I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 162 Publication of ballot results

Chapter 162 Publication of ballot results
At 09:30, the question-and-answer interaction finally came to an end, and the host brought everyone into the most tense and exciting part of the popularity statistics and tutor comments with his usual exaggerated tone.

Everyone who entered the third round took the stage one by one, waiting for the verdict.

The host glanced at the card in his hand, and read out seriously: "The results of the off-site voting have been announced, and I will read out the twelve names next. They are all qualified candidates for the third round of competition recognized by the audience!"

Then, he began to read the name: "Zhang Xiaowei!"

Zhang Xiaowei, who was standing beside Su Qiao, stood up excitedly and shouted at the camera: "I love you!"

"Li Village!"

Li Cun also grabbed the microphone and shouted: "Thank you! Thank you..."


"The last one, Yang Mengying!"

Yang Mengying lifted her skirt generously, walked to the camera, and showed a coquettish smile!

The 12 people have been selected, and the host smiled and shook the golden card in his hand: "It's the most tense moment again! I'm going to announce three more names soon, and they are the most popular people in this off-site voting! But they But one of them will be directly eliminated by the instructor! You—are you ready!"

The air suddenly condensed, and the background music with rapid drum beats sounded, and the lighting engineer dutifully took photos of the players who were still waiting on the field one by one.

The host smiled amiably: "Ye Li, Mo Qiaoqiao, Zhang Meiyan! Three, please come to the front!"

For some reason, Su Qiao felt that the host gave her a vague look when she said this.

After making up her mind, she walked up and stood beside Ye Li.

The host looked at the mentor seat: "Five mentors, there are three beautiful flowers standing in front of you now, and it's up to you to decide your fate! The person who gets the least support from the mentor will be eliminated, and in the resurrection to be held next week, and The seven players who were eliminated before compete for tickets to enter the finals together."

After explaining the instructor's work, the host connected to the location again: "Xiaohua, I'm the home stadium, can you tell us about the situation of the square?"

"Okay, Brother Hu!"

The location host began to visit passers-by.

The interviewees were all young people, and they all generously mentioned the names of the players they supported, and they all hoped that more people would support him/her with them.

At the end of such an interview, the mentors on the scene had already made a decision. Five ballots were hung on five delicate roses and sent to the host.

The moderator begins to read the ballot papers.

"Ye Li, one vote!"

"Mo Qiaoqiao, one vote!"

"Zhang Meiyan, one vote!"

"Okay, the current situation is that three people each get one vote! Then, what will happen to the remaining two votes! Will there be an embarrassing situation where one person gets three votes and two people get one vote?"

The host spoke gracefully, but the three people who were waiting were so nervous that their hearts almost stopped beating.

"Before the official announcement of the results, please let us watch a video!"

The host pointed to the big screen at the back. On the screen, there was a video of the laughs left by the contestants during the filming of the program group.Because it was a candid shot, everyone behaved naturally, lively and cheerful.

But at a time like this, who is in the mood to watch the sideshow video!

Especially Zhang Meiyan, who was so nervous that her fingers almost dug into the meat.

When the video finally ended, the host unfolded one of the last two notes and announced with a smile, "Jang Mi-yeon, another vote!"

"I got two votes, I passed!"

Zhang Miyan wept with joy.

Now, it was Ye Li's turn to feel anxious.

(End of this chapter)

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