Sima Yi's Three Kingdoms Collection Collection

Chapter 352 Brother Sima recruits soldiers

Chapter 352 Brother Sima recruits soldiers (5)
"In the past one or two years, he entered the capital and mixed with the three teachings and nine streams. Since then, he has been out of business and has become sensual and carefree all day long. As for his "extraordinary ability, the talent of a prince", these are all from him. I can't tell from his resume. However, this person has always been talking nonsense. Last year, when Taifu Sima was ordered to go to Liaoping to rebel and lead his division to leave the Ximing Gate, he actually sneaked in and took a peek at the periphery. Later, he sighed with emotion to his roommate: "Wow! A real man should be like what Sima Taiwei did. He will carry his ax for thousands of miles and be sent by the emperor respectfully. He will make meritorious deeds and become famous and live up to this life!""

"Enough." Hearing this, Master Sima nodded slightly, looked at Sima Zhao, and asked, "Second brother, in your opinion..."

"Brother, this person is either a lunatic, or a generation of extraordinary men!" Sima Zhao thought for a moment, and replied solemnly, "In any case, we have to go and inspect him personally!"

"Okay! Brother, I have this intention in my heart!" Master Sima slapped his palm on the case, and settled the matter on the spot, "At the right time, we will go together to inspect him carefully and closely. fan!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around, looked at Guan Ren with a smile, and told Sima Yin, "Brother Guan has worked so hard to recommend you tonight, so thank you, Master Yin. Steward Yin, go to the wine cellar in the backyard to choose ten Take the wine from the Western Regions as a tribute, and give it to Brother Guan to take it back to relieve your hunger!"

The morning mist is like yarn, and the dawn wind is like a knife.Under the city wall of Luoyang West City, He Yanzheng was pacing quickly in his elegant robe.Behind him, there are a few servants of He Mansion not far or near.

A gust of cool wind blew over his hot and flushed cheeks, but he didn't feel the slightest bit of coolness.The internal organs are so hot that it seems that fire is about to burst out.This is why he took five stone powder.The white powder mixed with stalactite, stone sulfur, white quartz, amethyst, and red stone fat was swallowed into the body along the esophagus, and after a while, it burned his insides.However, together with the "flame" in the body, there is a wonderful feeling of being ecstatic and flying, making people addicted to it and almost unable to extricate themselves!And he can only pursue and appreciate this kind of pleasure, digest the "flame" in his body while running fast, and enjoy the experience of wanting to be immortal while walking fast.The wide sleeves of the robe fluttered in the wind because of the sprint, and the shadow of the shadow projected by the morning light on the stone road was far and near, and He Yan smiled gracefully and calmly in the faint haze.

However, what broke his feeling was the long howl that suddenly sounded from the top of the city!The whistling sound was like a sword piercing through the air, and it was pulled up fiercely, like a strong man drawing a knife, a general wearing armor, thousands of hooves like thunder, and a banner flying like a sea tide!All of a sudden, He Yan felt that someone poured a ladle of cold water on his head, and his whole body was chilled, and the scorching heat that the five stones scattered in his body was wiped away immediately!Listening to the lingering sound of howling, he felt as if he was in an iron-blooded battlefield again, with the sounds of killing and guns roaring from all sides, which shook his heart and soul!
Finally, He Yan regained his composure and raised his eyes to the top of the city tower in amazement, only to see a figure as tall as a poplar standing on the wall facing the morning sun with his arms open.
"He San! Go up to the top of the city and have a look - who is he? If you meet him, you must keep him!" He Yan hastily summoned his personal servant, He San, to handle the matter. thing.In this person's whistling sound, there are gold and iron horses, and the rhyme of swallowing wind and clouds. It is obvious that he is a hero with great ambitions and arrogance!Wouldn't it be a good thing if I could hand him over?
However, when he finished his orders and looked up again, the top of the West City was already empty, and there was no sign of anyone there!

After Shi Bao finished expressing his feelings at the head of the west city of Luoyang, he felt an indescribable joy dripping all over his body, so he went down the city ladder and leisurely came to the Qiqiao Building on Hualiu Street to drink and entertain himself.

He had just entered the restaurant, but saw that the table by the window where he was used to sitting was already filled with a banquet.Two young Confucian scholars in plain clothes and Guan Ren were sitting there, when they saw him, they got up and greeted him with smiles on their faces.

Shi Bao's eyes lit up, and she stared at Guan Ren scorchingly.

Guan Ren grinned, pulled the two young men over and introduced him: "Mr. Shi, are you safe? Oh...these two are Guan's friends, brothers Ma Si and Ma Zhao. They are also my seniors. Wei is a rare and well-educated person, and he is preparing to take the Chongwenguan doctoral selection examination in Taixue recently. Today, he is here to discuss with Shi Jun."

"Oh! Brother Guan, you brought these two young masters to the wrong match. I, Shi Bao, am not a well-read person? I'm just a wandering poor man!" Shi Bao shook his right sleeve and brushed Guan Ren away. , went to the seat and sat down, looked at the table full of wine and food, laughed and said, "This table of wine and food Shi can accept it with a smile, but if you want to discuss and exchange some rules and principles, please be hands-free!"

Guan Ren's face turned purple: "Shi Jun, Bo Le is here, don't give up on yourself easily! Do you know that they..."

"Hmm... Brother Guan, don't be impatient." Ma Si interrupted Guan Ren's words at this time, and rushed forward to say, "Shi Bao doesn't like to discuss the principles of laws and regulations! But, Si Jiuwen Shi Jun is a romantic A master in the field. In this regard, can we have a chat?"

Shi Bao took a deep look at Ma Si: "Talk about the wind and the moon? Okay! Ma Jun, such a topic will be interesting! Come on, come on—what do you think about Fengyue, you might as well tell it Communicate!"

