Sherlock Holmes.

Chapter 17 4 Signature Secrets Revealed

Chapter 17 Four Signatures Revealed (6)
"Well, I hope Mr. Smith will come home as soon as possible. Thank you very much. Now, I am going downstream. If I meet Mr. Smith, I will tell him that you are waiting for him to come home. What you just said The funnels of this boat are black, aren't they?"

"No, there are white lines drawn on the black chimneys."

"I see. The hull is black. Good-bye, Mrs. Smith. Watson, let's go to the other side and hire the little sampan."

Holmes said to me after boarding the ship: "When you talk to such a person, you have to ask step by step the questions you need, and let them tell you unconsciously. Otherwise, once they find out that you want to know these things, they won't say a word." .”

"Obviously, our next step is clear," I said.

"Tell me what to do?"

"Hire a boat and go downriver to find the Dawn."

"There are countless piers here from Greenwich, and boats can berth dozens of miles away from the bridge. The Dawn may not stop there. If you hire a boat to search for them one by one, when will you find them?"

"Then ask the police for help?"

"The case is about to be solved. I don't want them to get involved. If I need someone, I'll call Jones. All in all, he's a good guy, and I don't want him to lose his promotion."

"Then let's go to the newspaper, and the owner of the dock will look for the 'Dawn'."

"This method is even worse. It will scare the snake and speed up their escape. But if they think they have not been exposed, then they are not in a hurry to escape. Jones' views are now appearing in the newspapers every day, which actually does it for us. Good cover, easy to paralyze criminals."

After disembarking at Millbank, I asked Holmes, "What shall we do next?"

"Let's go back in the car to have breakfast and sleep for an hour to get ready for the night's action. Let's not rush Toby back, maybe we can use it. Driver, stop at the post office."

Holmes sent a telegram in Great Peter Street, and when he got into his car he asked me: "Who do you think I am sending it to?"

"do not know."

"Fanker Street Detectives, remember? We used them on the Jefferson Hope case."

I couldn't help laughing and said, "Oh, it's them."

"They may be useful here, but if not, I'll use other methods. After the telegram, Captain Wiggins and his squad can arrive after we have finished breakfast."

At about eight or nine in the morning, after a whole night of tossing, I felt weak and limped when I walked.I learned a lot from this case and began to understand why Holmes was so interested in his work.Since everyone didn't like Bartholomew Sholto very much, they didn't feel too sorry for his murder, nor did they feel too much ill feeling towards the murderer.But when it comes to treasures, it's another matter.It stands to reason that Miss Morstan should at least own part of the treasure.I am willing to do my best to find the treasure for Miss Morstan.Indeed, if she had these treasures, I might lose her.However, true love is selfless, it should be great and noble.If Holmes can discover the murderer, I should try ten times harder to find the treasure.

When I got home, took a shower, and changed my clothes, I felt much better.When they went downstairs, Holmes had already laid out his breakfast and was drinking coffee.

Pointing to an open newspaper, he smiled and said to me: "This simple-minded Jones and an equally simple reporter have concluded this case. Well, you are tired enough, let's eat ham and eggs first." .”

I took this "Standard," and it was proclaimed "The Curious Case at Upper Norwood," which read:
At twelve o'clock last night, Mr. Bartholomew Sholto, owner of Sakuramoor Cottage in Upper Norwood, was killed.Our newspaper learned that there were basically no injuries on the body of the deceased, but a batch of treasures inherited by the deceased were lost in the room.Thaddeus Sholto was the brother of the deceased, and he, Mr. Holmes and Dr. Watson first discovered the deceased.Detective Ethelney Jones was passing by the Upper Norwood Police Station when the report was made.Therefore, half an hour after the incident, he immediately rushed to the scene.Mr. Ethelney Jones is a well-known detective of the city's police department. He has rich work experience and superb skills. He found important clues that night.The prime suspect, Thaddeus Sholto, has now been arrested.Also captured were the gatekeeper McMurdo, the servant Lal Jorda, and the housekeeper Mrs. Burnstone.It has been found out that the murderer should be very familiar with the structure of the house. The police, relying on their superb skills and careful observation, have confirmed that the murderer entered and exited through a secret door in the attic.Many facts make us deeply feel that this case is not trivial.The smooth progress of the detection work shows that the leadership of experienced police officers and the timely and effective handling of the police station are necessary guarantees for the detection of criminal cases.At the same time, it also fully proves that it is very correct to send the whole city's police force to station in various places so as to arrive at the scene in time for investigation.

