Chapter 382
"Today's court meeting has not been held for long." Chen Shou said cautiously, "General Jiang Wei came back from the front line to meet the Holy Spirit in person, and begged His Majesty to allow him to launch another northern expedition to attack Liangzhou from the Qishan camp, and capture Xiahou in one fell swoop. Da Sima, Fei Yi, also strongly agrees with this proposal, and believes that the current puppet Wei territory is governed by the arrogant and pompous Cao Shuang, the chaos in the country's order and discipline, and the ups and downs are in turmoil. He has always been indecisive and refused to agree. Later, General Jiang cried blood and wept in front of the imperial court, and His Majesty walked away in anger. Therefore, this court meeting broke up unhappy. But until now, General Jiang Wei still Kneeling outside the gate of the Taiji Hall, waiting to be summoned to make a statement! No matter how much Fei Da Sima persuaded him, he couldn't be persuaded to leave..."

Qiao Zhou couldn't help sighing secretly when he heard this.This Jiang Wei is not as talented as his master Zhuge Liang, but his stubborn temper is no worse than Zhuge Liang!Zhuge Liang was able to find such a living treasure as him to inherit his legacy of the Northern Expedition.But in the face of this almost irreversible general trend of heaven, what can their small struggles change?

After Chen Shou finished talking, Qiao Zhou slowly opened his mouth: "This...Your Majesty, it is indeed the right move to seek the country with prudence, not to go out, and wait for changes. Chen Jun! Don't look at Wei Guo's recent actions. There have been some civil strife and disputes, and they are all small and fleeting twists and turns...Fei Da Sima, Jiang Dajiang and the others rashly attack at this moment, they will definitely suffer big losses in the future!"

"Sima Fei and General Jiang said that the most worrying person in the Puppet Wei Dynasty is Sima Yi. Now he is sick, Cao Shuang is arrogant and incompetent, and the Puppet Wei Dynasty is in turmoil. This opportunity must not be missed!" Chen Shou Still somewhat unwilling to fully believe Qiao Zhou's assertion.

"Shou'er, although Sima Yi has been saying that he is ill, he is still alive after all! As long as he is alive, I, a big man, will never be able to regain the Central Plains! Moreover, even if he is ill now, he cultivated it all by himself back then. Generals Guo Huai, Hu Zun, and Wei Pingping are still guarding the Guanzhong area... Their military strategy is hardly inferior to General Jiang's!"

"This... this is true." Chen Shou muttered.

Qiao Zhou raised his eyes, looked at the copper ball of the water-moving armillary sphere slowly and silently spinning round and round, and said leisurely: "Back then on the mysterious stone of the spirit turtle, there was a change of destiny, and Cao Yan was greatly criticized, and the golden horse was born. Is the 24-character map prophecy outdated now? According to the teacher, I'm afraid it may not be. As the saying goes, an eagle stands like a sleep, and a tiger looks like a disease. Who can guess What will the world look like in a year or two?"

Chen Shou remembered one thing, and reported to Qiao Zhou: "By the way, Master—Master Huang Hao asked Xiaosheng to bring you a letter. Teacher, you must express your insights on today's court meeting, and write it into a memorial for progress. Zhongshu omitted...he also said that you know how the content of this memorial should be written."

"Well, I understand it for the teacher." Qiao Zhou lowered his eyes slowly, "Shou'er, you should go out for a while. For the teacher, I need someone to calm down and think about how to write this melody..."

When Sima Yi lay on a chariot and was carried into the Palace of the Empress General in Dongfang, Luoyang, the huge mansion had already been submerged in the cries of grief.The weeping maids and servants inside put their filial piety clothes and hoods on their heads, and at the same time went to tie the paper flowers of spirit banners between the pillars.Seeing this scene, Sima Yi's heart went cold, his eyes were dazzled, his hands trembled, and his whole body seemed to be lying in the cotton pile in a trance, with two lines of muddy tears silently running down his cheeks.

"Father...Father! You must mourn!" Sima Zhao wiped his eyes and squeezed Sima Yi's hand hard to comfort him while riding in the chariot.And Sima Shi was sobbing behind the chariot with his head bowed like a child who has done something wrong.

Niu Jin's bedroom was crowded with people inside and out. It was the generals, officers and servants under Niu Jin's command who were mixed together: some cried, some shouted, some brought hot water, some held shrouds, until Seeing Master Tai Tuo coming, they knelt down one by one, their bowed heads were like tufts of grass emerging from the ground, weeping miserably under the beating of the strong wind and rain.

Sima Yi with a look of joy propped up his upper body on the chariot, stretched out his hand and waved it in mid-air.

Sima Zhao understood, and immediately announced in a loud voice: "All idlers and others should retreat outside the courtyard dam and wait without permission. The Grand Tutor wants to send his condolences to General Niu and bid farewell."

