Sima Yi's Three Kingdoms Collection Collection

Chapter 357 Brother Sima recruits soldiers

Chapter 357 Brother Sima recruits soldiers (10)
Xia Houxuan didn't expect that Sima Yi could judge this matter so impartially, but he was secretly surprised.After thinking about it carefully, he couldn't help taking a deep breath: Sima Yi is really powerful, and he followed his own train of thought and quietly planted another trick: each state set up another official of Da Zhong Zheng, who is in charge of The appointment and removal of Zhongzheng officials in the counties of Honshu advances and retreats!Obviously, Sima Yi wanted to further centralize the right to write the nine-rank Zhongzheng product certificate, and capture it in the hands of those state officials!In this way, he instead seized the power of officials and personnel in the local states and counties more tightly and firmly in the hands of his party members.Who will be the governor of each state?Isn't it those higher-level family elders?At that time, wouldn't Da Zhongzheng, who was born in a family of elders, become the right-hand man to help Sima Yi manipulate the local state and county officials?On the contrary, this seems to be further centralized in the hands of the Sima family than the previous dispersal of the administrative and personnel power of local prefectures and counties in the hands of hundreds of county-level Zhongzheng officials, large and small!But this suggestion was originally proposed by himself, so Xia Houxuan naturally couldn't refute Sima Yi's foreshadowing.He had no choice but to change the subject, and continued to raise his wat to report: "Secondly, Xuan believes that the implementation of the five-level government organization system of 'state, county, county, township, and pavilion' is too trivial—it is better to simply cut it off. County-level government agencies implement the general idea of ​​"withdrawing counties and merging counties, and using prefectures to unify counties". According to Xuanzhi's statistics, county-level government agencies have three major disadvantages: one is too many redundant officials, the other is too much waste, and the third is There are too many redundant tasks. If the first-level organization of the county government is abolished, there will be three benefits: provincial officials, saving fees, and saving troubles, which will greatly benefit the country and the country!"

Cao Shuang deliberately looked forward and backward when reforming the system of nine-rank Zhongzheng officials just now, and bound his hands and feet. He thought that Sima Yi would not dare to make a decision due to the resistance of the elders in the state and county, so he was also happy to pretend to be on the sidelines. good old man.Unexpectedly, Sima Yi suddenly became so courageous that he almost completely supported Xia Houxuan's reform of the nine-rank Zhongzheng official system.This made Cao Shuang secretly regret that he had acted too weak just now.At this time, when he heard Xiahouxuan's memorial, he felt that the opportunity to save his prestige and face had come again, so he spoke first and replied: "Doctor Xiahou's words are also very true, and this general intends to accept it resolutely. Sima Taifu, do you think it is possible?"

Sima Yi was slightly taken aback, and then he realized that Cao Shuang wanted to use this institutional reform to show off his charm. After pondering for a long time, he said slowly: "General Cao——Junior Xiahou, who has withdrawn from the county and merged with the county , with the general idea of ​​"unifying the county" and seeking the great benefits of "provincial officials, saving fees, and saving troubles", I can understand it all. But I have to complain because I have been fighting against bandits and thieves for many years. Based on experience, in the territory of the four frontiers, in the center of the heart, where one county spans several counties and has thousands of households, the guards and generals can concentrate enough manpower, material resources, and financial resources to resist foreign enemies! If you cut down your counties lightly without careful consideration, in the future the frontiers will suddenly rise in flames, and in the face of a powerful enemy's invasion, many small counties will fight on their own, and the forces will be scattered, and I'm afraid it will be impossible to escape the doom of fall!"

When he said this, all the officials in the palace nodded in agreement.Taiwei Manchong interjected and said: "Master Taifu's words are very true. This Taiwei has been in charge of Dongjiang for many years, and he knows very well that the counties in the frontier are foreign vassals. How can he lightly talk about cutting them off?"

Taifu Fu Gu also sneered and said: "Without reviewing current affairs, 'withdrawing counties and merging counties, and using prefectures to govern counties', what kind of intense turmoil will this cause? The placement of those county officials and county officials is another big problem. General Cao and Doctor Xiahou have strong enemies on the outside, and chaos in the government inside, if there is an unexpected change, who will be responsible for it?"

Cao Shuang's chubby face suddenly turned red, so he kept his mouth shut and said nothing.

Although Xia Houxuan was publicly criticized by Fu Gu, he didn't think he was disobedient.He heard what Sima Yi said just now, and he knew that he was old-fashioned in seeking the country, but he felt unwilling and sighed: "But when will this trouble of 'redundant officials, redundant work, redundant work' be eradicated? "

Sima Yi caressed his silver beard on his chest, and smiled slightly: "It's truly commendable that Mr. Xiahou is so concerned about the country and the people. In my opinion, you don't have to worry too much. After the world is unified and the river is clear and the sea is clean, you' Withdrawing the prefectures and merging the counties, we should be able to implement it smoothly with the general plan of "unifying the counties". Therefore, only after the Wu and Shu are conquered and the world is unified, our Great Wei can take the opportunity to lay off officials and benefit the people, and create peace! Therefore, My Great Wei's current top priority is still to destroy Wu and destroy Shu, and to unify the world! Otherwise, there will be no way to talk about good governance and good teaching!"