"Since Shi Bao is really interested in this, Si will not be humble!" Masi sat down on the seat opposite Shi Bao, not in a hurry to answer, but picked up the chopsticks and picked up a piece of meat from the plate. Putting a piece of roast lamb into the mouth, he said with a smile while chewing, "What are you talking about? To put it bluntly, isn't it just talking about women? Shi Jun, according to Si, the best beauties in the world are just like three men in the world." A wonderful thing that can’t be separated for a moment: just like green tea, it makes men drink it hard, slurps their teeth, has a long-lasting aftertaste, and leaves a long-lasting fragrance; like fine wine, it makes men drunk and dreamy, fascinated, the more they drink, the more addicted they are, and it’s hard to extricate themselves ; The third is like incense, which makes men feel like sitting on a group of flowers, refreshing and happy, and floating in meditation. It can be said that "a beautiful woman is like a lotus blooming in the seat, and the lingering fragrance will surround the seat for three years"!"

"Wonderful! Wonderful! What Mr. Ma Si said is really wonderful!" Shi Bao clapped his hands and smiled, and asked Ma Zhao, "So, brother, what do you think about Fengyue's view?"

Ma Zhao's face was slightly red, and he seemed a little embarrassed and said: "This...Zhao's views on women are very superficial, and I hope you can correct me. According to Zhao, women are divided into three grades—the women of the top grade , Virtue, color, and talent are all good; a woman of middle grade is good at both virtue and talent; a woman of low grade is only good at virtue. And a woman without virtue is not enough to judge quality."

"Hmm... Ma Zhaojun, you are a bit sour when you talk about the 'three grades of women'. You can tell that you are a person who seldom plays in the court of romance." Shi Bao frowned slightly after hearing Ma Zhao's words. , turned to Ma Si and said with a smile: "Brother Ma Si used the three things 'tea, wine, and fragrance' to describe a woman just now. The second is like a golden cup; the third is like a pillar. They happen to complement each other with the three metaphors of "tea, wine, and fragrance" in Brother Ma Si's woman. The quality of the jade cup can only contain the wonderful tea of ​​fragrance. Only the size of a gold bottle can hold mellow fine wine; only the pillars of wood can burn intoxicating incense; what do you think, brother Ma Si?"

"Mr. Shi really has a delicate mind, and what he feels and understands is very spiritual." Ma Si laughed, clapped his hands and praised, "You just commented on Ma Zhao's 'three grades of women' as superficial and sour, but you don't know yourself. What's your opinion on the theory of 'women's three grades'?"

Hearing this, Shi Bao looked solemn and serious, and said in a serious manner: "Brother Ma Si, in Shi's mind, women can also be divided into the following three grades--the top-grade women are full of spring, peaceful, admirable and loving ;Middle class women are glamorous and dignified, pure and clean, awe-inspiring and awe-inspiring; how?"

Ma Si listened carefully, his eyes turned suddenly, and he laughed loudly: "Listen to what you said, Si is really 'better than ten years of reading'. If Si is not mistaken, Mr. Shi, your theory of 'three grades of women' is a big deal. It has profound meaning and is thought-provoking. Si Yin has a realization, and I hope Shi Jun will advise-this "three female ranks" theory can actually be easily changed to the "lord three ranks" theory!"

Immediately, Shi Bao's eyes flashed brightly: "Brother Ma Si, what do you say?"

Ma Si talked eloquently: "Mr. Shi, please listen, the 'master three ranks' are just like the 'female three ranks'. The master of the top rank is like a boat, and the people are like spring, so it is respected and loved; the master of the middle rank is strict and disciplined. , the wind is clear and the evil is absolutely, so it is respected and feared; the lord of the inferior rank is dim and bright, and the virtuous and foolish are uncertain, so it is profane and obscene. What does Mr. Shi think about Masi's enlightenment?"

When Shi Bao heard that Ma Si had finally brought the topic to economic affairs, his complexion changed a few times, and he slowly put down his bamboo chopsticks, looked at him solemnly, and said slowly: "Brother Ma Si really has a good opinion, he is worthy of being a bosom friend of Shi Good friend! Forget it, tomorrow you are going to the Taixue to take the exam, if you have any difficult questions, please pour them out, Shi Bao is willing to make an exception and discuss with you in detail today."

Masi arched his hands, and said seriously at once: "Since Mr. Shi made this statement, I will return to the topic. Tomorrow, one of the questions for the Taixue exam will be asked like this--the Forbidden Army in the Great Inner Army, which has always been used to appease the capital. How can we control the proper way of the foundation of the world?"

When Shi Bao heard this, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he said lightly: "What's so hard to answer? Even if it is a thousand words, it cannot be separated from the nine principles of Bao -- suppress it with strength, restrict it with strictness, observe it with clarity, and caress it with benevolence. To do it, accept it with righteousness, inspire it with ambition, use emotion, motivate it with energy, and practice it with diligence. However, the method of the Eight Principles is cleverly used, and it is all in one mind. If Shi Mou is the master in charge of the army , within a year or two, you can forge the Forbidden Army into an iron army that is invincible in the world!"

"Well said! The words are concise and meaningful, and the words are powerful!" Ma Si clapped his hands and applauded, then turned to Ma Zhao and said, "Second brother, do you have any questions to ask Mr. Shi for advice?"

Ma Zhao nodded his head lightly, thought for a long time, and then asked deeply: "Mr. Shi Bao, what Zhao cares about is military strategy. According to Zhao, it is obvious that Huainan is the most important military force of the Great Wei Dynasty today, but I don't know what I need. How can we make full use of Huainan's land and then attack the puppet Wu in the south of the Yangtze River?"

(End of this chapter)

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