"How do you feel? Great." Holmes said with a smile as he drank his coffee.

"I think we almost became murderers too."

"I thought so too. Maybe he had a brain change and now we're in prison too."

The voice fell, and suddenly the doorbell rang, and then the landlady was heard arguing with someone.Surprised, I half stood up and said, "My God, are they really here to catch us?"

"No, it must be the motley crew from Baker Street. Our unofficial troops are here."

Along with the sound of bare feet stomping on the ground and loud voices, more than a dozen little homeless men in ragged clothes came in.Although they are constantly noisy, they are still disciplined.Immediately after entering, they stood in a row, with an older child who seemed to be the captain standing in front.Looking at their tattered clothes and their looks, we couldn't help but want to laugh. "I brought them as soon as I got your telegram. The fare was three shillings and sixpence."

Holmes handed him the money and said: "Here is the money. Wiggins, I told you that it is enough for you to come by yourself in the future. My room cannot accommodate so many people. Besides, since they are all under your command , and they're all here too, so listen to me. I'm looking for a steamboat called the Aurora, probably downriver right now. Merdecai Smith is the owner. Features: Black hull with two Red line, a white line on a black chimney. One of you must be on Smith's wharf, which is opposite Millbank Gaol, and report if you see a boat coming back. The rest of you split up and down the river Search carefully, and once you find something, you will report back immediately, understand?"

"Yes, Commander, I understand," said Wiggins.

"The wages remain the same. The first person to spot the boat will get an extra guinea. You will be paid one day's wages in advance. That's all right, let's get started now." He gave each person a shilling first as he spoke.The children happily rushed downstairs and disappeared on the sidewalk in a few moments.

Holmes got up from the table, lit his cigarette, and said: "Don't underestimate these boys. They can run around, inquire about all kinds of strange things, and can eavesdrop on people's conversations. If the boat is still in the water, they will surely find out. I think." They should have news before dark, so let's rest during this time. Until the 'Dawn' is found, other operations cannot be carried out."

"Let Toby eat our leftovers. Will you sleep again, Holmes?"

"No need, I'm not sleepy. I'm just such a person. I don't feel tired anymore when I have a job, but if I'm idle, I will definitely lose energy. Now, I have to think about this case carefully. It stands to reason Say, it's easy. There aren't very many men with wooden legs in London, and the other one is even rarer."

"The other one? You're thinking of him again."

"Watson, maybe you have your own ideas, but I don't want to keep it a secret from you. Let's analyze what we have again. Small footprints, no shoes, a wooden stick with a stone on one side, very dexterous movements, and poisonous What do you think of connecting all of these splinters?"

I said aloud, "A stranger, perhaps an Indian with Jonathan Small."

"No. I thought so when I first saw the weapon, but I didn't think so when I saw the unusual footprints. Indian natives have long and thin feet, and their sandal laces are usually will tighten the seam of the big toe so that the big toe will be separated from the other four toes. Therefore, although there are short Indians, it is impossible for him to leave such footprints. In addition, these wooden spines can only be blown by blowpipes. Blow it out. So, where should we think about such a new situation?"

"South America."

He took a thick book from the bookshelf, "This is the first volume of the new edition of the Geographical Dictionary, which should be very authoritative in this respect. Do you see what it says?"

"'The Andaman Islands are in the Bay of Bengal, 340 miles from Sumatra.' And there's a humid climate, 'coral reefs, sharks, prison camps, Port Burrell, cottonwoods, Rhodes Island...'

