Sherlock Holmes.

Chapter 73 Memories

Chapter 73 Memoirs (7)
He asked: "Did I never tell you about Victor Driver? He was the only good friend I had during my two years in college. You know, Watson, I'm not very social. Staying at home alone, thinking about things that other people are not interested in, rarely socializing with peers. Fencing and boxing are my favorite sports, and I also learn differently from others, so we don’t interact We met by accident one morning when I was bitten by his dog on my ankle on the way to the school building. He was the only person I knew at the time.

"In the beginning, our interaction was very ordinary, but the friendship has been established since then. He often came to see me during the ten days when I was lying in bed with a foot injury. At first we just chatted politely, and then the time gradually lengthened. By the end of the term, we were close friends. He was full of energy, fighting spirit and energy. Although we were completely different in many ways, we also had similarities. When I found that he was also withdrawn, we became closer. Afterwards he invited me to visit his father, who lived at Dunnythorpe, Norfolk, and I gladly accepted, and spent a month's holiday there.

"Old Drever was respected both as a magistrate and a great landowner. The village of Dunnythorpe lies north of Longmere, just outside the town of Boudreau. His family's house is large, old-fashioned oak beams There is a small road in front of the brick house, with luxuriant linden trees on both sides. Because there are many swamps nearby, it is a good place for hunting and fishing. There is a study in the house, which is small and exquisite. It is said that it was bought together when buying the house. Bought it. There was a very good chef who cooked for us. I think even the most demanding person will be satisfied on vacation here.

"Old Drever's wife died early, and my friend was his only child.

"I've heard that old Drever had a daughter who unfortunately died of diphtheria on a trip to Birmingham. I was very interested in old Drever. He didn't know much, but he had a lot of knowledge. Good physical strength and memory. He read few books, but he traveled to far places when he was young. His face is full of vicissitudes, and his blue eyes are sharp and even a bit fierce. But in fact, he has a good reputation in the village, known for his kindness and kindness. Even when trying cases in court, he mostly uses the principle of leniency.

"One night, after dinner, we tasted wine together. Little Drever suddenly mentioned that I was keen on reasoning and observing things. I didn't realize that it had any effect on my life. The old man thought his son's exaggerated praise of my little trick was not true.

"He said with great interest: 'My dear Mr. Holmes, I am a good subject. What can you judge from me?'

"I replied: 'I'm afraid not much can be deduced. But it seems that you have been worried about being attacked for the past year.'

"He stared at me in surprise, the smile on his face froze.

"He said: 'Yeah! Your guess is right.'

"He said to his son: 'Victor, you know, after we drove out the poachers in the swamp, they threatened to kill us. Mr Edward Hawley was raided, and since then, I Always on guard. But how do you know, Mr. Holmes?'

"I replied: 'Through your fine cane. I saw the inscription on it, saying that it was less than a year old. But you spent a lot of time drilling holes in the head of the cane, and injecting molten lead, as if To use it as a self-defense weapon. So I think you may be doing this to prevent some kind of danger.'

"He smiled slightly and asked: 'Is there anything else?'

"'When you were young, you used to fight a lot.'

"'Yes. How do you know? From my flattened nose?'

"'No, it's from your ears. Your ears have the flat, broad features of boxers.'

"'Any more?'

"'You have done hard digging because you have thick calluses on your hands!'

"'Indeed, I got rich from mining.'

"'You have been to New Zealand.'


"'You have been to Japan, too.'

"'Completely correct.'

"'You had an intimate relationship with a man whose initials were JA, but then tried to forget him.'

"Old Mr. Driver stood up slowly, staring at me with wide open blue eyes, surprised and mad, and then fell down. His head hit the pile of husks on the table. Li, passed out.

"Watson, you can imagine how much panic I and Little Driver were at that time. Fortunately, he woke up after a while. Because when we untied his collar and poured cold water from the glass on his face Then, he took a long breath and sat up.

"He forced a smile and said: 'Children, I didn't scare you, did I? Although I look tough, my heart is actually very fragile, and I would faint at the slightest fright. Mr. Holmes, I don't know how you deduced it, but in my case It seems that both real and fictional detectives are children compared to you. You can make a living out of it, or make it your job, and you should take my old man through the ages with you.'

"You must believe, Watson, that at that time reasoning was only a hobby of mine. It was this old man who first made me think that this hobby could earn a living. His excessive praise of me greatly increased my confidence. But, although I I felt very guilty about the sudden illness of the old man, but I didn't think much about it.

"I said nervously: 'I hope what I just said didn't hurt you.'

"'Your words stabbed my wound, but I really want to know, where did you know this, and how much do you know?' He seemed to be joking, but he seemed serious, his eyes were still frightened.

"I explained: 'It's easy. One day we were boating together and you rolled up your sleeves while fishing. I saw the letter JA clearly written on your arm, but the strokes have been slightly blurred, and there are traces around the handwriting. This shows that you have wanted to get rid of these words. So, these two letters are familiar to you, but for some reason, you are trying to forget it.'

