Sima Yi's Three Kingdoms Collection Collection

Chapter 374 Desperate to Capture, Sima Yi Retires and Returns Home

Chapter 374 Desperate to Capture, Sima Yi Retires and Returns Home (9)
At this time, no matter how stupid Wei Lie was, he could tell that Sima Zhao was quietly bribing himself in disguise.It is impossible for Sima Zhao not to know that he is a national chess player with a hundred hits.He came to Wei Lie to play chess with me, isn't that equivalent to giving me money for nothing?However, in view of the status of the Sima family's children, it would be too blatant to openly give gifts and bribes in the Great Wei Dynasty.So, the clever Sima Zhao went around a circle by playing chess to bribe Wei Lie with gifts.Naturally, Wei Lie's heart is clear, as Sima Zhaozheng's third-rank Duzhi Shilang, is it necessary for him to give gifts and bribes to himself, a fourth-rank Zhongshu Shengtongshilang?In the end, he still wanted to use himself as a "curve bribe" - the target of the bribe was of course his father, Wei Zhen, who was a servant of the minister!

Once he figured this out, Wei Lie no longer had any scruples in playing chess.He played nine balls in one go, hit every one of them, it's like winning a lot!

According to common sense, a loser in a chess game should generally be dejected and complain constantly, but Sima Zhao was elated and smiling like a winner.In the end, he simply pushed the purple jade beam chessboard and the two pairs of Jin Sicui and Biluojin chess pieces in front of Wei Lie with a "wow": "Wei Liejun! It's the so-called saddle with a horse, you like this How can a superb chess player be able to do without a good chessboard and chess pieces? Let’s see, this Ziyuliang, Jinsicui, and Biluojin complete set of chess-playing tools is given to you by Zhaodu! "

"Oh! Mr. Sima, you are so polite! You are so polite! Originally, so many people rushed to Xuchang to celebrate General Cao's birthday today, but only you, Mr. Sima, still thought about coming to Wei at night. A certain player played chess. Wei is very grateful for this deep friendship!" Wei Lie refused verbally, but half-pushed and took Ziyuliang, Jinsicui, and Biluo Jin waited for the Three Treasures, "Now, you give this ancestral treasure in your own family to Wei, how dare Wei take it?"

Sima Zhao said with a smile: "Wei Liejun—who doesn't know that you love chess like your life? If I don't give you the three ancestral treasures tonight to make you beautiful as an adult, I don't know how you will scold me behind your back when you come down." What a cheapskate!"

"Mr. Sima is not stingy! You are not stingy! You are really too polite!" Wei Lie also smiled cheerfully and picked up the pile of trophies. Shi Shiran leaned into Sima Zhao's ear and whispered, "Sima Your kindness, I, the Wei Family, will never forget your kindness! Don't worry—my father has resolutely rejected Cao Shuang's offer of the position of Sikong, and also rejected his younger brother Cao Ai's marriage to my younger sister Wei Jie. ask……"

Sima Zhao secretly pinched Wei Lie's extended right hand, with a smile on his face, "Next time, let's find a chance to gamble... If you don't believe me, I really can't beat you!" A national chess player!"

The yellow leaves have fallen, and the sparse willow branches tremble weakly in the west wind, making sigh-like sounds.

In the deserted palace Luanhe Palace, Empress Dowager Guo Yao is teaching the young emperor Cao Fang to recite the "Book of Filial Piety" by herself.

The 15-year-old Cao Fang has delicate features and good looks, and she has a bit of the temperament of Wei Mingdi Cao Rui when he was the same age.Holding the "Book of Filial Piety" in his hand, he read it clearly:

"...Being high is not arrogant, high but not dangerous; restraint and restraint, full but not overflowing. High but not dangerous, so you will always keep the noble. Full but not overflowing, so you will always keep the rich. Wealth and honor are inseparable from the body, Then it can protect its country and its people. It is also the filial piety of the princes. "Poetry" says, "Trembling with fear, as if facing an abyss, as if walking on thin ice.'"

After reading this, he suddenly stopped and stopped reading.

"Fang'er, why don't you read it anymore?" Queen Mother Guo was taken aback.

"Empress Mother, I found that there seems to be something wrong with this passage in the "Book of Filial Piety"..." Cao Fang raised her head and looked at Queen Mother Guo, "In my view, either the "Book of Filial Piety" is wrong, Or some people just did it wrong."

"The "Book of Filial Piety" is one of the most important sacred scriptures of Confucianism. Its words and sentences are all golden and jade words and imprinted instructions for all ages-how can it be wrong?" Queen Mother Guo smiled slightly, "The only thing wrong is It may be someone who does not follow the inscriptions in the "Book of Filial Piety."