Xia Houxuan nodded deeply, and continued to hold up his wat to report: "Thirdly, Xuanyi foolishly thought that the chariots and obediences of all officials and officials should be simple and simple, and the most vulgar and gorgeous things should be banned, so that the Qian Dynasty Homes and dignified rooms no longer have brocade ornaments, colorful clothes, and delicate things. From top to bottom, as for the difference in simplicity, it only shows a level, so don't let it go too far. Gifts, special additions from the grace of the Lord, all of which are presented to you, and then taken. The husband’s transformation is like the grass of the wind. The simple teaching flourishes in this dynasty, and the heart of extravagance disappears by itself.”

After hearing this, Sima Yi couldn't help but secretly stroked his beard and nodded: This Xia Houxuan is a person who really wants to do practical things.If the Emperor Ming had used him as his minister in the first place, he would be much better than the mediocre and incompetent Cao Shuang!It seems that Zhang Chunhua was right to contact Guo Zhi, Sun Zi, Liu Fang and others to exclude him as a vain post.If he is also included in the auxiliary government team, it will be much more difficult than dealing with that Cao Shuang!When Sima Yi thought of this, a sneer flashed in the corner of his eyes, and he said solemnly: "Simple clothes and simple clothes, restraint and restraint, I have always supported it, but as the saying goes, 'lead by example, deeds speak louder than words'. You have to take the lead in this matter!"

As soon as he said this, everyone turned their attention to He Yan, the right servant of the Ministry of Officials, who was the most colorful and flashy in the palace.

He Yan's face blushed slightly, and in order to protect himself, he had no choice but to argue with Xia Houxuan: "Master Xia Houxuan, you have made the Qian Dynasty's family and the royal family no longer have brocade decorations. It's too hard to not have a combination of clothes and delicate things! Everyone has the love of beauty; if people don't love beauty, they don't have the ability to use it to embellish it! Such a rebellious act, How can it be long?"

Xia Houxuan's suggestion of "plain clothes and simple clothes, restraint and restraint" was only out of his own momentary righteous indignation, but he never expected to put this matter on his comrades' necks.Seeing He Yan coming out to retort, he couldn't help hesitating slightly.

Sima Yi glanced at Wang Su at this moment.Wang Su understood, raised his wat and walked out, and asked He Yanfa: "Su hereby asks Mr. He for advice. Mr. He, you like to study the "Tao Te Ching" the most. Origin. There is a famous saying in it, which Su also admires very much, "The sage does not do anything, and teaches without words." Then, Mr. He, you consider yourself a member of the old Zhuangmen, but you ask about your "teaching without words" Where is it? Luxurious clothing, flashy appearance, wearing gold and jade every day, and wearing powder to show off yourself, is this your "unspoken teaching"? Eating alchemy medicine and indulging in wanton desires are also your "unspoken teachings" The teaching'? How should you explain it, Mr. He?"

A layer of flush suddenly appeared on He Yan's white face.He flicked his sleeves, stood tall, and stood still for a while, finally calmed down, and smiled casually as if nothing had happened: "He is like the wind blowing in front of the vanity, and the heart of Qingjian is like jade"! Don't worry about it, He is confident that he can enter the vanity and not be polluted by the vanity!"

Hearing this, Wang Su stared at him for a while, then suddenly nodded: "Master He, the night pearl that you adorn the Jinxian crown seems to be about to fall!"

He Yan was startled, and hastily stretched out his hand to touch the Jinxian Crown.

The moment he stretched out his hand to touch it, he seemed to realize something, and when his right hand reached the corner of the crown, he couldn't help but froze slightly - he could clearly see the faint smile floating on the cheek of Wang Su standing opposite him !

yes!My heart is attached to things, I am greedy for appearance, and I can't help it. How can it be said that "the glitz is not stained, the clean ripples are not dirty"?Didn't I slap myself in the face with my actions just now?Thinking of this, He Yan couldn't help but slowly let go of his hand, feeling that whatever he said at this moment was in vain.

Sima Yi straightened his body on the special seat of Danchi, raised his palms, stopped the debate in the court, and solemnly concluded his speech: "My lords, in two months, I will send my master to Yangzhou to the east. Go to Huainan and sweep north of the Yangtze River. After I return to Beijing with all the officers and men, I will come to the court and join hands with you to push forward the new policy of reforming the bureaucracy, going to China and returning to simple, respecting the root and suppressing the end!"

(End of this chapter)

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