I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 123 The whole network linked to hack her

Chapter 123 The whole network linked to hack her
Su Qiao clicked on Wei Ge's breaking news post. On the top floor was a screenshot of her selfie in Moments, as well as screenshots of all the mocking messages. The names of the posters were all mosaiced, but not a word of the content was coded.

Key words such as "car shock" and "financial master" were specially circled in red, with a note on the side: Obviously, the circle of friends is all insiders.

Canglang's "Send you a car" message was also screenshotted separately, with a line of red text next to it: It turns out that there is also Jinzhu No. [-].

On the second floor, a video was posted.

Su Qiao clicked on the video. It was a sneak shot late at night, which took place in front of a five-star hotel. The content showed a man and a woman getting on a car, and the heroine was Su Qiao!
The landlord disappeared immediately after posting the two floors, leaving behind the frying pan crowd to have different opinions.

Passers-by praised the poster for his straightforward topic, and praised him as a clear stream in the gossip world; stakeholders also couldn't wait to post and occupy the building to spread rumors; even gossip masters took the opportunity to popularize the blood of the Ou family matter.

Mo Qiaoqiao is an amateur in the entertainment industry, she doesn't have much material to pick up, and she doesn't have fans to fight for her. Soon, the gossip building was occupied by two generations of Ou's men and the hidden secrets of their actresses.

In the black building, everyone seemed to be lying under the bed of the Ou family and eavesdropped on the gossip and gossip. There was even a person in a vest who was "pretty fans who killed the whole family" and focused on bombarding Mo Qiaoqiao and Mo Yanran, spreading rumors and slandering Mo Yanran. Marriage with Ou Que, the words are so vicious that even passers-by can't stand it, but there are still a lot of trumpets who are obviously sailors giving him praise and rewards!
Su Qiao couldn't stand it anymore!
She urgently registered for the vest, and replied to the highly praised whistleblower:

"That's really good, Ou Zifan will send you a subpoena and sign you as a screenwriter because you are so good at making up things!
Ou Qianjiao will give you a reward, thank you for changing her mother from a crazy and resentful woman to a good woman who is full of virtue. "

After replying, Su Qiao turned off the phone and went to sleep.


The next morning, Su Qiao opened the forum, logged into the vest account, and was overwhelmed by hundreds of private messages!

The contents of the private messages were similar, they either scolded the pretty dog ​​to die, or scolded her to kill the whole family, and some people asked her if she had slept with Su Qiao, so she couldn't be called a mother for defending her.

Su Qiao deleted all the private messages.

She opened the discussion board, and Wei Ge's post has indeed become the hottest topic on the forum recently, with more than 3000 floors built overnight, and more than a dozen extension buildings were created.

Not only were several big traffic florets and fresh meats under Ou's name posted on the forum for gossip, Mo Weiguo and others were also implicated. In the posts, there were a lot of screenshots of Moments, private photos, and all kinds of offensive remarks!
The moderator has been clearing vests all night, blocking IPs, banning radical accounts, shutting down small black houses...but still can't stop this navy carnival!

At ten o'clock, the forum finally closed the negative and troll accounts, but the major media published their drafts at this time!

The contents of the drafts are all the same, questioning that there is a shady plot in the "star" draft, suspecting that the draft result has been determined by default, and asking Mo Qiaoqiao why she concealed her relationship with the Ou family and forcibly entered the competition!
"Is this forcing me to retire, or—"

Su Qiao opened Weibo, and as expected, "Mo Qiaoqiao retires immediately" became the number one most searched!

"Is the whole network linkage hacking me? Very good, very powerful!"

Su Qiao laughed at herself.

Who on earth hates her so much!I hate it so much that I hired half of the navy companies in the industry at once!
 The article has been revised a lot. If you see the update and feel that the text is not coherent, you can see the new version by adding the book to the bookshelf again~~ I love you~~~
(End of this chapter)

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