"He took a breath of relief and said, 'Your eyes are so piercing, and everything is just as you say. But we needn't talk about it. Of all the ghosts, the ghost of my old friend is the scariest. .Now let's go to the billiard room and enjoy a quiet cigarette.'

"However, since then, although the old man is still very kind to me, he always seems to have some doubts. Little Driver also noticed it, and he said: 'My father was frightened by you, and now he doesn't even understand it. , How much do you know.' In my opinion, although the old man tried his best to hide his doubts, he expressed his suspicions from his gestures. I believe that my existence has brought him uneasiness, so I decided to Leave. But the day before I left, something happened that turned out to be crucial.

"The three of us were basking in the sun on the lawn in the garden, admiring the view of the Broad. A maid came up and said: 'Old Mr. Driver, there is someone out there who wants to see you.'

"My master asked: 'What is his name?'

"'He didn't tell me.'

"'What's up with him?'

"'He said only that you knew him, and that he had something to say to you himself.'

"'Bring him in.' After a while, a man walked in. He had a grim face, sluggish steps, and a small figure. He wore an unbuttoned jacket with a red patterned shirt inside, and the cuffs of the jacket There was a smear of tar. He wore cotton trousers and battered boots, and had a sly smile on his thin, brown face, showing a row of ragged yellow teeth. His cloth Wrinkled hands half-closed, a sailor's usual gesture, and as he came lazily across the lawn towards us, old Driver uttered what seemed to be a hiccup, jumped out of his chair and ran into the house. After a while he came out and as he passed us I smelled strongly of brandy.

"He said: 'My friend, what can I do for you?'

"The sailor stood where he was, looking at old Driver in bewilderment and grinning.

"The sailor asked: 'You don't know me anymore?'

"'My God, remember, isn't this Hodson?' said old Driver, startled.

"'I am indeed Hudson, you finally recognized me, how time flies! We haven't seen each other for more than 30 years. You are now rich and secure, and I am still living here and there.'

"Old Driver walked up to the sailor and said, 'You know, I'll never forget the old days.' Then he walked up to the sailor and said something in a low voice, and then he said loudly, 'Please eat in the kitchen first, I'll make sure you get settled.'

"The sailor brushed his hair with his hands, and said: 'Thank you for your hospitality, sir, I have just come from this ship after working for two years on a large cargo ship with no fixed voyage and no fixed route. Come down. The ship will take some time to recuperate for lack of manpower. I have no choice but to find Mr. Beddoes and you.'

"The old man exclaimed: 'What, you know the whereabouts of Beddoes?'

"The man smiled grimly and said: 'Thank God, sir, I know exactly where all my old friends are.' And hastily followed the maid to the kitchen. Old Mr. Drever told us vaguely that the man and He once went to mine with the boat. After saying this, he went back to the house by himself. An hour later, we returned to the house and found that the old driver was very drunk and collapsed on the sofa in the dining room. I left a very bad impression. So when I left the next day, I had no regrets. And I knew that staying any longer would only make my friends doubtful and uneasy.

"It all happened during the first month of my long vacation, and then I was back home in London. I spent seven weeks working on my organic chemistry experiments until, one morning in the fall, towards the end of my vacation, I closed Got a telegram from Little Driver. He asked me to go to Dunnythorpe, and said that my help was very much needed.

"I left the little things at hand and hurried to the north. He met me at the station, sat in a one-wheeled carriage, and became very thin. I don't know what he has been suffering for the past two months. He No more joking, no more cheerful and forthright.

"The first thing he said when he saw me was: 'My dad is dying.'

"I said out loud: 'This is unbelievable! What the hell is going on?'

"'He's had a stroke and was in danger this morning because of a severe nerve irritation. It's not known if he's still alive.'

"As you can imagine, Watson, this news came as a complete shock to me.

"I asked: 'What caused it?'

"'That's the root of the problem. Get in the car first, and I'll tell you the details later. Someone came to see my father the day before you left, do you remember?'

"'of course I remember.'

"'Do you know who he is?'

"'have no idea.'

"He exclaimed: 'He is a veritable devil, Holmes.'

"I looked at him in bewilderment.

"'Yes, he is indeed a demon, a villain. Since he came, my life has not been peaceful, not for a moment. Since that night, my father can't hold his head up, his heart is broken, and his life At stake, and all because of damned Hudson!'

"'Who the hell is he?'

"'That's exactly what I want to know. How could my father, who was kind and loving, have been caught by the devil?! Well now, I'm glad you're here, and I trust your powers of reasoning and judgment, Holmes, You must help me.'

"Our carriage was speeding along the country road leading to Broad. At the end of the road was a beautiful sunset. There was a small wood on the left, and behind the wood was the sheriff's house. We could already see the roof clearly. flagpole and chimney.

"Little Driver said: 'At first his father put him as a gardener, but the guy was not satisfied, and soon he was promoted to a housekeeper. Then the whole family had to listen to him. He wandered around and did whatever he wanted. The maids often complained that he was drinking. My father had to give them a raise to make up for their troubles. The devil often took my father's cherished shotgun and went hunting in the boat. And every time he had a look on his face. with a mocking, almost defiant expression. Had he been my own age, I should have struck him down thirty times. I tell you, Holmes, that during this time I have struggled to restrain my rage. But now that I think about it, it might be better if I didn't restrain myself.

