Chapter 126

Jiang Meihua didn't dare to provoke Ou Zifan, so she could only admit it: "Ou Shao is right, I overstepped."

Ou Zifan looked at Su Qiao: "Whose Lamborghini is it?"

"My friend." Su Qiao was as guilty as a wife caught cheating, "Don't get me wrong, my friend is a woman!"

"But the owner of this car—"

Ou Zifan didn't believe it, Secretary Li took out the information found by the vehicle management.

Su Qiao became anxious, took out her phone, and found Song Rong'er: "It's really a girl, and I added her as a friend on WeChat! If you don't believe me, take a look!"

After finishing speaking, she sent a message to Song Rong'er: Sister Rong, I was suspected to be your father's Xiaomi[/ cry].

After 3 minutes, Song Rong'er returned a speechless expression, followed by another message: It's okay, I know you're not.

Su Qiao asked again: Can I post a screenshot of our conversation record on Weibo?

Song Ronger: Whatever you want, remember to code my name and profile picture!
With Song Ronger's authorization, Su Qiao hurriedly showed this conversation to Ou Zifan and others, and Ou Zifan signaled Secretary Li to take a photo to collect evidence.

Afterwards, Ou Zifan reprimanded Jiang Meihua again, scolding her for being ignorant of the seriousness, for letting Zhang Keren and Mr. Qin mess around, and not defending her artist at all!

Jiang Meihua didn't dare to talk back, so she had to bear it silently.


The car finally stopped, the door opened, and Su Qiao looked out of the car in surprise.

It's actually a playground!

Ou Zifan touched his chin: "I've booked the playground!"

"...why do you wrap it up?"

Ou Zifan glanced at Yi Xi, Yi Xi showed a charming smile, and held Su Qiao's hand: "Let's go on a date."


Su Qiao's eyes almost popped out.

Is this guy a goldfish?
It was only three days ago in Jinyao Building that he treated himself——now he actually put on an affectionate look!

At this time, Secretary Li stepped forward and explained to Su Qiao: "The company decided to make the right mistake and let the two of you stir up scandals until the entire 'star' draft is over! Ye Qiao, the company arranged for her to be Zhou Jing .Zhou Jing has a high degree of favorability among passers-by, which can improve Ye Qiao's public image!"

Before he finished speaking, another car stopped in front of the playground, and Zhou Jing got out of the car.

As soon as Zhou Jing appeared on the stage, without saying a word, he immediately stepped forward to hold Ye Qiao. Ye Qiao also looked like a small bird, leaning on the actor's shoulder, like a couple in love.

Ou Zifan nodded to the two: "Get ready, the entertainment reporter will be here soon."

Zhou Jing and Ye Qiao naturally understood.

Afterwards, Ou Zifan looked at Su Qiao: "You two—"

"I listen to the company," Su Qiao said, "I will do whatever the company asks me to do!"

"Okay, you and Yi Xi go over and compare the script."

Ou Zifan's expression was inexplicably uncomfortable.

Su Qiao pretended not to notice, and followed Yi Xi back to the nanny's car hiding in the corner.

Ou Zifan's expression became even more uncertain.


Back in the nanny car, Su Qiao couldn't help it immediately: "Is it the company's intention to have an affair with me, or your intention?"

"I proposed, and the company agreed." Yi Xi's eyes flashed a little ambiguous, "I'm really sorry about what happened last time!"

"If an apology is useful, then why do you need the police!"

Su Qiao turned her face away.

Yi Xi didn't defend herself, and said quietly: "Today is a date for four people. When we are going to pose for a photo, try to cooperate with me."

(End of this chapter)

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