"Ah! Look here.

"'The natives of the Andaman Islands can be called the shortest race in the world, although some anthropologists have claimed that the Dig Indians and Fuegos in America or the Bushmen in Africa are the shortest in the world. But here The average height of a human being is less than four feet, and some are even shorter than that. They are fierce, stubborn, and irritable, but once they gain their trust and affection for you, they will give you a hard time."

"Look here again, Watson.

"'The aborigines are extremely ugly, with big heads and small eyes, strange appearance, and very small hands and feet. Because of their fierce, stubborn, and loyal characteristics, British officials once tried to win them to work for them, but they failed. The shipwrecked crew If they encounter them unfortunately, they will usually be crushed by a wooden handle stone hammer, or shot to death by poisoned arrows in an instant, and the result of the cruel massacre always ends in a feast of human flesh.'

"Watson, if this kind of person is not properly restrained, the consequences will be unimaginable. I think there must be a last resort for Jonathan Small to bring him out."

"But how did he find such a strange man?"

"It's hard to say. But since Small came from the Andaman Island, it's not surprising to be with a native. We'll find out about it soon. You are really tired. Go on the sofa and let me play you a lullaby." He has the ability to compose music on the spot, needless to say this is a piece he composed himself.The scene of the performance at that time still vaguely emerges in my mind until now, the thin fingers, the earnest expression, the bowstring trembling back and forth... Accompanied by this soft music, I gradually fell asleep, as if I saw Mei Limo Stan was smiling sweetly at me.Into the "dead end"

When I woke up, my physical strength completely returned to normal. I checked the time and it was getting late.Holmes was reading a book intently, with his violin beside him, and his expression was somewhat gloomy.Seeing that I woke up, he said, "Did our talking wake you up? You slept soundly."

"I didn't hear it, is there any news?"

"It's terrible, no. I'm so disappointed. I thought there should be a result, but Wiggins just came to report that there was no sign. It's desperate. Every minute is precious now."

"Can I help? My physical strength is fine for another night."

"There's nothing to do now but to wait. Once we're out, it's going to be late if there's something new. If you have something to attend to, please go ahead, but I have to stay here."

"I told Mrs. Heather Forrester yesterday that I was going to visit her, and I will go to her now."

"A visit to Mrs Heather Forrester?" asked Holmes, laughing.

"And Miss Morstan, of course. They all want to know the progress of the case."

"Don't reveal too much to them, and don't trust women too much."

I didn't want to reply to his ridiculous remarks, just said: "I'll be back in an hour or two."

"Well, good luck. Wait a minute. You're crossing the river anyway. Give Toby back. I don't think we need him."

I also sent back Toby, and gave Sherman half a pound in return.When I arrived in Camberwell, I found that Miss Morstan still had remnants of that adventure, and she still looked weary, but eager for news.Mrs. Forrester also had a strong curiosity about it.I gave them a general description of the events of the case, omitting some of the gruesome episodes.Regarding the part where Sholto was killed, I omitted the horrific appearance and terrifying weapon of the deceased.Even so, they still find it exciting.Mrs. Forrester said: "This should be something in a novel. A girl in distress, half a million pounds of jewellery, cannibals, and criminals with wooden legs are more exciting than fiction."

Miss Morstan looked at me happily and said, "There are two righteous men who rescued each other, have you forgotten?"

"Merry, if this case is successful, you will have 25 pounds, but you don't seem to be keen on it at all. Think about how enviable you become a rich man."

She didn't seem very interested in it, just shook her head.Seeing that she doesn't care much about treasures, I feel a little relieved.

She said: "I think Thaddeus Sholto's safety is the most important thing, and nothing else matters. He is so righteous, so good, we should return his innocence."

It was very late when I came back from Miss Morstan's house. I found Holmes's pipe and books on the table, but he was gone. Looking around, there was no message.Mrs. Hudson came to deliver the curtains, and I hurriedly asked her, "Where is Holmes?"

