be regarded as 'Cao Cao's rebirth' by the people of the Great Wei Dynasty, and you will become the target of all the people in the world. , How passive at that time! You may not be aware of the serious consequences of taking this step for your husband! My husband knows that Cao Cao was promoted to prime minister and gifted Jiuxi in a moment of enthusiasm before he became a Han Dynasty loyalist Public Enemy! Weifu will never repeat his mistakes!"

"Husband, you are really used to being a minister. Today, you have ascended to the position of the head of the hundred officials and the elder of Gu Ming in one step, but you are still so cautious!" Zhang Chunhua smiled lightly and punched him on the leg , "You -- you are a life of hard work and life of a courtier who has worked hard for others all his life!"

Sima Yi gave her a white look: "What's the matter with the life of labor and the life of ministers? Isn't Zhou Wen Wang Jichang also a life of labor and life of ministers all his life? But his son became the king of the Great Zhou Dynasty! Moreover, he himself was enshrined I have enjoyed the admiration of the people for 800 years in the Taimiao!"

The crow's feet in the corners of Zhang Chunhua's eyes can't be seen from the smile: "Didn't my husband take Han Gaozu and Qin Shihuang as his lifelong role models when he was young? Now that he is old, he wants to be King Wen of Zhou again!"

"Didn't Cao Cao also want to call himself King Wen of Zhou before he was alive? However, according to my husband, he failed as King Wen of Zhou in the end!" Sima Yi sighed leisurely, "Madam, to tell you the truth, since my husband was After becoming the Minister of Gu Ming, he has always used Cao Cao as a guide. Cao Cao really started to end after he was promoted to prime minister and monopolized power in the 13th year of Jian'an in the previous dynasty...Of course, he also had unavoidable difficulties. The reason why he seemed so eager for quick success and quick success was because he realized that no one of his sons could inherit his Cao family's overlordship, so he had no choice but to take risks and try to rule the world as King Wen of Zhou in his lifetime before handing over to him. For his own son. However, he failed in the end.”

"That's right! Cao Cao's King Wen of Zhou is quite qualified himself—two-thirds of the world." Zhang Chunhua said deeply, "Unfortunately, his son is not King Wu of Zhou who can carry forward his father's career!"

(End of this chapter)

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