I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 116 Being Drugged

Chapter 116 Being Drugged

Outside the high-rise building, suddenly it was bright as day, and the roar of the helicopter almost shattered the glass! !

Su Qiao raised her head and saw a ladder descending from the sky, with a woman hanging from the end of the ladder!
Cheng Luo!

In the night wind, her long hair and windbreaker fluttered together, like a Valkyrie descending.

"Mo Qiaoqiao, you really didn't mess around a little bit! Fortunately, you caught the curtain cloth when you jumped!"

While cursing, Cheng Luo reached out to Su Qiao.

At this time Ou Ying also rushed into the bedroom, under the glare of the glare, he knocked on his crutches and cursed: "——How dare you!"

"Why don't you dare!"

Confidently speaking, Su Qiao put her heart on the line, first kicked her legs against the wall, and took advantage of the moment her body flew out——

Let go of the curtains in your hands!

Give your life to God!Leave it to Cheng Luo!


After leaving Jinyao Community, the helicopter made an emergency landing on the top floor of a building under construction not far away.

Before the plane stopped, Cheng Luo complained and jumped off the plane, cursing: "MD, I didn't die at the hands of KB elements, but you killed at least three lives!"

Su Qiao hurriedly got off the plane, and beat Cheng Luo's back with a flattering expression: "Sister Cheng, I really thought you would catch it without even thinking about it! Sister Cheng, you are the best!"

Cheng Luo was unmoved: "Don't flatter me, this time it's your luck! Maybe you will have such good luck next time!"

"Sister Cheng is here..."

Su Qiao was talking nonchalantly, suddenly feeling weak in all limbs, and the hand that hammered the shoulder fell heavily.

Cheng Luo turned around and hugged Su Qiao: "What's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?"

"...no...I...I...feel a little hot...no, a little cold..."

Su Qiao spoke vaguely, and Cheng Luo touched her forehead, which was burning badly, and then touched her hand, which was icy cold.

"A plot against someone? Or a sudden illness?"

Cheng Luo was very anxious, she was not a doctor, so she couldn't judge Su Qiao's situation immediately.

"...I guess it was plotted against..."

Su Qiao raised her eyelids with difficulty, and told Cheng Luo that Yi Xi had fed her an unknown liquid.

Cheng Luo's face was so ugly that he could squeeze out ink!

"Why are you so careless! This...this...what's the strange feeling?"

Su Qiao shook her head: "I don't feel anything special, except that I can't use my strength, I just feel dizzy...and...and...body heat..."

Cheng Luo understood.

"Be patient, I will send you to see the chief immediately!"

After finishing speaking, he picked up Su Qiao, boarded the plane in two steps, and ordered the pilot: "Go to Base E immediately!"

"Sir, I'm afraid I can't carry out this order..."

The pilot decisively rejected Cheng Luo.

Cheng Luo glanced at Su Qiao with flushed cheeks, pulled out her gun, and pointed at the pilot's head: "Go down, I'll drive!"


In the heat wave, Su Qiao had a dream.

The body seemed to be lying in the clouds, unable to exert any strength at all, not knowing where it landed.

A choking smell similar to gasoline wafted from the tip of his nose, and the roar of machinery rang in his ears, and his breathing felt uncomfortable as if being choked by someone.

Suddenly, hot rain fell from the sky.

She was firmly encircled by the man's arms, and strong kisses fell one after another, falling on every detail of her body, like flower petals floating on the sea, so gentle that her whole body was about to melt.

The tormenting cold and scorching heat disappeared, and they gradually merged into spring water, surrounding, soaking, penetrating her inside and out...

(End of this chapter)

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