I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 107 Chapter Luo Was Attacked

Chapter 107 Chapter Luo Was Attacked

After sending Su Qiao away, Yi Xi's expression turned subtle.

Manager Chu Tian walked out holding the phone, which was in video mode.

"The acting just now was really good," Chu Tian praised Yixi, "If I hadn't checked the script with you beforehand, I almost really thought you fell in love with Su Qiao. As expected of a national hero, the ability to coax women... tsk tsk... ...I want a tenth of you!"

"How do you know I was just acting?"

Yi Xi sneered, wiped the corners of her mouth, and left the box.

Seeing this, Chu Tian hurriedly asked, "Where are you going?"

"Internal urgency!"

Yi Xi had a good voice but was not angry.

Chu Tian had been with him for three years, and he knew that this national male god was not what he appeared to be, so he naturally didn't mind. After ordering the bodyguards to follow him, he lay in the box and watched the confession video he had just filmed several times, laughing: "This Next, Ou Shao has nothing to say!"


When Su Qiao walked out of the tea restaurant, Hummer had already left.

Just in case, she deliberately took a detour before returning to the villa.

However, when she came back, Cheng Luo did not come back.

At night, Su Qiao was about to go to bed after taking a shower, when there was a loud noise outside the door.

She hurriedly put on her pajamas and went downstairs, and saw Cheng Luo struggling to enter the room with the support of several people, blood streaming down her left foot!

"What happened!"

Su Qiao hurriedly chased after her.

Gu Hai also came from the opposite apartment building, carrying a small surgical box.

The man changed from his usual frivolity, and ordered the guards to put Cheng Luo on the sofa, and asked while checking the wound, "Do you feel okay?"

"I'm not a pig, how can I feel good!"

Cheng Luo stared at Gu Hai, and shouted at Su Qiao: "Go, get me a bottle of wine! The strongest kind!"

"What are you doing!"

Gu Hai panicked.

"Don't you know I'm allergic to anesthesia!"

Cheng Luo reached out, grabbed the sauce-flavored liquor that Su Qiao handed over, uncorked it, and poured it into her mouth!
Half a bottle of wine entered her body, she breathed a sigh of relief, and threw the remaining half bottle to Gu Hai: "You know how to do it!"


Gu Hai took the wine bottle and put it on the table.

Then he opened the operating box, took out a full set of surgical tools, cut off the clothes on the wound, clipped away the fibers of the clothes stuck to the skin, and applied local anesthesia around the wound. Finally, he cut open the wound with a scalpel, cut off the slough and took out the poison. Needle.


Three poisonous needles fell into the stainless steel plate, Su Qiao was terrified when she heard it.

On the contrary, Cheng Luo, maybe it was because of the anesthesia, or maybe it was because of the drunkenness, she actually gestured at Su Qiao to take a selfie: "It's okay, I just hurt a leg, and they lost their lives. One fight three times." , Make a profit without losing money!"

"It's not bad to be hurt like this!"

Su Qiao was so angry that she almost shed tears.

Cheng Luo smiled and didn't speak.

Gu Hai took out the catgut, and explained while sewing stitches: "Cheng Luo is a member of the second bureau, killing and being killed are commonplace."

"...Second Bureau... What exactly is Second Bureau..."

Su Qiao finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"The Second Bureau is an institution that specializes in training hunting dogs. Once you enter the Second Bureau, you will live like a hunting dog for the rest of your life, because you never know when a poisonous needle will shoot from which angle to kill you!"

After Gu Hai skillfully narrowed the needle, he lowered his head and injected anti-inflammatory medicine into Cheng Luo's wound.

Cheng Luo looked at Su Qiao with bright eyes like sunflowers.

Su Qiao's heart was filled with silent emotion.

 Cheng Luo didn't go to the hospital because: first, he had to take a detour to go to the hospital; second, doctors usually call the police when they see this kind of wound, which makes it more difficult to deal with the aftermath

(End of this chapter)

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