I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 138 The Price of Fame

Chapter 138 The Price of Fame

After the kiss was over, Yi Xi let go of Su Qiao: "I'm sorry, there may be similar actions in the future—"

"It's okay, it's all for the company!"

Su Qiao said understandingly, and looked around: "Have the paparazzi left?"

"How could they leave immediately, they are still waiting to film us going back to the apartment to turn off the lights!"

Yi Xi is full of resentment towards the paparazzi.

Su Qiao understood his feelings.

"This is the price of being famous," she said. "Only a celebrity will be followed even for a meal. If you are not popular, even if you are stripping in the street, few people will pay attention to you."


Yi Xi restarted the car: "Where do you live? I'll take you back!"

Su Qiao thought for a while, and reported the address of Jinke Building.

Yi Xi was shocked to hear that Su Qiao lived in the Jinke Building!

"You actually live in Jinke Building!" he said, "there is—"

"The house my uncle bought for me when he was alive," Su Qiao said guiltily, "I just got the right to use it recently."


Yi Xi knew a little about the affairs of the Ou family, and knew that there was an inextricable knot between Mo Qiaoqiao, Ou Ying, and Ou Qianjiao.


When they came to the downstairs of Jinke Building, Su Qiao got off the car and said goodbye to Yi Xi. The paparazzi saw that Su Qiao actually lived in Jinke Building, like a vicious dog seeing a meaty bone, hiding in the grass with cameras and mobile phones constantly clicking, It wasn't until Su Qiao entered the building and Yi Xi drove away that they left the team and went home full of enthusiasm.

Su Qiao walked into the elevator and pressed the floor number that Gong Yueming bought for her. The button made a crisp mechanical sound: The fingerprint is confirmed, it is Miss Mo herself!

Then, the elevator started to go up without any stop on the way.

When it was opened again, what greeted her was a completely opened floor!

Su Qiao was stunned!
Gong Yueming said that the house was remodeled and renovated after he bought it, but he never told her that he decorated the house into a sea world!

Being 200 meters high, it is as quiet as being in the ocean. The walls are light blue, the floor is paved with glass, and there is water flowing below, small fish swimming by, and fine sand and pebbles looming.

All the items in the house remind people of the sea, the shell-shaped sofa, the coral-shaped bookshelf, the starfish and octopus pillows that can be seen everywhere... There are also glazed string lights that hang on the ceiling and change brightness with Su Qiao's footsteps... …

Su Qiao was frightened by everything in front of her and backed away step by step: "...how could...how could it be..."

Following these words, the wall suddenly became transparent, the blue of the deep sea slowly unfolded, all kinds of fish swim freely, and occasionally large marine animals passed by, stirring up a blood-red storm in the quiet blue world .

"This this……"

Su Qiao stretched out her hand, and what she touched was the cold wall. With her fingers hard, she could pick off a little dust, which showed that she was indeed not in the aquarium at the moment.

But the scene of deep-sea predation on the wall is so real that Su Qiao suspects that she is not real.

She took out her mobile phone tremblingly, and dialed Gong Yueming's number: "...I...I'm in Jinke Building now, I...Anyway, can you come over here! Of course, it's okay to let Cheng Luo come over, I ..."

"I'll come over now!"

Speaking succinctly, the man disconnected the phone.

Gong Yueming's words reassured Su Qiao, she put away her phone and looked around carefully.

Behind her, the door decorated with starfish slowly opened, Gong Yueming was dressed in casual clothes, holding a mobile phone.

(End of this chapter)

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