"Then, the general is the one who has violated the teachings of the "Book of Filial Piety"!" Cao Fang said suddenly and coldly, "He actually sent someone to beat Lord Wang Guan, who guards the treasure house of the Imperial Palace, to the point of bleeding. Yes, he forcibly confiscated Lu Yushangshu's official seal without reporting to his ministers in advance. It is said that he also stole many ancient treasures from the inner secret library and took them back for his own use... These actions can be regarded as a prince. Is it filial piety?"

"Fang'er, don't say any more!" The Queen Mother Guo leaned over in a panic and covered his mouth, "Fang'er—you are also familiar with history books. During the court meeting, Liang Ji was ridiculed as 'this domineering general'! Have you forgotten what happened later?"

Cao Fang gritted her teeth and did not answer, but his eyes, which were boiled with resentment in his chest, gradually cooled down.

Empress Dowager Guo let go of her hand and said in a low voice: "The late emperor saw that the great general Cao Shuang was a respectful person and a family member with the same surname, so he appointed him as your assistant minister, Fang'er... Alas, there is no way, this It was stipulated by the last emperor's edict. Fang'er, you should bear with it for now. When you are weak, the general will naturally return the power to you."

Cao Fang looked at her deeply: "Queen Mother, will he really return the power to my son-in-law at that time?"

"This..." Queen Mother Guo suddenly became speechless, not knowing how to answer.

At this moment, the servant outside the palace gate raised his voice and declared: "Qi Zou Empress Dowager, Your Majesty, Wei Wei Guo Zhi, please see me!"

After hearing this, Queen Mother Guo took a look at Cao Fang.Cao Fang understood immediately, and got up and retreated into Luan and the back room of the palace.

Then, Empress Dowager Guo sat upright, and said loudly, "See you."

The footsteps of "dong dong dong" sounded, and Guo Zhi walked in angrily. When he saw the Queen Mother Guo, he knelt down: "I implore the Queen Mother and Your Majesty to be the masters of the old minister!"

Empress Dowager Guo pointed to the brocade seat on the right side of the seat: "Guo Weiwei is flat, please sit down and talk."

But Guo Zhi couldn't get up, and played on the ground: "In order to play the Empress Dowager, Cao Xi, the leader of the army, and Cao Xun, the general of the military guards, without the deliberation and approval of the Veteran's Weiwei Department and Jiang Ji's Taiwei Department, unexpectedly sent the infantry captain to the army. Cao Shou was elected as General Huben Zhonglang! Your Royal Highness, even such an important position as General Huben Zhonglang has been replaced by a relative of Cao Shuang’s family. The guard of the old minister is completely alone, and there is no way for him to continue!”

"What is the general's opinion?" Queen Mother Guo frowned.

"Oh! This incident itself was instigated and condoned by the general behind the scenes!" Guo Zhi said angrily, "In order to balance the power structure in the palace, the veteran once suggested that Guo Dexian, the most promising member of our Guo family My nephew served as Huben Zhonglang general, but was dismissed by Cao Shuang, but today he was suddenly replaced by his nephew Cao Shou. Your Majesty, look at Cao Shou's pustules, how can he compare with our nephew Guo Dexian? Capable of both literature and martial arts? How can he be a general of the Tigers?"

After hearing this, Queen Mother Guo pondered for a long time, but didn't speak for a long time.Guo Zhi knelt on the ground and still said angrily: "Forget it! Forget it! The old minister doesn't want to stay on Wei Wei's empty shelf and be sulked by them. You don't know, Your Highness, the Cao family's rumors are trying to get rid of it. The old ministers are also kicked out of the palace, wanting their uncle Cao Fan to be the guard again!"

Empress Dowager Guo suddenly asked, "Cao Shuang, Cao Xi, and Cao Xun are so foolish, what kind of attitude does Sima Shi of the Central Guard Army have?"

"Master Sima? Alas, what can he do? Now that Taifu Sima has left Beijing to return to his hometown to recuperate and lie at home, Cao Shuang and the others are suppressing the people of Sima's faction! Guard, what else can he do besides keeping quiet and trying to protect himself? Cao Shuang and his gang are so vicious, after plotting against the Sima faction, they came to deal with our Guo family..."

The Empress Dowager Guo tightly pinched the Chijin Ruyi in her hand, and her pink face was covered with a layer of frost: "This Cao Shuang is too ungrateful. Could it be that he really dared to bully my Lord Wei? The late emperor really saw it away." Look, Cao Shuang is such a blind-eyed and evil-looking wolf! How dare he attack our Guo family? Guo Weiwei, how about this? Let’s find a chance to take them to Wen County to visit Taifu Sima on behalf of the Palace and His Majesty, and try to invite him to return to Beijing to sit in the temple..."

"Invite Sima Yi to return to the court to check and balance Cao Shuang?" Guo Zhi couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard that, "His Royal Highness's move is really brilliant!"

(End of this chapter)

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