Chapter 319 The Consort Qian Renxue (3)

The temperature inside the medicine cauldron was extremely high.

Ordinary clothes would be vaporized in an instant, and hair was no exception, but Lin Langtian and Qian Renxue's bodies were mysterious, and no matter how terrifyingly high the temperature was, they could not burn them, but their bodies were roasted until they glowed orange.

One fit, one plump.

Each exudes a unique beauty.


Lin Langtian suddenly uttered a whimper, and gradually regained consciousness.

This incarnation had just arrived in the Dou Qi Continent, and was thrown into the medicine cauldron by the old man Mu Gu. Although his mind had taken shape at this time, it was still just a piece of blank paper, and he did not understand the etiquette in the world.

A burst of strong fragrance winds around the tip of the nose.

"It smells so good..."

Lin Langtian was taken aback, then opened his eyes suddenly, and saw an infinitely beautiful snow-white carcass, with three thousand gold threads scattered on the chest and back, matching the fair skin, exuding a sense of contrast between holiness and charm.

Facing beautiful things, Lin Langtian obeyed the calling of his heart.

He looked up and down a few times with appreciative eyes.

His eyes moved down, slightly startled.

"There are even gold ones..." Lin Langtian was about to exclaim, but Qian Renxue knocked his head hard, Lin Langtian was interrupted, he couldn't help frowning, and looked at Qian Renxue suspiciously.

Why did this woman beat him?

Qian Renxue's cheeks were flushed, and she gritted her teeth and stared at Lin Langtian. Although she did not object to being honest with each other, Lin Langtian had been looking at her for too long, especially when she saw her younger sister. Too conspicuous!

Qian Renxue could tell what was going on in his mind at a glance!
"do you remember me?"

With a cold snort, Qian Renxue looked back vindictively as she asked, but after seeing its majesty and abundance, she couldn't help feeling a little panicked, can the narrow gap really wrap it?
How did Bibi Dong and other women do it?
To be honest, Qian Renxue was a little scared at this time.

"It feels familiar."

Lin Langtian shook his head suspiciously.

Hearing this, Qian Renxue's face softened, she pursed her thin lips, a blush flashed across her delicate face, but her eyes were firm, "You know our situation, right? If this continues, sooner or later we will be He refines."

Lin Langtian looked at her suspiciously.

For three days, he hasn't been refined, nothing happened.

On the contrary, Tiancaidibao, which is a secondary medicine, has long been turned into a liquid medicine, and a shallow layer has accumulated at the bottom of the medicine cauldron, just below the ankle, wrapping the skin, warm and greasy, and exuding a pleasant smell.

"My current strength cannot defeat him..."

After entering the medicine cauldron, Qian Renxue found that she was still a bit adventurous, and now she could not break through the confinement of the medicine cauldron with her strength alone, so the plan that was originally pressed in her heart still had to be carried out.

Looking at Lin Langtian who looked ignorant, she took a few deep breaths, her chest heaving violently.

One step, two steps...

She clung to Lin Langtian tightly and forced him to the alchemy wall of the medicine cauldron.


This... what's the situation?
Lin Langtian was inexplicably flustered. He could feel Qian Renxue's breath on the skin of his neck. He looked down, but found that his chest had been blocked by evil, and he could no longer see the dense golden forest.


"What are you doing?" Lin Langtian swallowed hard.

Although he didn't have this knowledge in his heart, he couldn't help but raise his head and salute instinctively.

"Give me your strength, so that we can get out!"

Qian Renxue said righteously.

After searching Lin Langtian's two worlds for several months, Qian Renxue was unwilling to wait any longer, and her intention was to settle the regrets in her heart. How could she lose a great opportunity because of her reserve.

No more hesitation at the moment, he took a step forward.

Two screams appeared at the same time.



The old man Mu Gu was urging the flames, and while increasing the seal strength of the medicine cauldron, he suddenly heard a miserable cry, and couldn't help laughing: "Hahaha! It seems that my emperor-grade elixir is just around the corner! I can't bear it now?"

Old man Mugu thought hopefully.

Before today, he had never heard Lin Langtian begging for mercy, but shortly after putting Qian Renxue in, there was an unexpected change... After a while, the medicine cauldron began to shake violently.

There was a rhythmic crashing sound.

"Two little dolls! Don't try to break my medicine cauldron anymore! With the material of this medicine cauldron, even a fighter who is a fighting saint will never be able to break it inside! Obediently become my imperial medicine pill!"

The old man Mu Gu laughed heartily.

Lo and behold, after the miserable cry, he couldn't help hitting the medicine cauldron, trying to escape from it.

Isn't this victory in sight?

Excited, the old man Mugu increased the intensity of the flames. Although he didn't know the scene inside the medicine cauldron, he could also imagine that the two of them must be extremely difficult, maybe someone had already turned into a liquid medicine.

At this time, a more violent sound came out.

The medicine cauldron seemed to be about to explode.

"Useless struggle!"

Old Man Mu Gu smiled coldly, and in the next second, his expression changed suddenly, and he saw that the medicine cauldron exploded with a bang, flames overflowed, and the surging heat wave instantly sent Old Man Mu Gu flying, with the dark green liquid medicine in it.

"My medicine...!!!"

The old man Mu Gu stabilized his figure in mid-air, and shouted distressedly. Seeing that the two were unscathed, he couldn't help but wondered: "How is it possible! You just clearly...I understand, you are lying to me!"

Old man Mugu stared at the two with hatred.

At this time, Lin Langtian still had nothing to hide, but compared to the time in the medicine cauldron, he was much depressed at this time.

There was no way, too much was sucked away by Qian Renxue.

Qian Renxue was dressed in angelic armor, with six illusory golden wings emitting a sacred halo, like a god descending, but there was still a trace of spring on her face, which became more and more charming, "The divine power has skyrocketed a lot..."

With a murmur, Qian Renxue swung her sword and rushed towards Old Man Mu Gu.

The speed at which she erupted was more than three times faster than before!
The old man Mu Gu was startled, and said coldly: "How is it possible? You were not against me just now..."

Before he finished speaking, and before he could even fully urge his fighting spirit, he was cut in the neck by the holy sword surrounded by the real fire of the sun. Almost at the same time, his consciousness fell into darkness, and his body turned into flying ash.

Qian Renxue floated down, with joy on her brows.

Swallowing Lin Langtian's life energy, her cultivation has improved too much, and Lin Langtian in this state can't resist her at all.

Thinking of this, Qian Renxue lost her divine power and looked at Lin Langtian.

The angel armor also disappeared with the divine power.

Looking at the wonderful carcass that could make all living beings overwhelmed, Lin Langtian's heart skipped a beat, feeling a surge of emptiness, and he took a step back with some fear, "You... what do you want to do? Don't act recklessly?"

The corners of Qian Renxue's mouth twitched slightly.

"It's not up to you."

"???" Lin Langtian ran towards the cottage in panic.

However, it happened to be what Qian Renxue wanted!
This place is remote, deep in the mountains.

Outsiders have no way of knowing what kind of suffering an innocent boy is suffering.

(End of this chapter)

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