She said to me in a low voice: "Sir, he is in his room, go and have a look, maybe he is sick."

"How do you know?"

"After you left, he became very strange, and walked up and down the house until I got tired of hearing his footsteps. As soon as someone knocked on the door, he came out and asked: 'Mrs. Hudson, who is it?' Now he is walking around in his room again. I advised him to take his medicine just now, but he gave me a stare, and I came out in a daze. I really hope he is not sick."

I said, "Don't worry, Mrs. Hudson, he's been like that before. He's upset because he's got something on his mind." I tried to comfort her with ease.In this way Holmes walked on and on all night.I understand that he wants to act immediately, but there is no news.

The next morning, I noticed that his cheeks were flushed and his face looked tired.

I said, "Dude, spare yourself, you've been gone all night."

"I have been kept awake by this annoying problem. Many great difficulties have been overcome, should this small problem be bothered? Not reconciled! We know the name of the ship, the name of the criminal, and almost everything else, but No sign of the boat. I've searched for it with all my might, but nothing. Mrs. Smith has no news of her husband. I'd like to believe they've sunk the boat, but it's certainly not the truth. .”

"We may have been played by Mrs. Smith."

"No, I've looked into it, and there's one of those steamboats."

"Maybe it went upstream."

"I thought so too, so I sent people to Ritchie Gate to look for it again. If there is no accurate news today, I will go out in person tomorrow, not looking for a boat, but searching for the murderer. Today, they will definitely come back to report the situation, Will."

However, the day was drawing to a close and there was still no news.Many newspapers covered the Norwood tragedy and criticized Thaddeus Sholto.It is said that the official autopsy will be done the next day, and there is nothing of value other than that.In the evening, I came to Camberwell again, and told Miss Morstan and the others about our disadvantage.When I came back, I found that Holmes was still sullen and indifferent to me.Later, he was so busy with a mysterious chemical experiment that he stayed up all night.The stench from the experiment made me unable to stay in the house, so I had to run out.Until dawn, the sound of test tubes colliding still came from the house from time to time.

When I opened my eyes in the morning, I saw Holmes standing by my bed, all dressed up and ready to go out.A sailor suit was worn under it, and a short coat was worn outside, and a red scarf was tied.

He said: "On reflection, Watson, I feel that I must go downriver myself, and try this last resort."

"I will go with you."

"No, you stay here for me. I didn't plan to go. Wiggins' performance yesterday was very bad, but he will definitely bring back good news today. Just help me open the letters and telegrams." Well, it's easy to do things like this, okay?"

"no problem."

"Well, you don't need to telegraph me. I don't know where I am. If things go well, I'll be back with some information soon."

At breakfast, he still didn't come back.I opened the Standard, and there was a new update on the case:

There's a new twist on the Upper Norwood case.Further investigation revealed that the case was not as simple as previously thought.Thaddeus Sholto was released because of new evidence that he did not kill.In addition, Mrs. Bornstone, the housekeeper, was also released, and the police will continue to use new clues to arrest the real culprit.Ethelney Jones of Scotland Yard is in charge of the case, and it is believed that the case will soon be solved.

Finally, Sholto's grievances have been washed away, and I am more satisfied seeing this.Where is the new clue?Probably just an old excuse for the police to cover up their mistakes.

I casually threw the newspaper on the table, only to find a missing person notice.reads:

Missing: Mr. Merdecai Smith and his eldest son left Smith's Wharf on the steamer "Aurora" at about three o'clock on Tuesday morning, and have not yet returned.The hull is black with two red lines, and the funnel is black with a white line.Anyone who knows the whereabouts of these two people or the steamboat, please contact No. 221 Baker Street or Mrs. Smith at Smith Wharf. Thank you very much.

Seeing the address on Baker Street shows that Holmes did it.The ad was so good that if a criminal saw it, he would simply think it was an ordinary ad for a wife looking for a husband.

(End of this chapter)

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