"'Now, the situation is getting worse and the villain is getting more and more arrogant. At one point, he even spoke arrogantly to my father in front of my face. I couldn't take it anymore, I grabbed him by the shoulder and pushed him out. He Only then did the purple face and fierce eyes show weakness, and slipped away quietly. But later, I didn’t know what the devil said to my father, so my father found me the next morning and asked me to apologize to the villain. I refused and asked him why he was so patient with this devil, and tolerated his misconduct in our house so presumptuously.

"'My father said to me: 'Dear boy, you do not understand the facts, but you are quite right.Victor, I will definitely tell you the whole thing, no matter what happens, I will definitely tell you.But now, you don't want your old father to be sad, do you, son? "

"'Father was so excited that he stayed in the study all day, and I saw him busily writing something from the window.

"'That evening I was delighted by Hudson's announcement that he was leaving, and immediately felt a great deal easier. After dinner, we were chatting in the dining room, and he came in drunk and spoke hoarsely of his plans.

"'He said: 'I've had enough of Norfolk, and I'm going to Hampshire to see Mr Beddoes.I bet you he'd be happy to see me. "

"'My father said humbly: 'Hodson, I hope you didn't leave here because you were dissatisfied. "This sentence made the blood in my whole body boil.

"'He took one look at me and said with a tense face, 'He didn't apologize to me personally. "

"'Dad turned around and said sternly to me, 'Victor, you really were rude to our friend, you have to admit it. "

"'I reacted very strongly, saying: 'On the contrary, I think we tolerated him too much! "

"' Hudson roared after hearing this: "Well, boy, do you think so?That's good, I don't have to stay here anymore, just wait and see, my friend! "

"'He turned and walked out, and half an hour later, he really left with the packed things. Since then, my father has always been in a state of nervous fear. Every night, I can hear my father walking up and down in the house. Soon, just as he was recovering a little, disaster struck.'

"I hurriedly asked: 'What happened?'

"'It happened strangely and suddenly. Papa received a letter last night, postmarked Bedingham. He was spinning around, as if he had lost his soul. I helped him sit on the sofa, when his mouth and eyes suddenly started to look sideways, and he looked like he had a stroke. I hurriedly called for Fordha Dr. Mu, we put him to bed together, but it is very serious and shows no signs of improvement. Maybe, he won't last long.'

"I said aloud: 'Little Driver, you're not going to scare me, are you? What is there in the letter that is so frightening that it has such serious consequences?'

"'It's nothing, it's incomprehensible. The letter is queer, unorganized, and incomprehensible. My God, what I feared happened!'

"While he was speaking these words, we had reached the corner of the avenue. In the dim light, we saw the curtains in the house were drawn down. Just at the door, a man in black came out. .

"Little Driver seemed to realize something, with a sad face.

"'Doctor, when did it happen?'

"'As soon as you go, he dies.'

"'Ever sober?'

"'Before he died, he was sober.'

"'Did he say anything?'

"'He just said the papers were in the back drawer of the Japanese cabinet.'

"My friend went with the doctor to the dead man's room, and I was alone in the study and began to think about what had happened. I had never been so sad. Old Drever had a lot of experience, a boxer, a traveler Why would he put himself at the mercy of a sailor, and was a gold miner for many years? Also, why did he pass out when I mentioned the blurred initials on his arm, and even answered a letter from Frightened to death by Dingham's letter? Then it occurred to me that Fordingham was in Hampshire, and Beddoes lived in Hampshire, and that the sailor must have gone there to swindle him. He might have been in the letter Said, I reported the secret of the old man's past. Thinking of this, I felt the need to solve the mystery as soon as possible. I didn't turn on the light, and meditated repeatedly in the dark. An hour later, Little Driver walked in with a maid, and the maid He held a lamp in his hand, and his face was stained with tears. My friend was also pale, but calmer, and held some papers in his hands. I took the papers and spread them on my knees. He put the lamp on the edge of the table, and sat Across from me, point me to a piece of aquamarine note. Scrawled on it, it's exactly what you're looking at: 'The supply of game in London is on a steady upward trend. We believe we've informed Superintendent Hudson to receive all paste Flypaper orders, and save the lives of your hen pheasants.'

"I was as bewildered as you when I first read it. Later, I read it seriously again. As I expected, these strange words were a secret, like 'flypaper' and 'hen pheasant' Chicken' is a code word agreed in advance. This code word can be agreed on at will, so if there is no basis, it is useless to guess. But I decided to try my luck. Because the word 'Hodson' is in the letter, its appearance just proves that the letter The content of the letter is consistent with my speculation. And this letter should be written by the man named Beddoes. I tried to read the sentence backwards, but I was disappointed by the words 'life' and 'female pheasant'. I tried again Read it with skip words, but "theofforsupplygameLondon" still doesn't make much sense.

(End of this chapter)

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