I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 146 Forced Protection

Chapter 146 Forced Protection

"Miss Mo, may I ask if the news that you and Yi Xi are in love is true!"

"This... what do you think?"

"Miss Mo, I heard that you and Yi Xi are already living together. Is it true?"

"We do spend a lot of time together."

"Miss Mo, when did you meet each other! Will the chocolate advertisement that you and Yi Xi are about to shoot together become a testimony of your love!"

"The commercial hasn't been officially filmed yet, how could I already know the result?"

"Miss Mo, you were suddenly shown love by Yi Xi in a high-profile way, aren't you afraid of being attacked and retaliated by Yi Xi's fans?"

"Yi Xi's fans are all highly educated. I believe in their quality and upbringing. Even if there are very few extreme fans, Yi Xi will protect me..."


After all, Su Qiao is a reborn actress, even without the guidance of her manager, she can answer the questions fluently.

The reporters didn't expect this amateur who had half a foot in the entertainment industry to be so sophisticated. They didn't get the result they wanted, and they chased after him without giving up, and soon they chased him to the elevator.

They found Su Qiao standing in front of the F elevator leading to more than [-] floors, and immediately asked: "Miss Mo, why don't you go to the floor where Yi Xi is—"

"He's busy, and I shouldn't be messing with him."

Su Qiao answered cautiously.

At this time, the elevator also arrived.

The door opened and Ou Zifan walked out.

He looked at the scene coldly and proudly: "What's the situation! Where's the security guard!"

The front desk hurriedly separated the crowd and apologized to Ou Zifan: "I'm sorry, Ou Shao! They are reporters invited by Ms. Ye, they are all registered, and they have also taken access cards."

"But it's not Ye Qiao they are interviewing now!"

Although Ou Zifan is only in his twenties, he is already very imposing. A glance in the air scared many reporters into fighting!
"... Ou Shao, we absolutely did not—"

"If you don't, get out immediately! If you still want to come to Ou's for an interview!"

After finishing speaking, Ou Zifan pulled Su Qiao in who was still in a daze at the elevator entrance.

The elevator doors closed, and the reporters were speechless.


In the office on the 23rd floor, Su Qiao hung her head while being scolded by Ou Zifan.

"You are so honest! You can answer whatever they ask! You are not afraid of these reporters going back to write nonsense!...Fortunately, I am here to help you block these people back! Don't do this again next time ! Did you hear me!"

"I heard you, Brother Zifan."

Su Qiao looked unconvinced.

"Are you listening to me?"

Ou Zifan hates iron but not steel.

Su Qiao shyly said, "It's not like you don't know. I always go in my left ear and out of my right ear. It's like this when I was in school, and it's still—ah! It hurts!"

Suddenly being pulled by her ears, Su Qiao let out a cry of pain.

Ou Zifan wanted to teach her a lesson so that she could remember better in the future, but unexpectedly, when she picked up her ears, Su Qiao wailed again and again, her heart softened immediately, she let go of her hand, and pointed to the sofa: "Sit down! Have you eaten breakfast yet?" ? If you haven’t eaten, what do you want to eat? I’ll ask the secretary to go and buy it right away!”

"I've had breakfast, but I don't mind having it again."

Eating breakfast with Gong Yueming is an absolute suffering, both mentally and physically!
Seeing Su Qiao's uncomfortable expression, Ou Zifan wiped his chin lightly with his finger: "Didn't Gong Yueming give you enough to eat?"

Su Qiao's smile became even weirder.

"...he treats me very well, but whenever I want to eat Xiaolongbao, he only gives me fried dumplings! Every time...not as I like!"

(End of this chapter)

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