A burst of heterogeneous footsteps gradually retreated.There were only three outsiders left in the bedroom, including Sima Yi and his son.And Niu Jin's only elder brother, Niu Heng, and his wife, Wang Shi, knelt in front of the couch and silently scrubbed Niu Jin's body.

The chariot was slowly carried to Niu Jin's bed by his brother Sima. Sima Yi leaned forward and called out in a trembling voice, "Brother Niu Jin...Second Brother Zhongda saw you coming..."

There was no response, not even eye contact.

Niu Jin seemed to be asleep, blushing appeared on his pale and thin cheeks, his eyes were slightly closed, as if the last light was slowly fading.He seemed to know that his "Second Brother Zhongda" was coming, a shallow smile bloomed on bloodless lips, and the sandalwood smoke in the room passed over his gray forehead, as if his heroic spirit was hovering between the curtains. drift.

Sima Yi slowly stretched out his right hand, subconsciously wanting to hold him back, but finally put it down slumpedly——his eyes narrowed, and tears burst out again like a bank bursting.

Niu Heng knelt at the head of the bed, turned sideways to greet Sima Yi, twisted the wet handkerchief in his hand, and continued to wipe Niu Jin's face patiently, with careful and gentle movements, as if he was afraid of waking him up. younger brother.

"Why did Brother Niu Jin die suddenly?" Sima Yi asked slowly, swallowing tears.

"Last night, the generals in Beijing held a banquet at the mansion of General Yingyang Wenqin to send him off as governor of Xuzhou... General Niu really couldn't resist their invitation, so he went. As a result, he came back at the second watch and not long after resting, he went Crying for stomach cramps, and finally..." Wang lay on the ground and complained sadly, "General Niu was also very surprised when he died. He and Wen Qin drank wine poured from the same pot last night, I don’t know where these ghostly people poisoned..." She buried her face, and the great sadness seized her, and she still couldn't help crying stand up.

Sima Yi sullenly asked softly, "Did Brother Niu Jin leave anything?"

Suppressing her grief, Wang tried her best to calm her voice, and repeated word by word: "General Niu said that the humble officer died suddenly, and he left the middle way. From now on, he can no longer follow the Tai Tuo to create great achievements. I am deeply grateful. Master Wanwang is kind and cherishes himself, reached the pinnacle, turned the troubled times back to peace, and brought happiness to all the people, and even the humble officials buried in the ground can rest in peace with a smile on their faces..." She couldn't bear it any longer, she buried her head and was sobbing.

Sima Yi's palms tightly squeezed the armrests on both sides of the chariot, and tears continued to flow silently, but scenes of the turbulent years that he and Niu Jin had passed side by side from childhood to adulthood emerged in front of his eyes. scenario to:
40 years ago, they went to the "Linglong Valley" of Luhun Mountain together to study under Mr. Guan Ning's ups and downs;
30 years ago, when they went to Chibi, Jingzhou to conspire for a great cause, they were born and died together;

20 years ago, when they moved from Wancheng, Jingzhou to Chang'an, Guanzhong, they fought bloody battles and resisted the Shu army;

Ten years ago, they went on an expedition to Liaodong, conquered Xiangping, and razed Gongsun Yuan.

Just as he was weeping, Niu Heng had already wiped Niu Jin's face with a wet towel, turned around and waved his hand, causing Wang to back away quietly.Then, Niu Heng kowtowed to Sima Yi: "My lord Tai Tuo expresses his condolences."

Sima Yi looked at the gray-haired brother and choked up for a moment: "Brother Niu Heng—I assure you, I will definitely make the person who killed Brother Niu Jin pay for it with blood! No matter who the murderer is, I will not Will let him go!"

The icy shell-like sternness on Niu Heng's face concealed his incomparably hot anger. Years of training as a soldier had made him as calm as a rock.He said softly: "Master Taifu, there is a person who wants to see you because of Niu Jin's encounter with poison."

"He knows the inside story?" Sima Yi was startled for a moment, and when he saw Niu Heng nodded, he replied in a low voice, "Let him come and see you!"

Niu Heng raised his palm to volley in the air and took several consecutive shots.The small door in the side room of this dormitory opened immediately, and a young man dressed as a servant crawled out on his knees.He lowered his head so that no one could see his face.

"Raise your head!" Sima Zhao shouted.

The man tilted his head - it turned out that he was Yu Song who had defected to Cao Shuang's command before!

"Yu Song?!" Master Sima showed an angry look on his face, "You ungrateful guy! You still have the face to see us?!"

Sima Yi raised his right hand, stopping Master Sima's scolding.But seeing Yu Song's face full of embarrassment, he knelt down and said with tears in his eyes, "Master... Master Taifu! I know I'm wrong..."

(End of this chapter)

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