Chapter 174 Goddess
The Easter game came as scheduled.

While Su Qiao was nervously waiting to go on stage, Yang Mengying walked into the dressing room with a smile on her face.

"I really didn't expect that you would be reduced to participate in the resurrection match. I thought you would go all the way to the finals! It can be seen that Ou Shao's love is not omnipotent."

She leaned against the door frame, curling her hair triumphantly.

"Or—he doesn't love you anymore?"

Su Qiao glanced at her: "Don't rush to laugh at me, even if I am unfortunately eliminated today, my future is farther and longer than yours!"

"Because of Yi Xi? Are you sure he will still treat you as his girlfriend after the game?"

Yang Mengying looked like she was enjoying the show.

Su Qiao responded with a sneer: "At least for now, it seems that Ou Shi will give me much more resources than he intends to give you!"

Whether an artist can stand out or not depends on how much resources the company provides.Even if it is a pile of shit, after vigorous promotion, it can become a shit-shaped and shit-flavored specialty cake and sell it at a high price.

Yang Mengying knew this truth, so she bluffed and snorted: "But I may not sign with Ou Shi! Huanmu has already contacted me, and they plan to sign me!"

Huanmu Film and Television is an industry giant alongside Oushi Films.

"Do you know what Huanmu and Oushi are called together? Dirty ring chaotic Europe! In short-good luck!"

Su Qiao pointed at the door and asked her to leave.

Yang Mengying slammed the door unhappily: "What are you proud of! Sooner or later you will kneel down and beg me for a meal!"

Su Qiao smiled, and began to choose nail stickers according to today's makeup.


The resurrection game is divided into three parts, imitation performance, live question and answer and interactive games.

What Su Qiao drew was the classic scene in the silent black and white film "Goddess", where the heroine, who has been reduced to dust, is blackmailed by local hooligans and blows smoke rings at the hooligans.

In the dressing room, there are slim cheongsams and old-fashioned curly hair prepared by the program group.

But Su Qiao has her own understanding of this role. After putting on a cheongsam and wavy hair, she puts mottled red nails on her nails.

Then she took to the stage.

The lights dimmed suddenly, only the makeshift prop hut shone brightly.

The hooligan in the Republic of China jacket looked at her shamelessly: "Woman, you—"

Su Qiao twisted her body and walked to the stairs, sat on the handrail, and looked at the hooligan contemptuously.

The gangster immediately handed her a cigarette and lit it for her.

Seeing that the cigarette that was supposed to be a prop could actually be lit, Su Qiao realized that she had been tricked!

She doesn't smoke at all!
But the cigarettes had already been brought to him, so Su Qiao could only bite the bullet and take them.

After taking a short breath, I choked so hard that tears almost flowed down my face!
But she has to keep acting.

The hooligan stretched out his hand to touch Su Qiao, but Su Qiao flicked the cigarette back, and the ash fell on the back of the hooligan's hand, causing his eyelids to twitch wildly: "You..."

Su Qiao spit out a puff of white smoke at the right time, and sprayed it on the hooligan's face.

Then she left the banister and entered the room haughtily and contemptuously.

The lights then dimmed.

After a long time, there was warm applause from the audience!

The host came on stage at the right time to stir up the atmosphere.

Su Qiao and her gangster partner bowed to thank each other, and then stepped down.

After walking behind the scenes, his partner blocked Su Qiao in a corner, pointing to the red marks on the back of his hand: "What do you mean!"

Su Qiao sneered: "What do you mean? You give me real cigarettes, and of course I will burn your hands with real ash! This is called respecting the audience!"

"Respect the audience?! Mo Qiaoqiao, don't think that with Ou Shao behind you, you can do whatever you want! The entertainment circle is based on real skills!"

(End of this chapter)

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